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1、个人收集整理 仅供参考学习Lecture 7 Modern Poetry7.1 ImagismImagism, the term coined by Pound, is the beginning of Modernism in America and Britain.“No ideas but in things.” Theoretically, the imagist poems just present us pictures with images, but no ideas. In later years, the Imagist poem also uses images to c

2、onvey ideas but dont express ideas in an abstract way.Imagism leaders one after another were T. E. Hulme(1908-1909), died in the First World War, then Pound(1912-1914), then Amy Lowell(1914-1917).It is influenced by French Symbolism, Japanese haiku, Chinese Poetry, some Metaphysical poets, etc. Imag

3、ism has the following features:1) breaks away from traditional poetic convention, follow free verse, and demand freedom in expression;2) uses language of common people, always uses exact words, not clich words, even invents new( the poem should and must invent);3) absolute freedom in the choice of s

4、ubject;4) concrete, clear image. In traditional poem, image is a means, but here, image is the end, the purpose. Poet of Imagist does not use image as an ornament, and image itself is the speech and the end.7.2 Three Phases of Imagism 1) It first began in London in the years 1908-1909, and T. E. Hul

5、me was the leader who founded in 1908 a Poets Club to discuss poetry. 2) The second phase was the period of some three years 1912-1914 when Ezra pound took over and championed the new poetry. And something like Imagist manifesto came out in 1912 in which Pound and Flint laid down three Imagist poeti

6、c principles: a) Direct treatment of the “thing” whether subjective or objective; b)To use absolutely no word that does not contribute to the presentation; c) As regarding rhythm, to compose in the sequence of the musical phrase, not in the sequence of a metronome. 3) The third phase of Imagism 1914

7、-1917 when Amy Lowell took over from Pound and pushed the movement into the period of “Amygism.”After 1917, Imagism ceased to a movement.7.3 Ezra Pound In a Station of the Metro(see ppt)One of the three most important writers in early decades of 20th century;“Canto” presents and studies many ancient

8、 civilizations like Chinese, European, Egypit, Greek, Japanese, etc.庞德的“仿中国组诗”庞德最初涉及中国古典诗史通过阅读瞿理思(Giles)编著的中国文学史(A History of Chinese Literature)实现的。共四首:仿屈原(After Chu Yuan), 扇诗,致皇上(Fan-Piece, for Her Imperial Lord), 刘彻(Liu Che)以及无人翻译的“Tsai Chih”.1仿屈原是根据九歌中的山鬼而作。若有人兮山之阿,被薜荔兮带女萝;既含睇兮又宜笑,子慕予兮善窈窕; 乘赤豹兮从

9、文狸,辛夷车兮结桂旗;被石兰兮带杜衡,折芳馨兮遗所思; 余处幽篁兮终不见天,路险难兮独后来; 表独立兮山之上,云容容兮而在下;杳冥冥兮羌昼晦,东风飘兮神灵雨; 留灵修兮憺dn忘归,岁既晏兮孰华予; 采三秀兮于山间,石磊磊兮葛蔓蔓;怨公子兮怅忘归,君思我兮不得闲; 山中人兮芳杜若,饮石泉兮荫松柏;君思我兮然疑作; 雷填填兮雨冥冥,猿啾啾兮狄夜鸣;风飒飒兮木萧萧,思公子兮徒离忧。山鬼采用山鬼内心独白的方式,塑造了一位美丽、率真、痴情的少女形象。全诗有着简单的情节:女主人公跟她的情人约定某天在一个地方相会,尽管道路艰难,她还是满怀喜悦地赶到了,可是她的情人却没有如约前来;风雨来了,她痴心地等待着情人

10、,忘记了回家,但情人终于没有来;天色晚了,她回到住所,在风雨交加、猿狖齐鸣中,倍感伤心、哀怨。I will get me to the woodWhere the gods walk garlanded in wisteria,By the silver blue floodMove others with ivory cars.There come forth many maidensto gather grapes for the leopards, my friend, For there are leopards drawing the cars.I will walk in the

11、glade, I will come out from the new thicketand accost the procession of maidens.注:庞德的改写没有刻画诗中神女一人的风采和美貌,也没有放映她对爱情的渴望也哀怨,而是借用瞿氏文中的意象和丽词创造出一群神人同行的美女典庆仪仗。2刘彻改自汉武帝的落叶:落叶哀蝉曲悼李夫人歌罗袂兮无声,玉墀ch兮尘生。Courtyard虚房冷而寂寞,落叶依于重扃jong。Shut望彼美之女兮,安得感余心之未宁?Liu CheThe rustling of the silk is discontinued,绸裙的窸瑟再不复闻,Dust dri

12、fts over the court-yard,灰尘飘落在宫院里,There is no sound of foot-fall, and the leaves听不到脚步声,Scurry into heaps and lie still,乱叶 飞旋着,静静地堆积,And she the rejoicer of the heart is beneath them:她,我心中的欢乐,睡在下面。A wet leaf that clings to the threshold.一片潮湿的树叶粘在门槛上。3怨歌行or纨扇诗:班婕妤在汉成帝时入宫,后因赵飞燕姐妹而失宠,托扇寄怨,写下了这首宫怨诗:新裂齐纨素,

13、 鲜洁如霜雪, 裁为合欢扇,团团似明月。出入君怀袖, 动摇微风发。常恐秋节至,凉飙夺炎热,弃捐箧qi笥s中,恩情中道绝。扇诗,致皇上(Fan-Piece, for Her Imperial Lord)O fan of white silk, 哦,白丝扇, Clear as frost on the grass-blade, 如草叶上的霜洁白You also are laid aside. 你也被搁在一旁。对照原诗,译文失去了原文的韵律,但是原诗的“神”- “怨”保留了下来。文中的意象有white silk, clear frost和you laid aside,译者通过并置这些可具比较性的意象

14、,使读者领会凄凉和让人怜惜的意境。4 短诗:李白和庄子古风(十五)李白庄周梦蝴蝶,蝴蝶为庄周。一体更变易,万事良悠悠。悼文(Epitaphs)Fu I (贾宜误)Fu I loved the high cloud and the hill, Fu I 热恋高云和山野,Alas, he died of alcohol. 唉,他喝酒喝死了。Li PoAnd Li Po also died drunk. 李白也死于饮酒,He tried to embrace a moon 他要去拥抱In the Yellow River. 黄河里的月亮。Ancient Wisdom, Rather Cosmic 古

15、代智慧,颇为宏观So-Shu dreamed, 庄周做梦,And having dreamed that he was a bird, a bee, 梦见自己是一只鸟,一只蜜蜂and a butterfly, 一只蝴蝶He was uncertain why he should to feel like anything else, 为何要像另类感受他还不清楚,Hence his contentment. 他乐意这样而心满意足。5 庞德的中国诗集(Pounds Cathay)采薇采薇采薇,薇亦作止。曰归曰归,岁亦莫止。 靡室靡家,猃狁之故。不遑启居,猃狁之故。采薇采薇,薇亦柔止。曰归曰归,心亦忧止。忧心烈烈,载饥载渴。 我戍未定,靡使归聘。采薇采薇,薇亦刚止。曰归曰归,岁亦阳止。王事靡盬,不遑启处。 忧心孔疚,我行不来。彼尔维何,维常之华。彼路斯何,君子之车。 戎车既驾,四牡业业。 岂敢定居,一月三捷。驾彼四牡,四牡骙骙。君子所依,小人所腓。 四牡翼翼,象弭鱼服。 岂不日戒,猃狁孔棘。昔我往矣,杨柳依依。今我来思,雨雪霏霏。 行道迟迟,载渴载饥。 我心伤悲,莫知我哀。Here we ar



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