广东省汕头市龙湖实验中学八年级英语unit 11《Could you please clean your room》教案2

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广东省汕头市龙湖实验中学八年级英语unit 11《Could you please clean your room》教案2_第1页
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广东省汕头市龙湖实验中学八年级英语unit 11《Could you please clean your room》教案2_第2页
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《广东省汕头市龙湖实验中学八年级英语unit 11《Could you please clean your room》教案2》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《广东省汕头市龙湖实验中学八年级英语unit 11《Could you please clean your room》教案2(2页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、教 案 正 文 随堂记录Period 2Teaching contents: Section A Grammar focus,3a ,3b,4 .Teaching goals :1. Vocabulary :work on , laundry , do the laundry , wash .2. Master and use : I like doing sth because .I dont doing sth because .3.情感态度目标:教育学生在人际交往中要有礼貌.Teaching procedures :Step 1 Leading inRevise the pattern

2、: Could you please ? Could you ?Step 2 Pre-taskSB Page 66 , Grmmar focus .Ask Ss to say the questions and answers .Explain :the questions use the word could and the answers use the words can and cant .Step 3 While-taskSB Page 67 , 3a .Read the conversation to class with a student .Say blank every ti

3、me you come to a blank .Ask Ss to fill in each blank with the work make or do .Correct the answers .教 案 正 文 随堂记录SB Page 67 , 3b .Ask two Ss to read the sample phrases . Say ,Now write a list of chores you have to do ,you can use the list of chores in 1a .Ask a student to say the name of a chore .The

4、n ask another student to say I like or I dont like .Then ask a third student to give a reason .Step 4 Post-taskSB Page 67 , Part 4 .In groups of five , give each group a set of blank cards .Ask Ss in each group to write one core onto a card .In turns , one student turns over a card and asks the person next to him to do the chore , that person must say no and give a reason .Step 5 Homework Make some sentences with “I like doing sth because .” or “I dont like doing sth because .” 教学后记


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