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1、第二章 添加剂additives 高分子材料是以聚合物为主体的多相复合体系 multiphase composites,很少用纯聚合物制造产品 ,大多要加配合剂。 添加配合剂的目的: 满足制品性能上的要求 To meet the demands of products properties 满足成型加工的要求 To meet the demands of the molding and processing 满足经济上的要求 To meet the economical demands 添加剂的种类type:图0-4(P5) 第一节 稳定剂 Stabilizer 老化aging: 高分子材料在

2、使用和成型加工过程中受 内在因素,如分子结构、成型加工时选用 的添加剂及其用量、成型加工方法等; 外界因素如物理(光、热、应力、电场、 射线)、化学(氧、臭氧、重金属离子、 化学介质)和生物因素(微生物、昆虫等 )的作用下,发生表面状态、物理机械性 能和结构的变化,甚至失去使用价值。 老化的表现形式modality 外观appearance 物理性能physical performance 机械性能mechanical performance 电性能electrical performance 结构structure 老化的原因reason 光light、热heat、氧oxygen是主要因素

3、自动氧化+热分解聚合物降解 automatic oxidation+heat decomposition polymer degradation 防止或抑制老化的方法 引入带有功能性基团的单体共聚改性 可采用加稳定剂 (此为主要方法) 对活泼端基作消活处理 Stabilizer Poly(vinyl chloride) is relatively unstable to heat and light. Thermal initiation involves loss of a chlorine atom adjacent(邻近的) to some structural abnormality

4、(变态, 畸形, 异常性) which reduces the stability of the C-Cl bond, such as terminal unsaturation(不饱和现象). The chlorine radical so formed abstracts a hydrogen to form HCl; the resulting chain radical then reacts to form chain unsaturation with regeneration of a chlorine radical. The reaction can also be init

5、iated by ultraviolet light which is absorbed at unsaturated structures with liberation of an adjacent chlorine atom. In the presence of oxygen, both chain reactions are accelerated, and ketonic(酮) structures are formed in the chain. 一、热稳定剂主要用于PVC塑料中 1、PVC稳定性的影响因素influencing factor 温度temperature 氧oxy

6、gen 光light 型号type 脱出的HCl 2、热稳定剂的作用补救和预防 中和HCl 取代不稳定氯原子 钝化杂质 防止自动氧化 与不饱和部位反应 破坏碳正离子盐 Stabilizers are almost invariably added to improve the heat and light stability of the polymer. Metallic salts of lead(铅盐), barium(钡), tin(锡), or cadmium(镉) are used. Oxides(氧化物), hydroxides (氢氧化物), or fatty-acid sal

7、ts(脂肪酸 盐) are most effective. Epoxy plasticizers aid materially in stabilizing the resin. Free radical acceptance appears to be a prominent mechanism of stabilization. HCl acceptors have been used. 3、热稳定剂的种类及选择 the kind of heat stabilizers and how to choice 常用热稳定剂in common use,表2-1(P70): 铅盐salts of

8、lead 硬脂酸盐stearate 有机锡organic tin 复合稳定剂compound stabilizers 稀土rare earth stabilizers 环氧化合物等Epoxy stabilizers 选择热稳定剂的依据(P71): the basis to choice heat stabilizers 二、抗氧剂(防老剂)antioxidant 1、自动氧化老化 概念:高分子材料在制备、成型加工和使用 过程中会发生氧化反应。这种反应通常发生 在室温至150之间,按典型的链式自由基理 进行,具有自动催化特征 机理:P73 臭氧老化:取代基、空间位阻、立体化学等 结构因素 2、抗

9、氧剂的作用及分类 作用:抑制inhibiting或延缓staving高分子 材料自动氧化速度auto-oxidizing-rate 类型: 链终止型 预防型 过氧化物分解剂 金属离子钝化剂 用量 塑料中 0.1-1% 橡胶中1-5份 抗臭氧剂和抗氧剂的区别 抗臭氧剂的分类 物理防护 化学防护 3、常见的抗氧剂 P75表2-4,较多的是酚类和对苯二胺类 4、抗氧剂的选用 加入方式 材料合成后立即加入 在材料成型加工中加入 选用原则 色污现象 稳定性 溶解性和乳化性 相容性和迁移性 挥发性和毒性 三、光稳定剂 高分子材料的光降解作用及分类 聚烯烃的光氧化作用 光稳定剂的作用和分类 按其作用机理分为

10、: 光屏蔽剂 紫外线吸收剂 猝灭剂 自由基捕捉剂 常见品种: P80表2-7 四、生物抑制剂(自学) 第二节 增塑剂 plasticizers 一、作用与分类 增塑剂能使高分子材料制品塑性增加,改进其柔韧 性、延伸性和加工性 Plasticizers are added to plastics to improve its workability, flexibility, distensibility, processability, and to reduce the brittleness (脆 性) of the product. This is achieved by lowerin

11、g the glass transition temperature below room temperature, thus achieving a change in properties from those of a hard brittle, glasslike solid to those of a soft, flexible, tough material . 按作用方式有外增塑和内增塑 外增塑external plasticization 低分子量 化合物或聚合物 External plasticization is achieved through incorporatio

12、n of a plasticizing agent into a polymer through mixing and/or heating. 内增塑internal plasticization 共聚树脂 Internal plasticization can be produced through copolymerization giving a more flexible polymer backbone or by grafting another polymer onto a given polymer backbone,altering the molecular structu

13、re of the polymer 按塑化效果塑化效率 plasticizer efficiency 主增塑剂primary plasticizer 辅助增塑剂secondary plasticizer 增量剂incremental agent 二、增塑剂的性质: 1、与树脂的相容性compatibility 相容性的衡量measurement 溶解度参数solubility data 相互作用参数interaction data 特性黏度viscosity 2、加工性 凝胶化速度的影响 热稳定性的影响 粘性和润滑性的影响 3、对材料性能的影响 玻璃化温度降低 耐寒性提高 力学性能 电性能 老

14、化性能 毒性等 三、品种(P84表2-9) The selection of a particular plasticizer depends to a large extent upon empirical results rather than theoretical predictions. types of plasticizers in common use: 常用的主要有: DOP di-2-ethylhexyl phthalate TCP tricresyl phosphate DBS Dibutyl sebacate 四、选用原则 1、相容性和稳定性的协调 compatibil

15、ity and permanence The plasticizer must be miscible with the polymer. 一般要求溶解度参数相近,为了稳定性要求分 子量大些。在实际使用中,以能混进去、不析出来 为准则 2、使用性能use 3、加工性能process 4、成本price 5、并用common. 6、用量dosage Plasticizers should be relatively nonvolatile, nonmobile, inert, inexpensive, nontoxic, and compatible with the system to be

16、plasticized. 第三节 润滑剂lubricant Lubricants are added to improve the flow characteristics of a material during its processing. They operate by reducing the melt viscosity or by decreasing adhesion between the metallic surfaces of the processing equipment and the material being processed. 一、作用与分类 作用:主要是降低熔体之间和熔体与加 工机械之间的摩擦及粘附,改善流动性 ,提高加工性能。 分类: 内润滑剂Internal lubricants 外



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