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1、actions using rules, and in the process of the concentration of disciplinary ruling, not convergence, not pull back as heavy or heavier punishment. Discipline focused discipline process at least 18 since the five-year, five years is to pay close attention to the Central implementation eight provisio

2、ns and anti-four winds. Fourth chapter to suspected illegal party disciplinary actions and distinguish between five different circumstances, provides for specific provisions respectively, effective cohesion to achieve party discipline and State Law 9. One is the 27th article of the Ordinance provide

3、s that party members found in the disciplinary review of corruption bribery, dereliction of duty and other alleged offences under criminal law, should be given to withdraw party posts, expelled from or placed on probation within the party disciplinary action. Second, article 28th of the regulations

4、in the discipline of the party organization . Disciplinary punishment against life , Chapter 6. 3, annex Annex part of supplementary provisions, such as the permission, interpretation of the regulations, as well as the timing and retroactive, and so on. 11 (three) learning understanding Ordinance ne

5、ed grasp of several focus problem first a problem-on violation political discipline behavior new Ordinance sixth chapter put political discipline as six big discipline of first, is main on opposition of led and opposition of basic theory, and line, and basic programme of, and basic experience, and b

6、asic requirements of disciplinary behavior made disposition provides, especially will 18 big yilai Central proposed strict political discipline and political rules of requirements and practice results into for discipline provisions, Added jump on the central policy, clique, fight reviews, without pr

7、inciples and disregard the disciplinary provisions. These are the partys 18 since the comprehensive practice of strictly administering the party in the process of combining the rich content. (1) jump on the central policy violate the partys centralized and unified this issue is made under provisions

8、 of the party Constitution. Party Constitution stipulated in master uphold democratic centralism is the party building must adhere to one of the four basic requirements. This items principles is party of fundamental Organization principles, is mass line in party of life in the of using, it requireme

9、nts must full develop party democratic, respect members of subject status, guarantees members of democratic right, full play levels party and members of enthusiasm and creative, while, also must implemented right of concentrated, guarantee party of solidarity unified and action consistent, guarantee

10、 party of decided get quickly and effective of implementation. Central in developed major approach policy Shi, through different of channel and way, full heard about party and members of views recommends, but 12 is some people face to face not said, and behind blather will Shang not said, and will H

11、ou blather stage not said, and Taiwan Xia blather, actually not only disrupt has people thought, some caused serious consequences, damage has party of concentrated unified, hamper has central approach policy of implement implementation, also serious violation has democratic centralism of principles.

12、 No doubt, shall, in accordance with the regulations stipulated in the 46th of appropriate sanctions. Without serious consequences, the criticism should be given education or the appropriate organization. (2) violate the partys solidarity and unity to the new section 48th网上书店购物系统网上书店购物系统专业班级:0606 学生

13、姓名:蒋晨阳指导教师:李洋 职 称:讲师摘要 基于WEB的网上书店系统的开发与设计过程。该系统以Asp语言、SQL数据库为平台,实现了书籍的查询、书籍的订购、管理员对用户、商品及定单的管理等功能。网上书店系统,方便了读者购买和查询书籍,同时也方便了销售商对书籍的管理,购物和管理的效率都得到了极大地提高。关键字:网上书店系统 asp 图书管理Online bookstores to purchase systemAbstract Development and design process about on-line bookstore based on web in detail. The s

14、ystem is finished according to Asp language and SQL,and it has not only all kinds of functions such as book search and book order, but also the mangement function about commodities and orders.Using on-line bookstore system,the readers can purchase and serch books conveniently,and the sellers can als

15、o manage books flexibly, and the same time the efficiency of buying and managing books is raised rapidly.Key words:Keywords on-line bookstore system asp book collection 引 言目前,网络正以一种前所未有的冲击力在影响着人类的活动,包括人类的生产和日常生活。网络的诞生和发展,颠覆了传统的信息传播方式,冲破了存在于传统交流方式中时间和空间的种种壁垒,极大地改变了人类从物质到精神、从形式到内容、从生产到生活的各种活动,并且给人类带来了

16、新的机遇和挑战。中国互联网络信息中心发布的第2005.1.19日下午第十五次CNNIC调查结果显示,截至2004年12月底,内地上网用户总数为9400万,比去年同期增长8.0%,其中使用宽带上网的人数达到4280万;上网计算机达到4160万台,增长了14.6% 。用户在网上关注的信息也不再是单一的新闻。报告数据显示,用户在网上经常查询的信息中,教育信息占29.3%,汽车信息占13.8%,求职招聘信息占24.2%。在互联网服务业务方面:电子邮件、搜索引擎、网上银行、在线交易、网络广告、网络新闻、网络游戏等服务业务仍然快速的发展着。 互联网技术发展到今天,计算机网络不仅渗透到社会生活的各个领域,而且渗透到了千家万户。不仅各商家,企业需要制作网页、网站,许多的个人网站也如同雨后春笋般的大量出现。“上网”、“制作主页”、“建站”好多的术语己经成为当今社会用语频率最高的词语了。 人们只要做在家中动动鼠标就遍知天下事,就能够购买到自己需要的


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