专业外语-信号与噪音 第7讲教材

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1、Lecture 7 Signals and Noise (II) pGrammar pText nVocabulary nText Tour n n 汉译英汉译英 n n 小作文小作文 Grammar Grammar :常用介词及其用法 介词在科技英语中的用法较多,它常与 名词、动词或-形容词等搭配构成介词短语, 也可构成短语介词,其作用相当于单个介词 。 熟悉科技英语中常用的介词与其他词类的 习惯搭配是正确理解词义的一种重要手段。 Grammer :常用介词及其用法 1介词与动词、名词、形容词搭配 与动词(绝大部分及物)构成短语动词,要求后 接宾语。 例如:apply to,arise fr

2、om,consist of,deal with,depend on/upon,relate to,result in,differ from,follow from, lead to,lie in,vary with等。 Grammer :常用介词及其用法 例1 A complex variables is composed of a real part alpha and an imaginary part beta. 复变量,由实部 和虚部 组成。 例2 Most discrete-time signals arise from sampling continuous-time signa

3、ls 多数离散时间信号是由连续时间信号采样而来。 imdinriimaginary: sampling s:mpli Grammer :常用介词及其用法 与形容词连用,构成短语形容词,其语法功能类似过去分 词,常用做后置定语 例如:analogous to,applicable to,capable of,different from ,essential to,equivalent to,familiar with,full of,identical to,independent of, proportional to,similar to,suitable for, superior to

4、等。 analogous nlgs 相似的 capable keipbl 有能力的 Grammer :常用介词及其用法 例3 The power gain in decibels is equal to 10times the logarithm base l0 of the power gain 用分贝表示的功率增益等于10乘以以10为底的功率增益 的对数。 例4 A CT signal is also called an analog signal because its waveform is often analogous to that of the physical variabl

5、e 由于连续时间信号的波形常与对应物理变量的波形相似, 所以也常称其为模拟信号。 Grammer :常用介词及其用法 与名词连用构成短语名词, 例如:anything but,1ack of,nothing but,numbers of,plenty of,reduction to,something wrong with,ratioto, advantage over, problem with等。 例5 This section deals with the advantages of transistors over electron tubes 本节讨论晶体管与电子管相比其所具有的优点

6、。 Grammer :常用介词及其用法 2常用短语介词 短语介词可当做介词使用,常用短语介词包括 according to,along with,apart from,as to/for, because of, but for, by means of,due to,in accordance with,in addition to, in case of,in proportion to,in spite of, instead of, on account of,owing to,with reference to,with regard to,up to等。 Grammer :常用介词

7、及其用法 例6 The convolution integral and its use in fixed linear system analysis by means of the principle of superposition are treated in Chapter2 第2章讲述应用叠加原理求解卷积积分及其在恒定线性系统 分析中的应用。 例7 This book has all three major analysis methods: mesh, loop, and nodal, along with explanations of the advantages and d

8、isadvantages of each 该书介绍了三种主要的电路分析方法,即网孔法、环路法 与节点法,并比较其优劣。 Grammer :常用介词及其用法 例8 By this definition, no work is done by holding a box in a hand (根据,按照,后接表示规则、惯例、标准等词,常用在推导 中) 根据这一定义,把一只盒子拿在手中并没有做功。 例9 Since power is proportional to the square of the voltage,if the input signal is increased by a fact

9、or of two,the output signal is increased by a factor of four (与数词连用,表示相差的数量) 由于功率与电压的平方成正七巳如果输入信号是原来的2倍, 输出信号则为原来的4倍。 3常用介词的特殊用法 by definin Grammer :常用介词及其用法 例10 By a family of curves is meant a specified set of curves which satisfy given conditions 所谓曲线簇,是指能满足已知条件的一组特殊的曲线。 例11 In contrast,multiplyi

10、ng a signal by another signal is nonlinear(与multiply, divide等连用表示“乘以,除以”) 相反,将一个信号与另一个信号相乘是非线性的。 Grammer :常用介词及其用法 例12 For the sake of accuracy and convenience,the magnetic effect is utilized almost universally in electric measuring instrument (常与purpose;sake,interest,benefit,good等连用,表目的) 为准确与方便起见,电

11、子测量仪器几乎普遍使用磁效应。 例13 It is necessary for us to solve this equation for x (与 solve连用表示方程所要求解的对象) 我们必须从这个方程解出x。 for kjur si Grammer :常用介词及其用法 例14 Semiconductor devices are very small in size and light in weight(后接抽象名词,做状语) 半导体器材体积小,重量轻。 例15 Voltage is expressed numerically in volts(以,用,后 接表示方式的计量单位、语言等

12、) 用伏特表示电压。 in 例16 The inclusion of Re causes a decrease in amplification(在 表示数量变化的名词后多用in) 接入Re会使放大倍数降低。 Grammer :常用介词及其用法 例17 The study of sound is of importance not only in music and speech,but also in communication and industry(表示描述关系, 具有(性质或特点),等效于对应的形容词,但语气更强) 研究声音不仅对音乐和语言,而且对通信和工业都有重要意义 。 例18

13、The physicist made an important discovery in the year of 1977(表示同位关系) 1977年,这个物理学家有一个重要发现。 of Grammer :常用介词及其用法 例19 A signal is a description of how one parameter varies with another parameter(A of B结构,AB为动宾关系,修饰的名词A 由及物动词变来) 信号用以描述一个参量如何随另一个参量的变化而变化。 例20 The change of electrical energy into mechani

14、cal energy is done in motors(A of B结构,BA为主谓关系,修饰的名词B 是由不及物动词而来) 电能转换为机械能是通过电动机实现的。 Grammer :常用介词及其用法 例21 The flip-flop will change the stored information only upon application of proper control signal(一就,在 之后,后 接具有动词含义的名词或动名词) 只有施加了合适的控制信号后,该触发器才能改变储存的信息 。 onupon Grammer :常用介词及其用法 例22 Radio waves tr

15、avel through most types of matter with ease (等效于对应副词,语气更强) 无线电波通过大多数物质很容易。 with 例23 With a sine wave input, the technician would look to see if the output is also a sine wave(对于,就而言,用于句首) 技术员想要知道,对于正弦输入,输出信号是否也是正 弦波。 teknin Grammer :常用介词及其用法 例24 With all disadvantages this design is considered to be

16、 one of the best(尽管,与a11连用) 尽管有其缺点,这一设计仍被认为是最佳设计之一。 例25 Lamps are lighted with switch on.(等效于when the switch is turned on) 开关闭合灯点亮。 Texts Mathematical models that violate some or all of the conditions listed previously are often used. and for one main reason- to simplify the mathematical analysis. For example, consider the digi


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