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1、SectionB (2b Reading) Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet? 学习目标 知识与能力: Sentences structures: 1. Have you ever been to ? 2. Ever since then, she has been a fan of American country music. 情感教育与价值观: 1.know about the country music and its background 2.understand the importance of listening to the m

2、usic. (学习策略)Tip 1:The title(题目) is very important for reading. Title (题目) A Country Music Song Changed Her Life Forever musicWhat kind of ? country While Reading Garth Brooks- The Dance Sarah Whats Sarahs dream? Who is Sarah? What is country music? Para1 Para2 Para3 Skimming 略读 (Main idea 每段大意, matc

3、h连线) Sarah: Tip 2 : Topic sentence(主题句) is usually the first/last sentence. Para1: Who is Sarah? Sarah studied_in England. is from_. _missed her family and friends. is a_of American _. abroad(在国外) the US actually(真实地) fan country music Careful Reading 细读 Making notes Para2: What is country music? co

4、untry music: many songs these days: southern南方的 modern life old days success laughter笑声 beauty trusted one another key words 关键词 Making notes Garth Brooks 2.Whats Sarahs dream? To go to Nashville one day. A famous country music singer. Para3: Making notes 1. Who is Garth Brooks? Retelling(复述)(summar

5、y): Sarah is from, she is a fan of.and she likesvery much. Country music is a .kind of music. Its from theof America. It is aboutand beauty. Sarahs dream is., she hopes to Tip 3: Summarizing(总结)can help you better understand the text. Discussion(讨论): How did Country Music change Sarahs life? It made

6、 her think about her family and friends back in the US. What kind of music do you like? Why? pop music (流行音乐) rock music (摇滚音乐) I like classical music (古典音乐) jazz (爵士乐) rap (说唱) relaxed happy Because it makes me feel quiet comfortable calm favorite Where what when how what name what kind where from

7、when famous how many(CDs) how do you like How to talk about your favorite singer ? Tip 4: Mind map (思维导图)can help us consolidate (巩固) our reading. . After reading Talking : How much does your partner know about his favorite singer? Ask him and write a passage about it. Your partner: A: Who is your f

8、avorite singer? B: A: When did he/she become famous? B: In. A: What famous songs has he/she written? B: A: How many CDs has he/she sold? B: A: Is he/she still popular now? B: A: How do you feel about his/her music? B: I like it very much./ Quiet and soft/ beautiful/It made me relaxed/. Pairwork: Pro

9、nunciation 发音Excellent good so-so contents 内容 Body language 身体语言 I think their pronunciation is . Their contents are . Their body language is . In all(总体上), they are. Writing: My partner likes_best. He/she became famous in_. He/she has writtten some songs like_ And has sold_CDs. He/she is_(not/ stil

10、l) popular now. I think his/her music makes me_. SummarySummary This class we learned 1. something about_. 2. Four reading tips : Title Topic sentence Summarizing Mindmap country music We all like music, music can make us happy,relaxed or excited, it can bring us into a wonderful world. Enjoy music,

11、 enjoy your life, enjoy yourself ! HomeworkHomework 1.汉译英 1.过去常做某事 2.到国外留学 3.一首充满情感的歌 4.自从那时起 5.金钱与成功的重要性 6.把我们带回到- 7.彼此友好,相互信任 8.它提醒我们- 9.大自然的美 10.不曾去过 11.最成功的音乐人之一 Homework:Homework: 2.Perfect (完善) your writing. 3. Remember to enjoy music. Be sure to love life. Its important for us to be happy. 知识回顾知识回顾 Knowledge Knowledge ReviewReview



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