college of arts, social sciences and celtic studies

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1、College of Arts, Social Sciences and Celtic StudiesStructured PhD Dr. Edward Herring (Dean of the College), Dr. Elizabeth Tilley (Vice-dean for Graduate Studies)2013-14Introduction to the Structured PhD with Module listings, course descriptions and credit values.WELCOME1INTRODUCTION1Advice on Select

2、ing Modules1CODE TITLES (LINKS TO COURSE DESCRIPTIONS AND DETAILS)1College of Arts, Social Sciences, and Celtic StudiesFour-Year Structured PhD in Arts, Humanities, and Social SciencesWelcomeDear Student,I should like to take this opportunity to welcome you onto the Structured PhD programme in Arts,

3、 Humanities, and Social Sciences. I hope that all of you, and especially those who are new to the University, will enjoy not only your programme of study but also life in the West of Ireland.The core component of doctoral training is the advancement of knowledge through original research. The primar

4、y importance of scholarly research is reflected either in the writing of a dissertation or in work directed towards a comparable practice-based project The Structured PhD is a four-year programme which offers added value to the core component of doctoral training. Students on this programme are offe

5、red disciplinary or dissertation-specific modules, as well as generic and transferable skills designed to meet the needs of an employment market that is wider than academe. The programme is flexible and student-centred, as candidates choose their own pathways in consultation with their Supervisor an

6、d Graduate Research Committee.Undertaking doctoral studies is one of the most intellectually demanding and rewarding challenges that you can set yourself. Embrace the challenge and plan for success.Dr Edward HerringDean of the College of Arts, Social Sciences, and Celtic StudiesCollege of Arts, Soci

7、al Sciences, and Celtic StudiesFour-Year Structured PhD in Arts, Humanities, and Social SciencesIntroductionDurationFour years, full-time.Intake Annual. Once a year in September.Structure The new Structured PhD is a 4-year programme (360 ECTS). The thesis remains central to the award of the PhD. New

8、 entrants will register for the programme in September of each year. Galway Doctoral Research Scholarships are only available to candidates on the Structured PhD. Students select modules to the value of 40 ECTS (max 70 ECTS) over 4 years in consultation with their Supervisor and/or Postgraduate Rese

9、arch Committee. Students will receive an oral examination in the first year so as to confirm her/his status as a doctoral student- This examination will be conducted by the students supervisory committee during the period April to June; a second opportunity to present for the oral will be provided b

10、efore the end of August.- The supervisory committee will provide continuous scrutiny of the students progress throughout the duration of the programme.- Students whose PhD status remains unconfirmed after the second attempt at the oral may be recommended for transfer to the standard MLitt (year 2).

11、- The opportunity for transfer may also be provided at the end of second year.- The supervisory committee will report to the College Office on student progress, recommending either continuation on the PhD track or a change of status to MLitt.- In normal circumstances the principal supervisor will re

12、main in place for the duration of the MLitt. A mandatory induction course worth 5 ECTS must be undertaken by all Structured PhD students in September. Students on traditional research degree routes may also attend this course. Course details for all modules will be available on the College website.A

13、dvice on Selecting ModulesYou should design your individual pathway in order to maximise the benefits for your dissertation project. Your research topic should determine all your decisions regarding dissertation-/discipline-specific modules. Students taking MA modules should discuss their individual

14、 needs with lecturers at the outset, and aim to tailor assessments to their dissertation research. Your supervisor will advise you on your module choices and s/he must approve them by signing the registration form (available on the College website). Please note that the normative working hours (noti

15、onal learning time) associated with 5 ECTS are approximately 100. Students are advised to make contact with module coordinators once their module choices have been made; while every effort has been made to ensure accuracy in the information provided here, it has not been possible to provide comprehe

16、nsive information in all cases.The only mandatory module on the Structured PhD programme is the Induction (5 ECTS) held in September. This 5 ECTS will be awarded upon successful completion of the Research and Professional Development Plan, to be presented at the confirmation examination. The minimum credit awarded for dissertation work in Year 1 is 55 ECTS.


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