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1、毕业设计报告(论文)基于内模控制的PID在过程控制中的应用研究所 属 系 化工与制药工程系 专 业 化学工程与工艺 学 号 06110341 姓名 王大林 指导教师 陈夕松 起讫日期 2014.1-2014.5 设计地点 东南大学四牌楼校区动力楼119东南大学成贤学院毕业设计报告(论文)诚 信 承 诺本人承诺所呈交的毕业设计报告(论文)及取得的成果是在导师指导下完成,引用他人成果的部分均已列出参考文献。如论文涉及任何知识产权纠纷,本人将承担一切责任。矚慫润厲钐瘗睞枥庑赖。 学生签名: 日期: 基于内模控制的PID在过程控制中的应用研究摘 要内模控制是基于过程数学模型而进行控制器设计的一种新型控



4、仿真和实验证明了该方案的有效性。仿真研究算法超调和实际水箱液位超调基本上都稳定在设定值附近,达到了设计要求。酽锕极額閉镇桧猪訣锥。关键词:内模控制; 串级控制; IMC-PID; PLC监控 Based on internal model control for the application of PID control in the process彈贸摄尔霁毙攬砖卤庑。 Abstract Internal model control is based on the mathematical model of a novel control strategy for controller d

5、esign.The internal model control has many advantages, such as simple design, good control performance, superior performance analysis.Along with the development of industrial process automation, process control has attracted more and more attention in control field.The internal model control is one o

6、f them, it is to control the mathematical model, the internal model control to achieve stable control of the whole system, and achieve the production index of industrial process requirements. So the internal model control is not only a kind of advanced control algorithm, but also is the important th

7、eoretical basis of prediction control model!謀荞抟箧飆鐸怼类蒋薔。 In this paper, process control laboratory of Southeast University experimental platform based on HGK-1 types of process control, the level process of the platform as the research object, design based on programmable controller (PLC) of the proc

8、ess control system, the internal model control (IMC) algorithm, the application effect of experimental research of IMC in the process of simulation and. Through the study and master the IMC principle and algorithm, for the future work in the practical engineering application to lay a good foundation

9、!厦礴恳蹒骈時盡继價骚。 Based on the introduction of the HGK-1 process control experimental platform, expounds the characteristics and methods of liquid level process modeling. The mechanism modeling, experimental modeling and hybrid modeling using experimental modeling method to establish the mathematical mod

10、el of controlled process. Design of liquid level process control system for PLC, including liquid level meter, flowmeter, control valve, PLC input / output module wiring, and inter PC communication connection. Simulation of dynamic IMC-PID control and IMC and static performance. In order to improve

11、the control system dynamic and static performance, design the cascade IMC control scheme, which improves the dynamic characteristics of the system, and ensure the steady state accuracy of the system. Preparation of PLC based on IMC application software, and based on the application of configuration

12、software PC PC, to realize the automatic control and the supervision level process, the simulation and experiment results show the effectiveness of the proposed scheme. Simulation Research on the algorithm of overshoot overshoot actual water level basically stable around the setting value, reached t

13、he design requirements.茕桢广鳓鯡选块网羈泪。Key words: Internal model control; Cascade control; IMC-PID; PLC control鹅娅尽損鹌惨歷茏鴛賴。目 录摘要 籟丛妈羥为贍偾蛏练淨。Abstract 目 录 第一章 引言 11.1 引言 11.2 内模控制的发展现状与前景 11.3 本文的研究目的2 1.4 该论文基于内模控制的PID在过程控制中的应用研究的主要工作内容和章节如下: 3預頌圣鉉儐歲龈讶骅籴。第二章 过程建模 42.1 系统装置简介 42.2 液位过程建模 72.2.1 建立过程数学模型的目的

14、72.2.2 过程数学模型的求取方法 82.2.3 液位试验建模 92.2.4 液位建模步骤 9第三章 内模控制原理及仿真研究 113.1 内模控制器原理 113.1.1 IMC-PID原理 123.2 内模控制器设计133.2.1 流量的串级控制设计143.2.2 基于内模控制的PID控制器设计14渗釤呛俨匀谔鱉调硯錦。3.3 仿真研究16第四章 液位过程控制系统实现20铙誅卧泻噦圣骋贶頂廡。4.1 控制系统软硬件选型20擁締凤袜备訊顎轮烂蔷。4.1.1系统硬件结构20贓熱俣阃歲匱阊邺镓騷。4.1.2系统软件结构20坛摶乡囂忏蒌鍥铃氈淚。4.2 IMC算法的PLC实现22蜡變黲癟報伥铉锚鈰赘

15、。4.2.1 系统结构图22買鲷鴯譖昙膚遙闫撷凄。4.2.2 IMC算法的计算流程22綾镝鯛駕櫬鹕踪韦辚糴。4.2.3 IMC算法的PLC实现23驅踬髏彦浃绥譎饴憂锦。第五章 总结24猫虿驢绘燈鮒诛髅貺庑。参考文献25锹籁饗迳琐筆襖鸥娅薔。III东南大学成贤学院毕业设计报告 第一章 引言1.1 引言内模控制是20世纪80年代初由Garcia cE和Mohed M等人提出的,其产生背景主要有两个方面:一是为了对当时提出的两种基于非最小化和非参数模型预测控制算法MAc和DMc进行系统分析;其次是作为sm岫预估器的一种扩展,使系统设计更为简便,鲁棒性及抗干扰性大为改善。因此,内模控制不仅是一种实用的先进控制算法,而且是研究预测控制等基于模型的控制策略的重要理论基础,以及提高常规控制系统设计水平的有力工具1。構氽頑黉碩饨荠龈话骛。随着高新技术的发展和应用对控制系统性能的要求越来越高,控制界对控制系统的研究也日益完善。在工业控制领域相当多的控制问题可以



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