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1、宁波大学 硕士学位论文 英汉语完成体语法化比较研究 姓名:王银霞 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:外国语言学及应用语言学 指导教师:杨成虎 20071202 MA Thesis Ningbo University - I - 英汉语完成体语法化比较研究 摘 要 完成体是语言学研究中一个焦点问题。在英汉两种语言学中,研究者从不同的方 面分别对英汉语言中的完成体进行过较为深入的探讨。其中,利用具体语料的跨语言 研究(Comrie, 1976; Dahl, 1985;Smith, 1991;Bhat, 1999 等)通过对各种语言中完成 体的详细描写和哲学分析,确立了完成体是语言学中的普遍性概念,这对正确

2、描述完 成体有着重要的意义。然而,共时平面的“完成体”现象离开历时的发展往往不能得 到完整的解释。因此语言研究者试图从另一视角语法化角度对共时平面的完成体 范畴作出合理的解释(Hopper Heine, 1997)。但在英语和汉语中,已有 的研究着重于对这两种语言中完成体现象共时或历时语料的单纯描写,较少有人(石 毓智,2001)能够从完成体语法化的机制和动因方面进行讨论,所采用的研究方法也 较为单一。同时,对英汉语言中完成体的语法化还缺少较为系统的比较研究。两种语 言中完成体的演变是否有一些相同和不同的过程、特点,是否有相似的演变机制,尚 有待验证。 本文以语法化理论为研究的出发点,采用以语

3、料库为主的研究方法,利用翔实的 语料尝试对英汉语中完成体的演变过程、特点进行对比研究和分析,以探究两种语言 中语法化的异同,揭示英汉两种语言中完成体语法化的机制和动因。 本文共分五章: 第一章为引言,介绍了本选题的价值以及本文的框架结构。第二章为文献综述, 介绍国内外有关于语法化、完成体的研究,以及对相关理论的评述。第三章主要利用 英语语料库、汉语语料库和相关的文献资料选用语料,运用 WordSmith4 语料库软件及 网络检索软件进行词频统计,分别从语义虚化、形态变迁、句法结构等方面描述英汉 语中完成体的语法化途径。第四章讨论英汉语两种语言中完成体语法化的异同特征, 从而揭示语法化演变的异同

4、机制、动因、途径、语法化程度。第五章的结论部分归纳 本研究的主要观点并提出进一步的研究方向。 关键词:完成体, 语法化, Have + PP, 了, 过, 语言演变 MA Thesis Ningbo University - II - A Comparative Study on the Grammaticalization of the Perfect in English and Chinese Abstract The perfect aspect and its functional equivalents have proven to be an interesting topic

5、and the center of attention in linguistic theory. In English and Chinese, many linguists have carried out the topic from difference perspectives. Among which synchronic researches on specific cross- linguistic data with detailed descriptions and philosophical analysis (Comrie, 1976; Dahl, 1985; Smit

6、h, 1991;Bhat, 1999) help confirm the perfect aspect as a universal language category. That is of great importance to the characterization of the perfect. Whereas a more satisfactory analysis cannot be approached only from synchronic perspective without tracing back the development of the perfect asp

7、ect diachronically. For this reason, linguistic researchers attempt to expound on the perfect aspect from the grammaticalizational perspective. However, most existing researches in English and Chinese focus on simple identification of perfect forms with synchronic or diachronic data, only a small nu

8、mber of studies are made in their working mechanisms and paths. In addition, methodologies applied in those studies are single. At the same time, we still lack a more systematical comparative study of the perfect aspects in English and Chinese to verify whether they have some common and different fe

9、atures, mechanisms in the grammaticalization paths. Based on predominant corpus approach and grammticalization theory, the thesis has made a comparative study on the evolution processes, the features of the perfect aspects with synchronic and diachronic analyses drawn on detailed data in order to di

10、scover the similarities and dissimilarites in the course of grammaticalization and further explore the grammaticalizaion mechanisms and motivations. The structure of the thesis is organized as follows: Chapter one presents the introduction of the academic value of this research, the status quo of re

11、levant researches and the organization of this thesis as well. Chapter two covers the literature review of the historical and current researches on grammaticalization and the perfect abroad and at home with comments on relevant topic. These help determine the scope of the study. Chapter three consti

12、tutes the empirical body of the thesis, devoted to the data collection from English corpora, Chinese corpora and literature. Based on quantitative and qualitative evidence from both historical and contemporary periods of English and Chinese, the grammticalization paths of the perfect in English and

13、Chinese are investigated from semantic bleaching, morphological and syntactic change and other aspects. Chapter four is the discussion section and leads up to the detailed MA Thesis Ningbo University - III - linguistic analysis of the perfect, highlighting the common features and the differences of

14、the grammaticalization of the perfect between English and Chinese. Conclusions can be found in Chapter five, which summarizes the chief points of the thesis and delineates some ideas about the potential research for further study. Key Words:Perfect, Grammaticalization, Have + PP, Le, Guo, Language c

15、hange 独 创 性 声 明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是我个人在导师指导下进行的研究工 作及取得研究成果。尽我所知,除了文中特别加以标注和致谢的地方 外,论文中不包含其他人已经发表或撰写的研究成果,也不包含为获得 宁波大学或其他教育机构的学位或证书所使用过的材料。与我一同工作 的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中做了明确的说明并表示了 谢意。 签名:_ 日期:_ 关于论文使用授权的声明 本人完全了解宁波大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:学校 有权保留送交论文的复印件,允许论文被查阅和借阅;学校可以公布论 文的全部或部分内容,可以采用影印、缩印或其他复制手段保存论文。 (保密的论文在

16、解密后应遵循此规定) 签名:_ 导师签名:_ 日期:_ MA Thesis Ningbo University - 1 - 1 Introduction The thesis is concerned with the description of the development of the perfect constructions 1 in English and Chinese 2 from a comparative point of view. My purpose is to account for the diachronic and cross- linguistic phenomena, focusing on the common and different features in the course of grammaticalization of the perfect in both languages. 1.1 Signific



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