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1、分类号: TP311密级: 公开U D C :单位代码: 1 0 4 2 4工 程 硕 士 学 位 论 文供水企业营业管理信息系统研究与实现刘宁波申请学位级别:工 程 硕 士领域名称:计算机技术指导教师姓名: 赵 卫 东职称:副教授副指导教师姓名: 徐 根 远职称:高级工程师山 东 科 技 大 学二零零七年四月论文题目:供水企业营业管理信息系统研究与实现作者姓名:刘宁波领域名称:计算机技术入学时间: 2004 年 4 月研究方向:网络工程与管理信息系统指导教师:赵卫东职称:副教授副指导教师:徐根远职称:高级工程师论文提交日期:2007 年 4 月论文答辩日期:2007 年 5 月 19 日授予

2、学位日期:MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSYTEMRESEARCH AND IMPLEMENTATION OFWATER SUPPLYING ENTERPRISE OPERATIONA Dissertation submitted in fulfillment of the requirements of the degree ofMASTER OF ENGINEERINGfromShandong University of Science and Technologybyliu NingboSupervisor: Associate Professor Zhao Weid

3、ongCollege of Information Science and EngineeringApr. 2007声明本人呈交给山东科技大学的这篇工程硕士学位论文,除了所列参考文献和世所公认的文献外,全部是本人在导师指导下的研究成果。该论文资料尚没有呈交于其它任何学术机关作鉴定。工程硕士生签名:日期:AFFIRMATIONI declare that this dissertation, submitted in fulfillment of the requirements forthe award of Master of Engineering in Shandong Universi

4、ty of Science andTechnology, is wholly my own work unless referenced of acknowledge. Thedocument has not been submitted for qualification at any other academic institute.Signature:Date:山东科技大学工程硕士学位论文摘要摘要本课题从企业的实际发展需求和资源条件出发,对供水企业的整个运营系统进行完善和更新,形成适应企业发展变革和社会服务需求的先进的综合管理信息系统。通过信息系统对业务的整合,实现业务流程的优化和业务创

5、新,以信息技术再造企业管理,促进供水企业内部资源的优化配置,提高企业生产效率和市场响应能力,提高社会满意度,实现供水企业的可持续发展。针对供水行业的实际需求与经营特点,综合利用网络技术、数据库技术、结构化的软件开发技术研究开发了供水企业营业管理信息系统。按照 MIS 研发的生命周期的要求,本文首先对系统进行了业务流分析,建立了供水企业的业务流模型.针对客户服务中心实时处理的要求,将工作流管理思想融入到了客服流程的整个设计过程中。在此基础上确定了系统范围和目标,并对系统进行了分析,给出了系统的功能模型和数据模型;然后对系统进行了设计,建立了系统的网络拓扑结构、软件体系结构和数据库结构。最后,采用

6、 VS.NET 开发工具和 Sql Server 2000 对系统进行了实现。课题所研发系统现已在马来西亚实康水业有限公司昌乐分公司投入使用,实际运行结果证明了该系统完全能适合供水企业的实际需求,有效避免了人情水和不必要的浪费,使管网漏损率降低 5%-10%,提升了企业的管理水平,降低了生产经营成本。关键词:供水企业、管理信息系统、网络、数据库山东科技大学工程硕士学位论文Abstract摘要Thethesisdevelopedanewintegratedwatersupplyingmanagementinformation system which is based on real busin

7、ess requirement and resourceconditionWith IT,we improve the whole business system of water supplyingenterprise, integrate all kinds of business,optimize business flow,developnew business and rebuild business managementAll of these can re-distributeresources in enterprise and promote enterprises manu

8、facture efficiency ,market response ability and appreciation of society Therefore watersupplying enterprise can make continuable developmentAccording to the real requirement and business characteristics of thewater supplying enterprise, utilizing the technology of network, databaseand the structured

9、 software development techniques, this thesis developedthe water supplying enterprise operation management information system.Firstly, according to the MIS research life-circle requirement, this thesisanalyzed the business flow, and established the model of the business flow.At the same time, the bu

10、siness flow was merged into the design process ofthe client service flow for the real process requirement. Based on the above,the systems domain and object is determined. Secondly, we analyzed thewhole system, and obtained the system function model and data model. Then,this thesis designed the syste

11、m and established the topology structure,software architecture structure and database structure. Finally, the thesisimplement the system using the VS.Net development tools and the SQL Server2000.What the system researched by this thesis is put into use into theMalaysia ShiKang Water Supplying Co. lt

12、d, China ChangLe Branch. And therunning resultproves that the system is suit for the real requirement ofthe water supplying enterprise, and avoiding the all kinds of unnecessarywaste, lowering 5%-10% for the rate of the tube network leakage and damage,upgrading the enterprise management level and lower the cost of manufactureand business.Key words: water supplying enterprise, management information system,network, database.山东科技大学工程硕士学位论文目录目 录1 概述.11.1 课题研究的背景. 11.2 课题研究的意义. 1



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