理解能力差的孤独症儿童语言训练(speech training for autistic children with poor comprehension)

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理解能力差的孤独症儿童语言训练(speech training for autistic children with poor comprehension)_第1页
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《理解能力差的孤独症儿童语言训练(speech training for autistic children with poor comprehension)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《理解能力差的孤独症儿童语言训练(speech training for autistic children with poor comprehension)(10页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、理解能力差的孤独症儿童语言训练(Speech training for autistic children with poor comprehension)Establish the right concept; work as soon as possible: develop functional language instead of rigid, imitative, repetitive, meaningless language.(1) training children to understand what other people say.To understand what

2、others say is to be able to pay attention to what others are saying and to respond (initially) or automatically to words. We can do it by training. Listening instruction is the most basic exercise for identifying objects.How to train children to understand other peoples words?The give me trainingThe

3、 child sat opposite the instructor, and the director said, give it to me on the table. Children must pick up the things that are in front of their eyes and hand them over to the instructor. (requiring gestures or giving assistance; the instructor points his finger at the object, then refers to himse

4、lf, or another instructor assists the child in taking the article)The visual matching exercises.The instructor holds an object to show the childs attention, and then selects the child from each of the two drawings to match the object in the directors hand, and to look at the directors eyes.The sound

5、 and items matching exercises.The instructor just said, give me XX, the child automatically gets the item or card to the instructor, and must watch the instructor.The daily life to practice instruction.Listen to instructions, do actions, listen to instructions, do things, set XX, bring XX. The use o

6、f gestures and body language when necessary, such as visual cues prompt card.Complex instructions instruct the instructor to model actions and imitate them.In the daily life, to attract children to listen through interesting stories.The use of behavioral intervention mode of stimulus response - to h

7、elp children understand the meaning of language.The children of language stimuli correctly, must be timely to reward children; language stimulus response error, should be promptly corrected, tell the child said: no or no, then give him to do the demonstration, repeated practice until the date; if th

8、ere is no response to stimulation of childrens language to language, a careful analysis of the reasons, or to reduce the difficulty of language content, or to give children the necessary tips, begins with the words such as a sentence or a word, so they can be smoothly continued. Here is an example o

9、f a lower language difficulty that ultimately achieves its purpose.The instructor asked, what is this? The child did not answer (the response); the director said, biscuit, the child still did not answer (no response); the director: give me the biscuit. The child gave him the biscuit, and the directo

10、r said, fine, say biscuit. Children: biscuits; the director: good boy.! Whats this? Children: biscuits, director: great! In this case, the child is reluctant to answer a question, so change the strategy appropriately, reduce the difficulty, and let the child repeat the answer given by the instructor

11、, and finally return to the starting point of the training.(two) cultivate understanding language and establish correct concepts.This part of autistic children with poor understanding does not lack vocabulary in their language, but the vast majority of these words are negative, content free, and som

12、e empty shells of speech. Therefore, training the understanding language and establishing the correct concept should be the second goal of this part of childrens language training. The process of building up an understanding language is also a process of concept building. The establishment of the co

13、rrect concept can better promote the development of the understanding of language.The concept is represented by words. It is the basic form of thinking and reflects the general nature of objective things. In the process of cognition, the common features are extracted and summed up to form a concept.

14、 For example, the common feature of extracting from vehicles, ships, and airplanes for transportation is the abstract concept of means of transport.How to help autistic children develop an understanding language and build correct concepts?.The accumulation of vocabulary, understanding every word mea

15、ning.We can, through the physical card, photos, demonstrate the intuitive means to make children understand the meaning of each word, but also the accumulation of visual perceptual experience. For example, teach fruit words, the fruit should be presented to teach children, through the eyes to see, t

16、ouch touch, smell, taste the mouth means to enable children to acquire the fruit on the rich perceptual experience and in the same way to teach children to identify different fruits.The change teaching.The so-called change type teaching is to teach children to a concept, to tell the children of different forms of the same concept appears, so th



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