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1、材料科学与工程专业2016版培养方案Undergraduate Program for Specialty in Materials Science and Engineering专业负责人: 李玉香 分管院长: 李鸿波 院学术委员会主任:李玉香Director of Specialty: Li Yuxiang Executive Dean: Li Hongbo Academic Committee Director: Li Yuxiang一、修业年限及授予学位名称本专业学制4年,允许修读年限为3-6年,最低应修学分170,授予工学学士学位。. Duration and DegreeLengt

2、h of schooling: 4 years (or 3-6 years are permitted) with minimum 170 credits Bachelor of Engineering二、培养目标本专业培养有良好社会责任感、职业道德及综合素质,掌握材料科学与工程专业基础理论知识,知晓无机非金属材料/高分子材料/金属材料的工程理论、技术与研究方法,能在材料的制备、加工成型、测试分析、应用等相关领域从事科学研究、技术开发与改造、工艺与设备设计、生产经营管理等工作,适应经济社会发展及行业需求,具有较强适应能力、较好的创新创业意识、踏实肯干、身心健康及团队协作精神的应用型高级工程技术

3、人才。本专业毕业生经过五年左右的历练,能逐步实现如下目标:1.身心健康,具有良好的人文素养和社会责任感,遵守职业道德及规范;2.具有根据无机非金属材料/高分子材料/金属材料产品要求,进行材料的相关科学研究、生产、技术研发与改造、工艺与装备设计、生产组织与技术管理的能力;3.具备有效的交流沟通能力和良好的团队协作能力,能够在一个技术研发团队中作为骨干或者领导发挥有效作用;4.具有进取和实干精神,有能力通过学历深造或自主学习,拓展或增强专业工作能力;5.具备可持续发展理念,有创新创业意识,愿意并有能力为社会服务。. Educational ObjectivesStanding on Sichuan

4、, facing the western China and serving the country, taking the regional economic construction as the guidance, our programs emphasize metallic materials, inorganic nonmetallic materials and polymer materials to cultivate high quality talents with professional engineering knowledge of advanced buildi

5、ng materials. Laying a strong foundation on the basic theory, the students should have the capability to analyze, solve and manage the complicated engineering issues by using modern tools, and should have multi capabilities such as sound mind and body, good professional ethics, team spirit, innovati

6、ve, communication and self-improvement, and also should be high-quality applied talents with social consciousness, legal awareness, environmental awareness, evaluation ability, etc.三、培养规格及要求1、具有从事材料科学与工程专业相关工作的数学、自然科学、工程基础和专业知识,能够将其应用于解决材料研发、设计、生产和应用过程中的复杂工程问题。2、能够应用数学、自然科学和工程科学的基本原理,识别、表达、并通过文献研究分析



9、进行跨文化沟通和交流。11、具有系统的工程实践学习经历,能正确理解并掌握工程管理原理与经济决策方法,并能够在本专业工程活动中应用。12、身心健康,具有创新创业潜力,能够终身自主学习并适应社会的发展。. Skills Profile1. Students have a basic knowledge of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering, which can be applied to solve the complicated engineering problems of materials science and engineer

10、ing.2. Students can use the basic principle of mathematics, natural sciences and engineering to identify, describe and analyze the scientific and engineering problems by literature study to get valuable conclusions.3. Students should master the basic ways of innovation methods, and can use a combina

11、tion of theoretical and technological means to design the production process of the materials, embodying innovation ideas and taking into account all effect factors such as social factors, health factors, security factors, legal factors, cultural factor, environmental factors, etc.4. Students should

12、 grasp the means to analyze the material structure and performance, experimental design methods, and production processes, and possess the ability of experimental design and research capabilities, and can get reasonable and effective conclusions.5. Students can appropriately select or develop techno

13、logy, resource, modern engineering tools and information technology tools for the complicated engineering problems of materials science and engineering to predict and simulate proper results and understand the limitations.6. Based on expertise and knowledge, the students should analyze the rationali

14、ties of engineering practices, and should have good knowledge of the laws and regulations about materials design, research and development, and should have good knowledge of the responsibilities, and also should evaluate the impact of material engineering practice with the point of society, health,

15、safety, law and culture.7. Students should understand and appreciate the effect of environmental sustainability and social sustainable development for complicated engineering problems.8. Students should have knowledge of the humanities social sciences accomplishment and social responsibility, and sh

16、ould perform their responsibilities to abide by the professional ethics and code of conduct in engineering specialty practice.9. Students should play individual, team member and principle roles in the team with multidisciplinary background.10. Students can effectively communicate and coordinate with industry peers and the public for complicated engineering problems, such as writing reports, designing docu



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