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1、在初中英语教学中 记录学生成长过程的实践 南昌二十八中 徐单 “学生成长记录”: 一种评价工具,是指学生一系列作品和评价表的 汇集,记录了学生在一个时期内一系列的成长故事。 是学生在老师的指导下有计划地收集保留下来的 ,反映了学生在特定领域和特定时期内的成长,发展 ,进步,是有效评价学生进步过程、努力程度、反思 能力及其最终发展水平的理想方式。 将这一形成性评价工具应用于初中英语教学实践 ,可以记载学生学习的点点滴滴,增强学生的自我约 束力,激发学生对语言学习的热情。从而使学生学习 评价常规,持续进行,并能系统地反映学生语言学习 的全过程。 一. 成长记录的内容 n初始时反映学生学业基础的文件

2、或测试结果 n行为检查表和观察记录 n家校联系单 n成绩评价表 n作品集 n绘制阶段性成绩折线图 2. 根据每个单元的话题确定学习计划 和目标,设计学生自评表。 QuestionAnswer 1. Which activity has made you most excited / puzzled? Why? 2. What words or expressions have given you a deep impression? 3. What sentence patterns have given you a deep impression? 4. What reading strat

3、egy have you got from this class? 5. Can you recite this passage? Yes/No? ActivitiesAlwaysUsuallySometimesHardly everNever Pair work Group work Listening to the Teacher carefully Speaking English Taking notes Class assignments 1. 针对学生的课堂行为表现, 设计学生互评表。 月考得分98总评总评 A perfect language learner. 语语言知识识 AA

4、chievements & Problems Beautiful oral English and brave enough to express ideas. Be careful when pronounce “th” 交际际能力 A 创创造性 A For the student I am good at Pronunciation and oral English I find difficult inUnderstanding some long articles I likeMaking conversations and playing games about words I do

5、nt likeEnglish grammar For the parents 感谢谢老师师的悉心教导导,孩子在家英语语学习热习热 情高,每天主动动听读读英语课语课 文,完成练习练习 。喜欢观欢观 看英语电语电 影,有积积累新词汇词汇 的习惯习惯 。希望能更进进一步。 家长长:程果 2015年5月 Report card Name: 程心语 Listening & SpeakingAfter 2-month study you do really better in listening than before. But I skill think you need more speaking p

6、ractice. ReadingYour speed of reading has improved a lot. More extensive reading will give you more fun. WritingIm happy that you can write better articles now.And using more conjunctions will also help you. Language StudyHard work leads to success. Keep on doing. Learning StrategyYou have developed

7、 your learning strategy while you are learning the language. Name:肖喆鸿 Date: November 10th, 2013 Self - assessmentGroup - assessmentTeachers assessment Starter-unit 4 GoodGoodExcellent Unit 5-9 GoodVery goodExcellent Self-commentary: 这是我第一次做英语手抄报,在和同学们一起构思, 找材料、绘制的过程中, 我们一起为它付出了很多, 我也在制作中十分注意我的英文书写。而

8、且,为了选 择报纸中的英文文章,我们阅读了许多的英文材料, 当中有很多材料十分有趣。 Teachers words: Im pleased that you made it really with all your heart Through your work, I can see your progress. Please keep on reading English material, then youll find you fall in love with English. 二. 制定操作性强的评价标准 n明确好的范例 n多样化的评价表格 结合学生的实际情况,我们制定了好的书面表达

9、的评价标准: What good writing means to students 1.主题明确,信息丰富。 2.文章条理清楚。文章思路、组织材料、叙述顺序等方面有一定的 条理性,文章结构布局合理。 3.语言表达准确地道,准确性是要求写出语法正确的句子,包括时 态、语态、用词和句法等,避免中式表达。 4. 行文自然流畅,恰当运用过渡词使文章结构紧凑,过渡自然, 避免脱节现象。 5.恰当运用修辞,使文章更生动形象。 6.有意识地恰当使用复杂结构或较高级词汇。 7.书写工整,无单词拼写错误。 学生对自己书面表达的评价表: What I Wrote in My Writing. Name: 李佳芯

10、 Yes No 1. I wrote about what I experienced last Sunday. 2. I picked up one important thing that happened to me and I wrote important details to help readers see the event. 3. Ive used some English sentence patterns to finish my writing. 4. Ive used some necessary conjunctions in my writing . 5. Ive

11、 used the right tense to finish my writing. 6. Ive used some high-level vocabulary in my writing correctly. 7. I made no spelling mistakes in my writing. 学生参与了标准的制定后,需要获得机会应用这些标准, 对实际的学习行为进行评价。他们可以首先在小组中交流作品, 对作品进行评价。然后开始自我评价,找出自己作品的精彩之处 和不足 。 This activity shows I can: get the main idea organized r

12、elated information take notes whiling listening correct by my self others _ Notice: I find that reading questions ahead will make listening much easier. Taking notes also helps to remember the details during the listening. Listening: Name: 熊婉江 Date: April 8th, 2015 自我评价表(Self-assessment) Pronunciati

13、on ( 5 ) Intonation ( 5 ) Speed ( 5 ) Clarity ( 5 ) Fluency ( 5 ) Volume ( 5 ) Total ( 30 ) 44344524 Notice: Listening to more English material and imitate the standard English will help me improve my pronunciation and intonation I decide to be more active and take part in more oral English activiti

14、es. Speaking: Name: 谢琳娜 Date: June 12th, 2015 学生间相互评价表(Peer assessment) Your partners name: Susan 1.Review your partners work sample She has written about her vocation plan. She can express what she wants to say clearly. 1.What do you think your partner did well in this work sample? She used many de

15、scription words to describe her vocation plan. 1.What do you think your partner could make better? The ending of the article is too short and too simple. And the word spelling should be paid more attention. Name: 解雁南 Date: December 10th, 2015 学生英语综合能力评价表 ExcellentVery goodGoodAdequateNeeds much impr

16、ovement Listening Reading Writing Speaking 语语言运用 协协作能力 交际际能力 自主学习习 学习态习态 度 老师评语师评语万超同学在中考复习期间展现出了顽强的毅力和必胜的信心。无论是在课堂内外都能看到你旺 盛的求知欲。本学期几次英语测试 成绩表现出了稳定向上的态势 ,老师祝福你在不久的中考当 中能冷静发挥 ,考出好成绩,考上理想的高中,取得更大的进步。 家长长反馈馈感谢老师对 孩子的教导和祝福,万超的学习习惯 和学习成绩都较以前有了很大的改善,我们会 进一步帮助他在以后的学习中取得更好成绩。 结束语: 我们建构了一套完整科学的评价体系,总结出了一 些有效的评价方式,开发出了一些行之有效的评价工 具。在这一体系的建立,很大程度地促进了课堂教学 的优化:学生愿意自主学习


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