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1、Teacher: Mis Yan bananabanana s s a a hamburgerhamburger s s a a tomatotomatoeses a a F F rench frrench friesies anan orangeorange s s Ice-creamIce-cream a a strawberrstrawberry yiesies a a pearpear s s saladsalad a potatopotatoes broccoli 不可数 a dumplingdumplings a birthday cake cakes noodles peache

2、s a watermelonwatermelons a peach a chickenchickens chicken不可数 fisha fishes fish 不可数 oranges Lets have a big meal.(让我们大吃一顿.) strawberries French fries ice cream tomatoesstrawberry pears bananas salad / e/ e/e/ hamburgers 可数名词和不可数名词 可数名词 (1) (2) (3) (4) 定义:是可以计数的名词。 可数名词前可以用 a , an 限定,表一个.。 可数名词前可以用

3、one, two , three 限定。 可数名词有复数形式。 可数名词复数形式的构成 1 名词特点词尾加法 词尾读音方法例词 一般情况下 加-s 1. -s在清辅音后读s 2. -s在浊辅音后读z 3. -s在元音后读z 4. 以音素 s , z , , 结尾的, 读iz desks apples trees oranges 以-s, -x, -sh, -ch 结尾的 加-es-es读iz boxes watches 以 f 或 fe 结尾的 改f或fe为v 再加-es -ves读vz knives wives 可数名词复数形式的构成 2 名词特点词尾加法 词尾读音方法例词 改y为i 再 加

4、-es -ies读iz families dictionaries 以元音字母 加y结尾的 加-s-s读z boys keys 以o 结尾的 有生命的事 物加-es -es读 z tomatoes potatoes 以辅音字母 加y结尾的 无生命的事 物加-s -s读z photos radios 可数名词和不可数名词 不可数名词 (1) (2) (3) (4) 定义:是指不能计数的名词。 不可数名词前不可以用 a , an 限定。 不可数名词前不可以用 one, two , three 限定。 不可数名词没有复数形式。 注意: some既可以修饰可数名词的复数形式,也可以修饰 不可数名词.

5、特别提醒:特别提醒: 不可数名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数。不可数名词作主语时,谓语动词用单数。 不可数名词的数量表示法: 数词+ 容器词(单位词)+of +名词 e.g. a cup of tea a bottle of orange juice four glasses of water a tin of beer milk tea meat water uncountable nouns bread 可数名词和不可数名词 既可数又不可数名词 定义:在某些情况下能计数,在某些情况下 不能计数的名词。 e.g. (1)a chicken 一只鸡 chicken 鸡肉 (2)an ice cre

6、am 一个冰淇淋 ice cream 冰淇淋(指成份) (3)a salad 一碟沙拉 salad 沙拉(指成份) chicken ice-cream salad 既可数又不可数名词 fish hamburgers tomatoes French fries oranges bananas tea strawberries bread apples carrots pears meat water milk eggs ice-cream salad chicken vegetables Countable nouns 可数名词 Uncountable nouns 不可数名词 Countable

7、 and Uncountable nouns 可数/不可数 均可 hamburgers tomatoes French fries oranges bananas strawberries eggs apples carrots pears water milk bread ice cream salad chicken Group work: tea meat vegetable s I like hamburgers. Do you like hamburgers? Yes, I do. Lets have tomatoes? Oh, no. I dont like tomatoes. W

8、hat about ice-cream? Sounds good. I dont like I like Do you like bananas ? Yes , I do . I like bananas . Do you like strawberries? No , I dont . I dont like strawberries. (1) like 作及物动词,意为”喜欢”。后面可接名词或 代词,表示喜欢的人或物。如:I like my father.我喜欢我爸爸。 (2) like 后面可接动名词(动词+ing),表示喜欢做某 事,强调习惯、爱好。如:Do you like play

9、ing basketball?你喜欢打篮球吗? (3) like 后面可接动词不定式(to do),表示偶尔喜 欢做某事,强调某次具体行为。如:I like playing tennis, but I like to play soccer now.我 喜欢打网球,但是现在我想踢足球。 I like bananas.Do you like bananas? Yes, I do./ No, I dont. Do you like ? Yes, I do. No, I dont. A: Do you like hamburgers? B: Yes, I do. / No, I dont. A: D

10、o you like salad? B: Yes, I do. / No, I dont. 1a Match the words with the things in the picture. 1. hamburgers _ 2. tomatoes _ 3. oranges _ 4. ice cream _ 5. salad _ 6. bananas _ 7. strawberries _ 8. pears_ 9. milk _ 10. bread _ d i f h b g c j e a Listen and number the conversations 1-3. 1b A: Do y

11、ou like salad? B: No, I dont. A: Do you like bananas? B: Yes, I do. A: Do you like oranges? B: Yes, I do. 2 3 1 1c Do you like bananas? Yes, I do. Do you like salad? No, I dont. Practice the conversation above. Then make your own conversations. Do you like oranges? Yes, I do. Do you like ? Yes, I do

12、. / No, I dont. hamburgers pears tomatoes strawberries oranges ice cream salad bananas 2a Listen and circle the food you hear. 2b Listen again. Fill in the blanks. tomatoes tomatoes ice cream ice cream have v. 有,吃,喝。第三人称单数形式为has。 例句:I have an apple every day.我每天吃一个苹果。 -Do you like? -Yes, I do. I lik

13、e. -No, I dont. I dont like -Does he like? -Yes, he does. He likes . -No, he doesnt. He doesnt like . -Does she like? -Yes, she does. She likes . -No, she doesnt. She doesnt like . Practice: -Do they like? -Yes, they do. They like . -No, they dont. They dont like . food person banana s saladhambur g

14、ers salad NYNYY YNYYN NYNNY - Does she/he like ? - Yes ,she/he does . She/He likes . No , she/He doesnt . She/He doesnt like A: Does Bob/Bill like ? B: Yes, he does . No, he doesnt. Food interview (食物调查) Report: Zhao Jun likes salad,but Liu LI doesnt like it. Liu Li likes tomatoes, but Zhao Jun does

15、nt like them. Food likes it/them doesnt like it/them tomatoes Liu Li Zhao Jun Zhao JunLiu Li Its his birthday. birthday dinner 2d 1. Its _ birthday. A. JacksB. BillsC. Johns 2. _ doesnt like salad. A. Tom B. Jack C. John 3. John likes burgers, salad, apples and _. A. strawberriesB. pearsC. banana Read the dialogue in 2d. Then choose the right answers. B C A Jack: Hey, Johns birthday dinner is next week. Lets think about the food. Tom: Sure. How about burgers, vegetable salad, and some fruit? Bill: Sounds good. John likes hamburgers. Jack: Oh, I dont like salad. Bill: But John likes sala



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