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1、requirements; three is ban sex terms and JI method not points, both and discipline disposition Ordinance repeat, and and criminal, legal provides repeat; four is clean theme not highlight, cannot for current exists of highlight problem, and applies object narrow, only for County at level above membe

2、rs leaders. Original Ordinance in 1997, the Communist Party disciplinary regulations (trial) revised on the basis of, was issued in December 2003, on strengthening party building has played an extremely important role. 2 the development of the situation, many of them have been unable to fully meet t

3、he needs of comprehensive practice of strictly administering the party. First, Jamie law, regardless, over half of their terms and State law such as criminal law . Makes it stick to the guidelines of self-discipline, adhere to the positive advocacy, for all members, highlight the critical few, empha

4、sizes self-discipline, focus on virtue, and for the vast number of party members to establish an ideological and moral standards. Revised regulations adhere to the discipline of law separately, JI, JI before the law stricter than the law, as a negative list, emphasizing his law, State regulation. Th

5、is one high and one low, one against, and achievements for the whole party, the whole practice of strictly administering the party to comply with the ethics and disciplinary requirements for the vast number of party members and cadres to provide a benchmark and ruler. Third, insist on problem-orient

6、ed. Focusing on the current outstanding problems of party discipline, party members and party cadres in probity and discipline problems to make specific provisions, particularly since the partys 18 strict political discipline and political rules, discipline and the implementation of the Central eigh

7、t rules and opposing the four winds and other requirements into disciplinary provisions. Not for one step, focusing on practical, pragmatic work. Three, and guidelines and Ordinance modified Hou of main changes and the need grasp of several focus problem (a) guidelines of main changes amendment Hou

8、of guidelines insisted according to rules rule party and to de rule party phase combined, for at this stage members leaders and members in clean self-discipline aspects exists of problems, proposed principles requirements and specification, show Communists noble moral pursuit, reflected at all times

9、 and moral specification from high not from low 5 of common requirements. A clasp is clean, removing provisions not directly related. Second, in the positive advocacy, 8 prohibiting 52 no relevant negative list contents synchronized into the amendments to the Ordinance. Third, for all the party memb

10、ers, expanded from party cadres will be applied to all the party members, fully reflect the full strictness requirement. Four is highlighting the critical few, hold the focus of party cadres, than ordinary party members put forward higher requirements. Five is shanfanjiujian, simple, hard to underst

11、and, and easy to remember. Revised guidelines, since the party first adhere to the positive advocacy, membership-oriented self-discipline norm, is issued to all members of the partys moral declarations and solemn promise to the people. Former Ministry of all 4 of the code of points, 18 more than, mo

12、re than 3,600 words. Revised guidelines for article 8, a total of 281 words, including lead, honesty and self-discipline of party members specifications and specification for party members and leading cadres honesty and self-discipline, part 3, the main中国移动通信价格策划湖南大众传媒学院唐波学号:201000801004电话:138731435

13、052011/11/20目录 目录2前言4正文9一、市场分析9(一)中国电信业市场分析9(二)中国移动营销环境分析15(三)中国手机市场分析25二、消费者分析27(一)主要品牌27(二)业务与资费(以石家庄为例)27(三)信号强度47(四)增值服务48(五)月消费49(六)客户服务49(七)满意度50(八)大学生的市场选择52(九)总结52三、产品分析53(一)中国移动号码段53(二)主营业务53(三)无线音乐俱乐部56(四)手机报56(五)手机钱包56(六)其他服务57(七)形象代言58四、中国移动通信市场竞争SWOT分析61(一)中国移动优势61(二)公司弱点62(三)公司发展机会62(四

14、)面临的风险62五、竞争者分析63(一)市场份额63(二)信号强度63(三)营业厅65(四)品牌形象67(五)价格差异68(六)服务周到69(七)专题:移动VS联通70(八)总结72六、中国移动广告创意分析74(一)企业形象广告74(二)业务系列广告75(三)G3广告76七、中国移动营销提案77八 广告创意提案80(一)电视广告:享受生活,无限精彩 场景一:高尔夫球场上,一位穿着休闲装的中年人从口袋中掏出一个高尔夫球,球上印着中国移动的LOGO。80(二)实物广告:吉祥物蚕宝81(三)平面广告:足迹篇/耳朵篇82九、媒体选择83(一)电视83(二)广播84(三)报纸杂志84(四)户外媒体86十

15、、广告预算86(一)广告制作预算86(二)实物广告预算86(三)媒体投放预算87十一、效果评估87后记88附录89前言中国移动通信集团公司【China Mobile Communications Corporation(CMCC)】简称“中国移动通信”,是根据国家关于电信体制改革的部署和要求,在原中国电信移动通信资产总体剥离的基础上组建的国有重要骨干企业,于2000年4月20日成立。2009年,中国移动入选中国世界纪录协会中国最大的移动通讯运营商。现任董事长王建宙,总经理李跃 。中国移动主要经营移动话音、数据、IP 电话和多媒体业务,并具有计算机互联网国际联网单位经营权和国际出入口局业务经营权。除提供基本话音业务外,还提供传真、数据、IP 电话等多种增值业务,拥有“全球通”、“神州行”、“动感地带”等著名客户品牌。中国移动通信集团公司注册资本为518亿元人民币,截至2008年9月30日,资产规模超过8,000亿元人民币,拥有全球第一的网络和客户规模,是北京2008年奥运会合作伙伴和2010年上海世博会全球合作伙伴。中国移动通信集团公司全资拥有


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