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1、指導教授:郭倉義博士 吳仁和博士知識管理在員工績效管理制度之應用研究生:張城鐘中華民國九十一年六月 三十 日論文名稱:知識管理在員工績效管理制度之應用院校系所:國立中山大學 企業管理學系研究所論文摘要企業競爭策略在創造競爭優勢,以獲取最大價值,而競爭優勢是在差異化(differentiation),它是源自於企業具備有其他企業無法或尚未擁有的核心資源與能力。而所謂的核心資源與能力與知識有著緊密不可分的關連,因為知識的性質和其他的資源相較,具備了所謂稀少性、難以模仿、不易抄襲和專用性等特性(許士軍,2000),這正是企業競爭優勢不可或缺的要素。因此,知識管理(Knowledge Manageme

2、nt , KM)正強力影響著企業的生存競爭活動。就企業經營活動而言,員工績效管理制度(Performance Management System)最終目的是在增進組織績效,而組織績效是建立在企業經營活動的整合與改善上,也是企業增加或強化核心資源與能力的重要制度,此與知識管理具有共同的本質,且可相輔相成。由於企業經營管理活動中,舉凡生產、行銷、研發、財會、採購、人力資源等均離不開知識的引進、擷取、存取、分享、使用、創造等活動,顯見知識管理活動早已普遍存在於企業經營活動中,本研究嘗試以知識管理活動(KM Process)為連結基礎,透過知識科技(Knowledge Technology; KT)之

3、應用需求,建構一個企業個案模型,以結合理論與實務。在建構企業個案模型之前,本研究先從文獻探討瞭解知識管理與績效評估與管理(Performance Appraisal and Management)的精義,借助組織診斷工具之六只箱子模型(Six Box)(Weisbord,1976),加以改良成知識型員工績效管理制度研究模型,並引用其構面要素,建立理想之知識型員工績效管理制度之研究量表。同時,選擇特定企業個案,探討其現行制度,並進行個案企業員工一對一深度訪談,由於受限於研究時程與人力,在抽樣上捨去隨機抽樣與便利抽樣二種方式,採取立意取樣(purposive sampling)方式進行,以瞭解員工

4、實際需求與意見。接著,引用流程圖(Flow Chart)與處理描述二種表達方式,建構一個簡化的知識型員工績效管理制度企業個案模型,作為將來建置資訊系統的參考雛形。最後,利用前述改良之知識型員工績效管理制度研究模型,從開放性系統(Open System)角度與研究模型之六大構面要素,逐一分析歸納,做成研究結論,並做成下列四點研究建議:一、回歸人本思維。二、融合企業文化並創造企業文化特質。三、以投資的角度建構知識型員工績效管理制度。四、獲得高層主管的重視與支持。關鍵詞:知識管理、知識科技、績效管理制度、績效評估與管理Application of Knowledge Management on Pe

5、rformance Appraisal and Management SystemAbstractThe goal of competitive strategy is to create competitive advantages and gain the maximum value. On the other hand, competitive advantage lies in differentiation which originates from exclusive “core competence and resource”. In fact, what so called “

6、core competence and resource” tightly relates to “knowledge” because to compare with other resource, knowledge has the characteristics of being “scarce”, “difficult to imitate” “unable to copy”, and “granted with exclusive rights” (Hsu Shihchun, 2000) and these are the essential elements for a compa

7、ny to remain its competitive advantages. Thus, Knowledge Management (KM) determines powerfully the survival of a company. In terms of business management, the ultimate goal of Performance Management System is to enhance organization efficiency which is built on the integration and improvement of bus

8、iness operation. It is also an important system aiming for improving or strengthening the system of “core competence and resource” building. This coincides with the nature of knowledge management and benefits each other. Management activities such as production, marketing, R&D, accounting, purchasin

9、g, and human resource tie with “the import , capture , retrieval , access , use , sharing , creation of knowledge” and this evidently indicates the popularity and long existence of KM activities. This study attempted to use KM Process as the base to construct a case study model with theoretical and

10、practical application through the application demand of Knowledge Technology (KT). Before constructing the model, this study first reviewed the previous literature and understood the definition of KM and Performance Appraisal and Management. With the help of diagnosis tool, Six Box Model (Weisbord,

11、1976), we improved the study model of Knowledge Based Performance Appraisal and Management System (KBPAMS). Meanwhile, we adopted dimensional elements to compile an ideal “Study Form for KBPAMS.” We also selected certain companies as the cases to examine the existing system and conducted one by one

12、in-depth interviews with employees of chosen companies. Due to the limitations on study time and human resources, random sampling as well as convenience sampling were excluded; purposive sampling was chosen to understand the actual demand and opinions of workers. Next, Flow Chart and handling descri

13、ption were two methods of presentation to construct a simple “KBPAMS” case study model as the reference for future establishment of information system. In the end, we used the improvement of the “KBPAMS” case study model. To analyze the six dimensional elements of the “KBPAMS” and studied it by open

14、-system-view. Four suggestions were offered for conclusion as follows: 1.Returning to the humanity;2.Integrating business culture and creating business characteristics;3.long-term Investing on KBPAMS;4.Gaining full-support from the top-manager.Keywords: Knowledge Management (KM), Knowledge Technolog

15、y (KT), Performance Appraisal and Management, Performance Appraisal System, PAS致謝詞讀書是培養出來的興趣,往後自當繼續保持;能完成階段性學業,雖有起伏與付出,畢竟是可喜的;而求學過程中,家人的支持、老師的指導與好友的協助則是很重要的因素。因此,感謝:一、在求學過程中,老婆朱惠敏的一路支持,沒有她照顧孩子,讓我沒有後顧之憂,我會讀得很辛苦。二、在求學過程中,教授們的傳授、解惑與啟發,尤其是 郭倉義教授 與 吳仁和教授二位的費心指導。三、在求學過程中,辦公室伙伴們協助分攤工作的配合,尤其是那位二年前拱我提早下海考碩士班的吳年如,為了報復,硬是把她拉下水協助整理論文訪談紀錄與最後的校稿。在構思、撰寫論文的過程中,我的體會是:論文固然重要,但是更重要的是,透過二位教授的指導,讓我領會到嚴謹的論文是應該如何結構?如何保持一貫?這對我日常工作真的很有幫助。最後,在完成碩士學程的同時,希望再搾出一點剩餘價值的是:我的例子能提供孩子們二種教材,正面的教材是:看老爸一把年紀還在讀書,希望他們幡然醒悟,不再混吃胡搞。負面的教材是:不要等到像老爸這麼老了,才想要讀書,求知求學真的要趁早。張城鐘 謹識於國立中山大學企業管理研究所中華民國九十一年六月三十日目 錄圖目錄8表目錄9


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