《左传》参考资料(zuo zhuan reference)

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1、左传参考资料(Zuo Zhuan reference)reference materialsZhang Peiheng, Luo Yuming edited the history of Chinese LiteratureZuo Zhuan formerly known as Tso, with its descendants will be spring and Autumn as the solution by the book, called Zuo Zhuan, referred to as Zuo Zhuan. It is known as spring and autumn ra

2、m biography and spring and autumn Valley beam biography, which is called the three biography of the spring and Autumn period. However, Gongyangzhuan and Guliang with pure meaning interpretation of spring and Autumn, and Zuo Zhuan is essentially an independent writing history.Only later generations w

3、ill cooperate with the spring and Autumn Annals, which may have been dealt with accordingly. Some special interpretation of the spring and Autumn Annals, calligraphy and historical facts unrelated to the text, is obviously plus.The author, Sima Qian and Ban Gu are said to be Hengyu and said he was L

4、u Taishi. Some people think that Hengyu and Confucius at the same time this is the Analects of Confucius in Zuo zhuan. However, after the Tang Dynasty, many people doubted that it is now considered as the works of anonymous people in the early Warring States period.The chronicle in general and sprin

5、g and Autumn is just behind Duoshiqi years. Different from the outline form of spring and Autumn, Zuo Zhuan quite systematically and concretely describes the events around this period of political, military, diplomatic and other aspects.As a history book, Zuo Zhuan have distinct political and moral

6、tendency. The idea is close to the Confucian, emphasizes the rank and patriarchal ethics, pay attention to the pecking order, but also shows the people-oriented ideology. There are many places in the book about the heaven spirits still, but its importance has been in the people. As the lead of Ji Li

7、ang Huan six years: God is the master of the people.Is the first king into people then committed to god. (the people of God to dominate, wise kings are the first people do good, then committed to divine things.) The thirty-two year history of zhuanggong cited Yin (Y N): the country, listen to the pe

8、ople will die, listen to God. Such comments are shared by the author. There are similar discussions in the works of Zhuzi (especially Meng Zi), which can be seen as an important ideological progress in the spring and autumn and Warring States period.But we should see that the so-called people based

9、thought has a specific background. In the period of the great annexation of the spring and Autumn period and the Warring States period, the people as the source of Fu and soldiers was directly related to the rise and fall of national power. While still in the northern states, with much land and few

10、people state; between countries, there is no blockade of the border, people freedom of movement. Therefore, it is even more important to strive for the people than to occupy the land. Mencius records, lianghuiwang of its people not less, my people do not add very anxious, is this meaning. In the fin

11、al analysis, it is still in the interests of the rulers.The author in the code runs through the review of historical events and historical figures, is very clearly. Many parts of the book reveal the cruelty and extravagance of certain characters in the ruling class, as well as many statesmen loyal t

12、o their duties, integrity and foresight. Generally speaking, the author will assume the leadership requirements of state responsibility can not be a ruler, desires to have, from the ruling group and they have to consider the long-term interests of the country, these places are reflected in the Confu

13、cian political ideal.But,Trying to evaluate complex history with simple, sharp moral values is a real hassle. The most obvious, the frequent wars between countries, the author will firstly identify both right and wrong in moral is, and this directly with the outcome linked to attempt to explain the

14、righteous reason to win. However, in fact, at the time of the war is due between countries compete for land and population, if must to simple Confucian moral standards, such as Mencius only said unjust wars; and a specific outcome of the war, the reason is very difficult due to the moral.The author

15、comments barely made, often seems pedantic ridiculous. As the battle of Chu Jin Pu, jinwengong for depth, strengthen the enemy the pride of idleness of the gas, deliberately shied away, this is a way; the book does accuse the Chu army commander sub jade was advancing as monarch jinwengong, Jun Chen

16、made music in the back, so that now, can not fail. This is not only unreasonable, but it can not be applied to other similar situations.Zuo Zhuan is not a literary works, but in general, still should be said to be China first large-scale narrative works.Compared to any previous works, its narrative ability has shown amazing development. Many of the complicated and vari


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