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1、希腊神话(MYTHOS)Greek mythology consists of two parts: the story of God and the legend of heroes. The story of God includes the early old gods and later new gods. The new God, led by Jose, lived on Mount Olympus, also known as the mythical monster. There are twelve main gods, Jose is Lord of all gods, a

2、lso known as the thunder god, his wife hera. The main and the sea god Poseidon, the God of the sun, the moon, Appollo Artemis, Athena, Aphrodite and Ares, Ares (God) Hermes, Fengshen Vulcan Hephaestus etc.The salient feature of Greek mythology is that it is highly personified and that God is the sam

3、e as human beings. Not only the same as men and women, others are also involved in human conflict. The seven emotions and six sensory pleasures, human beauty and love between men and women. The difference is that you can live forever and have unlimited spells. Moreover, the mythology is rich in imag

4、ination and vivid in imageGreek mythology is the first European peoples oral creation, through the ancient Greek number a hundred years in various literary works in the mouth, the preserved.Greek mythology consists of two parts: the story of God and the legend of heroes.The story of God involves the

5、 origin of the universe and human beings, the birth of God and so on. According to legend, the ancient Greek god Zeus, twelve Olympian gods: Queen Hera, the goddess Athena, God Appollo, the God of love and beauty Avro Aphrodite, twelve great god. They are in charge of all kinds of phenomena and thin

6、gs of nature and life.The legend of heroes originated in the worship of ancestors, an art review of the ancient Greeks struggle against ancient history and the struggle for nature. The heroes of this kind of legends are mostly descendants of gods and men. They are extraordinary and heroic, and embod

7、y the indomitable will of human beings to conquer nature, and become the embodiment of the wisdom and power of the ancient people.Greek mythology has made a true display of man and God, not covering the light, nor covering the darkness. Treat people as well as gods. Not because he is a hero and cove

8、r his meanness, not because he is God to cover up his hypocrisy.Several characteristics of Greek fairy tales:Primitive, barbarous, uncivilized. The Greek people already have a rich and complete mythology in primitive commune and clan society. Since Greek mythology has a very early origin, Greek myth

9、ology is often accompanied by a primitive, barbarous and uncivilized atmosphere. For example, in Joses story, the earth God and his son with the sub many Titans, Crowes wife, his sister Rhea, Joses daughter Persephone to marry Joses brother Hades, if with modern peoples moral judgment, these are the

10、 act of incest. Also, if there is a dispute between them, the game will usually be resolved. We cannot judge and judge it in terms of modern social standards and ethics. From this we can see the rich and naive imagination of the Greek people.Two, humanism and the idea of fate coexist. In Greek mytho

11、logy, people who offend God are punished and get bad ends. But it does not entirely deny mans ability. God is not altogether inviolable. Man can love god. This emphasizes humanism. Because of the low productivity at that time, peoples production and life were bound to be restricted by natural forces

12、. However, they can not explain the existing situation with the existing knowledge. Therefore, the myth also has a strong sense of fate, a persons fate, if doomed, even with Gods help, still can not get rid of the shackles of fate. Such as the musician Orpheus story, the wife of Orpheus European law

13、 Di engraved in the wedding was bitten foot, died of poisoning. Even the Queens help, he could not save his wife.Three, the same kind of man of god. In the story of Jose, the Greek gods were originally created by the sons of Asia and North america. In Plo Michel J, Plo Michel J created man by the ea

14、rth and the river, in the image of the gods. So in ancient Greek mythology God and man are isomorphic. Man can possess divine power. The children of God and man will carry some supernatural powers. Such as Zeus and a mortal woman Maia was the son of Hermes, a few hours after birth can walk around. A

15、nd stole Appollos cattle. God has a character, a kind, honest, great side, and a jealous, vindictive, cruel side. As we know, passionate Zeus, jealous Hera, and so on.Four, a multi gods system is constructed. The Greek people created the Persian gods of Ohlin, led by Zeus, in a rich and novel imagin

16、ation, and generally believed that there were twelve gods. Is Zeus, marriage and fertility goddess Hera, the goddess of wisdom, Athena, bright, youth and the God of music, Appollo Luna, Artemis etc. It is different from Chinese mythology, and the gods in Chinese mythology are relatively simple,Such as the creation of the world are only Pangu the goddess patching the sky, the monotony of a God or god.Five, we should praise t


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