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1、北京市海淀外国语实验学校拓展课教案(六)年级第1课时课型歌曲 Seasons in the Sun教学内容Seasons In the SunGoodbye to you, my trusted friend,Weve known each other since we were nine or ten;Together weve climbed hills and trees,Learned of love and a-b-cs,Skinned our hearts and skinned our knees. Goodbye my friend, its hard to die,When

2、all the birds are singing in the sky;Now that the spring is in the air,Pretty girls are every where;Think of me and Ill be there. We had joy, we had fun,We had seasons in the sun;But the hills that we climbwere just seasons out of time.Goodbye, papa, please pray for me,I was the black sheep of the f

3、amily;You tried to teach me right from wrong,too much wine and too much song,wonder how I got along.Goodbye, papa, its hard to die,When all the birds are singing in the sky;Now that the spring is in the air,Little children every where,when youll see them, Ill be there.We had joy, we had fun,We had s

4、easons in the sun;but the wine and the song,like the season has all gone.chorus:Goodbye, Michelle, my little one,you gave me love and helped me find the sun;and every time that I was down,you would always come aroundand get my feet back on the ground.Goodbye, Michelle, its hard to die,When all the b

5、irds are singing in the sky;Now that the spring is in the air,with the flowers every whereI wish that we could both be there. We had joy, we had fun,We had seasons in the sun;But the hills that we climbwere just seasons out of time.We had joy, we had fun,We had seasons in the sun;but the wine and th

6、e song,like the season has all gone.教学步骤:1. 展示westlife的照片,介绍这只乐队,Westlife(官方译名西城男孩;又译西域男孩)是在1998年成立的爱尔兰男子歌唱团体. Westlife在爱尔兰和英国走红,在非洲、澳大利亚与亚洲也很受欢迎。SEASON IN THE SUN 这首歌是westlife首张同名专辑里特别好听的一首歌曲。2. 因为此歌曲的歌词比较简单,所以可以不用让学生看歌词,先给学生放一遍,让学生听听里面都能听到什么句子。3. 之后老师发歌词,歌词中有空缺的单词,再次让学生听歌曲填空。4. 老师简单介绍歌词中的句子和难理解的单词

7、5. 再次听音乐,让学生学习跟着唱,唱的方式可以多种多样,男生女生 分组唱等等。第2课时课型歌曲教学内容复习第一课时学习的歌曲,并学习一些学生自己准备的相关内容教学步骤:1, 教师需要在前一周留的家庭作业里面包含以下作业,找出一首你最喜欢的英文歌2, 查阅出歌手的资料,了解歌词大概意思,最好做成PPT展现给大家在课堂上可以让学生自己讲讲喜欢的歌曲和歌手以及一些相关的背景资料3,选出一首大家公认为最好听的歌曲,由教师指导学唱第3课时课型视像教学内容色拉英语Mr G: How is the weather today? 今天天气怎么样? Mr B: Its lovely outside! 外面的天

8、气晴朗! I hope it doesnt rain! 但愿别下雨. Mr G: How did you do that? 你是怎么做到的? Mr B: Do what? 做什么? Mr G: As soon as you mentioned rain it started pouring! 你一提到雨, 就开始下大雨! Mr B: Impossible! 不可能! I hope it doesnt get windy! 但愿别刮大风! Its worse than a tornado! 这简单比龙卷风还糟糕! Mr G: Shut up! 闭嘴! Dont say another word!

9、 什么都不要说了! Mr B: What a terrible day. 是糟糕的一天! Now ? where is my friend? 嗯? 我的朋友在哪儿? 二、教学重点词汇1、 mention 提及2、 pour 倾倒, 下大雨3、 impossible 不可能的4、 tornado 龙卷风句型1、How is the weather today? 今天天气怎样?Its fair/lovely. 天气睛朗. What a terrible day.天气真糟糕。What will the weather be like tomorrow? 明天天气怎么样? I hope it does

10、nt rain! 但愿别下雨. 2、As soon as 一.就 Eg: As soon as you mentioned rain, it started pouring! 你一提到雨, 就开始下大雨了. Ill call you as soon as I arrive home. 我一到家就给你打电话. Well start the meeting as soon as the chairman comes. 主席一来,我们就开会. He left as soon as he heard the news. 他一听到这事儿就走了. 3、 worse than比更糟 Eg: Its wors

11、e than a tornado! 这比龙卷还糟糕! The interview was much worse than he had expected. 那次面试比他想的糟得多. 4、How did you do that ? 你是怎么做到的?5、Dont say any other word . 什么也不要说了!三、教学步骤:1、小组展示活动:daily report .2、观看第一遍 (只看教学内容),独立完成第一部分习题,全班反馈。3、观看第二遍(完整的看一遍),同桌或小组讨论完成第二部分习题,反馈。4、观看第三遍(只看教学内容),就视频内容开展一些拓展讨论。(机动,视时间而定)5、个

12、人小反馈。四、教学支持1、daily report 课件版本(提前一周下发给下一周汇报的小组,让他们准备相应的内容,并进行指导。)2、练习材料Part 1 look at the video, try to read the new words and sentences. (让学生看第一遍之前,先看看练习便于有针对性的去听。) mention 提及 pour 倾倒, 下大雨 tornado 龙卷风 As soon as you mentioned rain, it started pouring! Its worse than a tornado! How did you do that ?

13、 Dont say any other word .Part 2 look at the video again , try to make sentences . As soon as 一.就 Eg: Well start the meeting as soon as the monitor comes. 班长一到,我们就开会。 _ _I hope 我希望Eg: I hope it doesnt rain! 但愿别下雨. _worse than比更糟糕Eg: The interview was much worse than he had expected. 那次面试比他想的糟得多。_ _

14、3、反馈练习: Number the events. ( ) The rain pours. ( ) The wind blows hard. ( ) It is a lovely day. ( ) Mr G falls down from the sky . ( ) A big tornado comes.第4课时课型视像教学内容色拉英语B:Hey whats going on? 嘿! 发生什么事了? Im so sorry! 我很抱歉! I didnt mean to disturb your hunting! 我不是有意要打扰你打猎的! G:Dont worry about it! 不用担心。 I shouldnt have been hunting so close to your cave anyway. 不管怎样,我本


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