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1、3. 回答各种问题的必备词汇4. 1 回答yes/no 题5. Yeah/yes ,Yup ,Sure6. You bet , Thats for sure.7. Absolutely,Certainly,Definitely8. No doubt about it.9. No/Nope10. Not necessarily11. No way12. Wh-/how 题13. Clearly, 14. Obviously,15. Apparently16. Im pretty sure17. To be honest, 18. Frankly,19. In fact, As a matter

2、of fact, Actually20. There are a variety of reasons (why)21. There are a wide range of ;.22. There are many types of.23. Do you like? How do you like? How do you feel about?24. 喜欢的多种说法:25. .is my biggest passion in life.26. Im fascinated by27. Im crazy about I adore. I love28. Im a big fan of Im int

3、o.29. 不喜欢的多种说法:30. Im not keen on I dont care for I dislike31. .is not my cup of tea.32. Its a drag. I hate. I cant stand/bear/take.33. I loathe. Im fed up with sth34. 4. How often 题35. I.all the time I.almost every day.36. I often. I dont .very often.37. I. once in a while/month I rarely38. I hardl

4、y ever I never.39. 5. Why? 40. Well, there are a variety of reasons.41. There are several reasons42. There could be a couple of reasons.43. 一些常用的逻辑连接词:44. For starters=For openers45. Another reason is that.46. On top of it.47. All in all.48. For one thing,.49. For another 50. Besides(that),.51. Last

5、 but not least52. To begin with.53. Another point I could add is .54. In addition to that55. Most importantly.56. In short57. The first thing I should mention is.58. As well as that59. Whats more .60. Thats all I can think of now. = All right .Thats pretty much it.61. 表示总结的常用表达法62. All in all.63. In

6、 a nutshell.64. In short65. So its no exaggeration to say that66. Im not exaggerating.67. Thats pretty much it.68. Thats all I can think of now.69. Thats why I adore it so much.70. 把第一部分说长的方法71. For example:72. Do you like partying?73. (起) It really depends. (承) Sometimes when I feel lonely, I go pa

7、rtying with friends of mine. (转) But when Im busy or when I feel under the weather, partying would be the last thing I want to do.1 起74. It depends. On the one hand.75. Im not sure.76. It seems like77. Let me see78. Actually.79. Its kind of complicated.80. .may vary from person to person.81. 表示转折的一些

8、说法82. On the other hand.83. In contrast./ By contrast.84. Even so85. Despite that86. Although thats basically true, I would say.87. Otherwise.88. 表示合89. Anyway.90. Anyhow.91. On the whole I guess.92. 口语考试当中的一些技巧词汇:93. you know 94. well,95. I mean=in other words=by that I mean=that is to say96. speci

9、fically,97. exactly= to be more exact98. to be more precise,99. You know what?100. 表达观点的说法:101. In my opinion102. Personally, I feel103. I strongly believe104. To the best of my knowledge105. In my experience106. As far as Im concerned107. As far as I know108. To my mind109. 要求考官重复的一些说法:110. Sorry,

10、I didnt quite catch that. Would you mind repeating that again?111. Sorry, I didnt follow what you said. Could you repeat your question?112. Im not sure Im following you. Could you repeat that again?113. Name1. Whats your full name?114. My full name is_ and you can call me_. Elva/115. 2. What does yo

11、ur name mean?116. 答案一:My name was given by_, she/he wanted me to be attractive and cute/ a great person/ strong and ambitious/ full of passion, so he/she gave me the name.117. 答案二: To be frank, I dont think it has any special meaning. Its just one of the most common names in China. You know what? Th

12、ere are there classmates sharing this name just in my class.118. 3. Have you changed your name? Why?119. 答案一: No, I havent. And Ive never thought about it. I have a really great name which, I think, was the first and most precious gift from my parents. Ill keep it forever.120. 答案二: No, my name is co

13、ol/great/awesome. There is no need for me to change it.121. 答案三: Yeah, I have. A fortuneteller told my parents that its not a good name for me. He suggested that I get another name which was believed to bring good luck and happiness to me. 122. 答案四: In China, people believe that their names are rela

14、ted to their destinies which consist of five elements, according to the Chinese philosophy, metal, wood, water, fire, earth. I was told that I lacked the element_ in my fate. And the Chinese character_ means_ So I got this name.123. 4. What names are popular in China?124. 答案一:Some names are combinations of peoples parents family names, such names are so cute and p



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