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1、 密 级: 学校代码:10075 分类号: 学 号: 20090582 文学硕士学位论文文学硕士学位论文 英语搭配汉译的词汇语用学研究 学位申请人: 高小蕊 指 导 教 师 : 叶慧君 教授 学 位 类 别 : 文学硕士 学 科 专 业 : 英语语言文学 授 予 单 位 : 河北大学 答 辩 日 期 : 二一二年五月 Classified Index: CODE: 10075 U. D. C: NO: 20090582 A Dissertation for the Degree of M. Arts A Study of Collocation Translation from English

2、 to Chinese: A Lexical Pragmatic Approach Candidate: Gao Xiaorui Supervisor: Prof. Ye Huijun Academic Degree Applied for: Master of Arts Specialty: English Language and Literature University: Hebei University Date of Oral Examination: May, 2012 Abstract I Abstract Collocation, the basic expressive f

3、orm in natural language, refers to the combination and co-occurrence of lexical items. Not only in written language but also in daily communication, English collocations make human interaction more convenient and more fluent. With cross-cultural communication becoming increasingly frequent, the inte

4、rcourse among languages proves to be even more important, thus the translation between English and Chinese, used by the most people in the world, works as an irreplaceable bridge for the mixture of nations and peoples. As a result, collocation translation from English to Chinese favors Chinese langu

5、age enrichment as well as cultural communication of Chinese and English. The key point of this research lies in collocation translation from English to Chinese. The previous studies have been confined to the definition and classification of English collocation, the research of which turns out to be

6、mature. The applied study of English collocation, especially the translation of collocation from English to Chinese, however, remains relatively insufficient, and the analysis based on certain theories is rather rare. Concerning the inadequate study in this aspect, this thesis will try to exposit co

7、llocation translation from English to Chinese within the framework of lexical pragmatics- a new growing branch of linguistics. The study of lexical pragmatics in China mainly rests on theoretical introduction but the applied and creative researches are relatively weak. Lexical pragmatics focuses on

8、the dynamic meaning of lexical items, and the primary task of collocation translation from English to Chinese lies in translating English into genuine Chinese in specific contexts, so the essence is also a kind of dynamic research on language. By combining both, this thesis will analyze the translat

9、ion of English collocations on the ground of instances and lexical pragmatic theory, for the purposes of drawing systematically principles and tactics about collocation translation, scientifically and comprehensively guiding collocation translation, and enriching the applied research of English coll

10、ocations. Besides, this thesis also hopes to Abstract II expand the researching scope of lexical pragmatics at home. By integrating lexical pragmatic theory and the practice of English collocation translation, the application of lexical pragmatics will be enhanced and the researching content will al

11、so be enriched. This thesis proceeds in six chapters. Chapter 1 is the introduction part. Chapter 2 systematically overviews and commentates on the definitions, classifications and translation of English collocations. Chapter 3 lays out the theoretical background for lexical pragmatics, with the foc

12、us on conversational implicature approach and relevance theory approach. The fourth chapter probes into collocation translation from English to Chinese from the view of lexical pragmatics, and explains the four aspects of meaning adjustment. Chapter 5 attempts to conclude several principles and tact

13、ics for collocation translation from English to Chinese, hoping to provide certain guidelines for translation of English collocations. The last chapter concludes the overall content of this study and proposes some suggestions for further relevant researches. Key words English collocation collocation

14、 translation from English to Chinese lexical pragmatics translating tactics 摘 要 III 摘 要 语言中词与词之间的组合与共生现象称为搭配,它是自然语言中最基本的表达形 式。 英语中的搭配现象无论是在书面表达还是在日常交际中都使得交流更加便捷、 顺畅。 随着跨文化交际的日益频繁,语言之间的交流与沟通也显得越来越重要,因此作为世界 上使用人数最多的英汉两种语言之间的互译对于国家与民族之间的融合则更起到了无 可替代的桥梁作用, 而将英语中的搭配翻译成汉语不仅有助于汉语语言的充实更益于英 汉两种文化的交流。 本文将英语搭配

15、的汉译作为研究对象。对于英语搭配的研究,以前的学者主要将内 容锁定在定义以及分类上,可以说在这两个方面的研究已经比较成熟。但是,对于英语 搭配的应用性探讨,尤其是汉译研究涉及较少,借助先进的语言学理论进行的研究更是 寥寥无几。鉴于此方面的不足,本文试图借助词汇语用学理论对英语搭配的汉译进行阐 释。词汇语用学主要是针对词语的动态意义进行解读,目前在国内的研究主要停留在理 论介绍的层面上,在应用性和创新性研究上还有待深入,而英语搭配汉译的主要任务也 是在特定的语境中将英语翻译成地道的汉语, 本质上也是对语言进行动态的研究。 所以, 本文试图将两者结合起来, 在例证和词汇语用学理论支撑的基础上对英语

16、搭配的汉译过 程进行深入分析,以期得出一些关于英语搭配汉译的更加全面和系统的原则和方法,从 而科学地指导英语搭配的翻译, 同时充实英语搭配的应用性研究。 此外, 通过此项研究, 本文还期望扩展词汇语用学在国内的研究范围,将其理论与翻译实践相结合,在指导英 语搭配汉译的过程中增强其应用性和交叉性,进而丰富词汇语用学的研究内容。 本文共六章。第一章为引言部分。第二章从定义、分类、翻译三个方面对有关英语 搭配方面的研究进行系统的回顾与述评。第三章是词汇语用学相关理论的介绍,重点阐 释会话分析视角和关联理论视角。第四章对英语搭配的汉译进行词汇语用学的解读,针 对汉译过程中语义的调整分为四个方面来研究。 第五章针对英语搭配汉译尝试性地得出 一些原则和策略,以期对英语搭配的翻译有一定的指导作用。论文的最后一章对整个研 究进行总结,同时对今后的有关研究提出一些建议。 关键词 英语搭



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