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1、河北师范大学 硕士学位论文 英语专业学生学习观念学习焦虑和学习成绩相关研究 姓名:靳帆 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:外国语言学及应用语言学 指导教师:郑丽华 20100401 VI 摘 要 本文以英语专业的学生为调查对象旨在探索学习观念,学习焦虑以及学习成绩三者 间的关系, 主要回答以下三个问题:一,英语专业学生何种学习观念,其学习焦虑如 何?二,学习观念与学习焦虑有何种关系?三,学习观念和学习焦虑是如何预测学习成 绩的? 本文使用 Horwitz 的语言学习观念调查问卷 (BALLI)和外语学习焦虑量表 (FLCAS) 对来自河北师范大学的 222 名大三和大四的英语专业的学生进行了问卷调查。

2、 数据收回后用 SPSS13.0 进行了分析。首先,利用描述性统计调查了这些学生的学习信 念和其学习焦虑。其次,通过对因子分析中所提取的信念因子以及焦虑总分进行相关分 析和多元回归分析探讨了学习信念和学习焦虑的关系。最后,利用路径分析探讨了学习 观念,焦虑和学习成绩的关系。 研究结果表明: 第一,英语专业的学生持有各种各样的学习观念。对于学习难度,他们认为英语是 一门相对简单的语言,英语中各项技能的难度差异甚微。但是,他们认为需要很长时间 才能学好英语。对于语言天赋,他们对自己的语言天赋持否定态度。对于学习本质,多 数人认为文化和语言环境对提高英语有很大作用, 同时他们并不认为英语学习仅仅是语

3、 法, 翻译和词汇的学习。 对于英语学习策略, 他们同时受到传统观念和现代观念的影响。 对于学习动机,他们动机强烈但以工具性动机为主。 第二,其焦虑程度与亚洲的非语言专业的学生相比,程度较低。但是,与西方的非 语言专业的学生相比,差异甚微。此外,研究表明, “说”是其学习焦虑的主要源泉, “上英语课”是最不易导致学习焦虑的因素。 第三,学习观念和学习焦虑关系紧密。在提取的信念因子中,四个因子与学习焦虑 显著相关。其中,动机信念和正式学习信念与学习焦虑为高相关;自我效能观念与学习 焦虑为切实相关;口语信念与学习焦虑为低相关。前两个观念与学习焦虑为正相关,后 两者与其为负相关。 此外, 学习观念可

4、预测学习焦虑, 其中动机信念是主要的预测因素。 学习观念可以解释大部分学习焦虑中的方差。 第四,学习观念可直接影响学习焦虑,间接影响学习成绩。学习焦虑可直接影响学 习成绩。 VII 调查最后对英语教学提出了三点建议:第一,英语教学之前,英语教师应该了解其 学生学习观念和焦虑程度。第二,英语教师应当通过改变学生的学习信念来降低其学习 焦虑。第三,英语教师应当使用以学生为中心的教学方法。 关键词:学习观念,学习焦虑,英语专业学生 IV Abstract The present study aims at discovering the relationship of language learni

5、ng belief, foreign language anxiety and language achievement. This study answered three questions: first, what kinds of language learning beliefs do the English majors hold and what is the general level of foreign language anxiety experienced by these English majors; second, what is the relationship

6、 between language learning beliefs and foreign language anxiety; and third, how do language learning beliefs and foreign language anxiety predict language achievement. The questionnaires, consisting of Horwitzs Belief about Language Learning Inventory (BALLI) and Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety S

7、cale (FLCAS), were administered to 222 junior and senior English majors from Hebei Normal University. When the data was collected, it was processed by SPSS 13.0. First, descriptive analysis was used to describe their beliefs about language learning and their general anxiety level. Then, factor analy

8、sis, the Pearson correlation and the multiple stepwise regression analysis were employed respectively to discern the underlying factors of BALLI, to check the correlation between language learning belief and foreign language anxiety and to discover the specific relationship between the BALLI factors

9、 and the anxiety level, that is, the extent to which language learning beliefs could predict anxiety. Finally, the path analysis was utilized to detect the exact relationship of language learning beliefs, foreign language anxiety and the language achievement. Based upon the study, altogether four fi

10、ndings were found: First, the English majors hold a variety of language learning beliefs. Regarding the beliefs about the difficulty of learning English, most of them thought that English was relatively easy and that the four English learning skills were of similar difficulty. However, a substantial

11、 number of students believed that English learning was very time consuming. Concerning the language aptitude, they evaluated their own language aptitude negatively. Regarding the beliefs about the nature of English learning, most of the English majors believed that the knowledge of the English cultu

12、re and an immersion learning could enhance English learning and did not regard English learning only as a matter of learning the grammar, V translation and vocabulary. Regarding the beliefs on English learning strategies, they were influenced both by the traditional and modern views. Finally the inv

13、estigation also revealed that the English majors were highly motivated to learn English and were more instrumental motivation orientated. Second, compared with the Asian non-English majors, the English majors experience relatively lower level of anxiety. However, when compared with the non-language

14、majors of western origins, little difference could be detected. Speaking English is a major source of their foreign language anxiety and taking English class is the least anxiety-provoking. Third, language learning beliefs and foreign language anxiety were correlated closely. Of the belief factors,

15、motivational beliefs, beliefs about the importance of formal learning were strongly correlated with anxiety; self-efficacy beliefs are correlated with anxiety moderately; and oral English beliefs are correlated with anxiety very weakly. The correlations between motivational beliefs and anxiety and b

16、etween the importance of formal learning and anxiety were positive, and the correlations between self-efficacy beliefs and anxiety and between oral English beliefs and anxiety were negative. Language learning beliefs can predict foreign language anxiety with motivational beliefs being the most powerful predictor. The belief factors can explain most variance of foreign language anxiety. Fourth, language learning beliefs could influence foreign language anxiety directly but only could infl



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