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1、牛津版7B Unit2单元测试卷(满分:100)一、听力(每题1分,共10分)二、单项选择(每题1分,共15分)( )1. Would you like to help me with my lessons?Sorry. _ I have no time now. A. Im sure B. Im afraid C. Id like D. I hope( )2. Jack, where does your brother work?He is a _. He works in a restaurant. A. doctor B. teacher C. waiter D. student( )3

2、. Mr. Wu is a _ person. You can ask him for help. A. helpful B. healthy C. lazy D. strong( )4. We should help each other because _ needs help. A. something B. anything C. someone D. anyone( )5. My watch is broken. I want to ask my friend Jack _ it for me. A. check B. to check C. help D. to help( )6.

3、 We all know that _ girls like beautiful clothes. A. Most B. Most of C. The most D. Mostly( )7. Jack, there is little food at home. Can you _ at once?Of course, Mum. I will go now. A. do some washing B. do some cleaning C. do some shopping D. do some fishing( )8. Who _ buy a new sweater for her fath

4、er?Mary will. A. is B. is going to C. will D. shall( )9. You can get much _ about the World Expo on the Internet. A. map B. picture C. ticket D. information( )10. Shall we go swimming this weekend?That _ like a good idea. I can go with you. A. looks B. listens C. sees D. sounds( )11. I am _ what to

5、wear to Lilys birthday party?You can ask Jack for help. He knows a lot about styles and colours. A. worrying about B. ready to C. feeling well D. giving ideas( )12. I like to be a doctor because I want to help many _ people. What about you, Jim?Me too. A. ill B. sick C. poor D. elder( )13. Dad, Jack

6、s father _ going to buy some bread. _ we buy some, too? OK, dear! A. will; Will B. will; Shall C. is; Shall D. are; Shall( )14. Our football team wins again!_. A. Oh, really. B. Thats great. C. Just so so. D. You are right.( )15. _?Yes. My watch doesnt work. A. What will you do? B. Do you need any h

7、elp? C. Are you not feeling well? D. What help do you need?三、完形填空(每题1分,共10分)My English name is David. I am short _1_ black hair. I am from China. Frank is my classmate and neighbour (邻居). He is tall and has blonde hair. He _2_ from the USA, and now he is in Beijing. Frank and I have different _3_ ha

8、bits. He likes having fruit and vegetables very much, _4_ I only like meat. Coke is Franks favourite _5_, but I like tea best. I look much fatter than him. Frank often _6_ early and does sports. I like staying in my bedroom and _7_ computer games. I often have a cold. When I am ill, I always stay at

9、 home and take some _8_. The doctor asks me to take _9_ often, but it is difficult for me to get up early. At last, Frank has an idea. He calls _10_ in the morning every day, and then we do some sports together.( )1. A. for B. to C. with D. about( )2. A. goes B. comes C. walks D. takes ( )3. A. eati

10、ng B. learning C. talking D. sleeping( )4. A. / B. so C. or D. but( )5. A. food B. time C. drink D. box( )6. A. looks for B. looks after C. stays up D. gets up( )7. A. making B. running C. playing D. eating( )8. A. medicineB. food C. meat D. Coke( )9. A. photos B. exercise C. homework D. housework(

11、)10. A. me B. her C. us D. him 四、阅读理解(每题1分,共10分)AIts a good idea for children to go to summer camp. Lets look at some camp rules. Its good for you to learn about them.Camp rulesNo running in the camp.Its a good place for children to have fun. You can sing, dance or have a picnic here. But Its danger

12、ous for you to run in the camp. Its easy for you to fall down (跌倒). You may hurt your legs or hands. No food or candy in tents (帐篷).Children like to put some cakes or chocolate in their tents. Some dangerous animals can smell (闻到) the food. Its a bad idea to put food or candy in your tents.Dont play

13、 with fire.Most of the children like playing with fire. It is too dangerous.Never leave the camp alone.You must stay near the camp. There are all kinds of animals in the mountains. If you have to leave (离开), you must leave with your friends or your teacher. Children are very easy to get lost.( )1. W

14、hat cant children do in the camp? A. Sing songs. B. Dance. C. Have a picnic. D. Run. ( )2. Why cant children put food in tents? A. They have to keep the tent clean. B. They have to keep the food fresh (新鲜的). C. The dangerous animals can smell the food. D. Its not healthy to have food in tents.( )3. Its a bad idea for children to _. A. go to summer camp


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