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1、How to Prepare for Earthquakes Section A what natural disasters have you heard of Flood Hurricane Drought Tornado valcano eruption Snow Earthquake Structure of text To predict when an earthquake is going to happen To prevent the great destruction of property caused by earthquakes. To prepare for the

2、 possibility of a great earthquake. Even if prediction becomes possible, people still have to do their best to prevent disasters by improving building structures and by being personally prepared Para. 1a Ideally, people would like to know when an earthquake is going to happen and how bad it will be.

3、 In both Japan and China, people have long believed that earthquakes can be forecast. In Japan, scientists have wired the Earth and sea to detect movements. The Chinese have traditionally watched animals and plants for warning signs of earthquakes. How to Prepare for EarthquakesHow to Prepare for Ea

4、rthquakes detect notice or discover, esp. using a special method 察觉,发现;探测 detect sb. in (doing) sth. 发觉某人在做(坏事) He was detected in the act of cheating on the exam. 他考试时作弊被发现了。 Para. 1b For example, the Chinese have noted that before an earthquake, hens behavior changesthey refuse to enter their cage

5、s at night. They have also noticed that snakes come out of the ground to freeze to death and that dogs bark a lot, even normally quiet dogs. Before the Hanshin earthquake in Japan, there were reports of large schools of fish swimming near the surface of the water. Para. 1c Certain birds, like pigeon

6、s, also seemed to be especially noisy and were reported to be flying in unusual patterns before the earthquake. Perhaps most interesting, and most easily measured, is a chemical change in ground water before a quake. Experimental data seem to indicate that the amount of radon (Rn) in the water under

7、 the surface of the Earth waxes before an earthquake. wax. n. 蜡,蜂蜡 v.打蜡;变大,增强 He that have a head of wax must not walk in the sun. 自家头是蜡做成,休想太阳底下行。 Para. 2a People would also like to be able to prevent the great destruction of property caused by earthquakes. After all, most of the people who die in

8、earthquakes are killed by falling buildings. Therefore, building structures that can withstand the power of earthquakes is a major concern. Steel seems to be the best material, but not if it is welded to form a rigid structure. withstand vt. be strong enough not to be harmed by sth.such as great hea

9、t,cold,pressure.经受,承受 ,顶住 withstandwithstand an attackan attack severe testssevere tests the stormthe storm hard wear (fire)hard wear (fire) hardshiphardship 抵御攻击抵御攻击 经得起严峻的考验经得起严峻的考验 顶得住暴风雨顶得住暴风雨 耐穿耐穿( (火火) ) 能吃苦能吃苦 Optimism helped him withstand the torture of the serious disease. 乐观的心态帮助他顶住了疾病的折磨。

10、 Para. 2b Many new structures are built with a new type of steel joint, an I-joint, which appears to be the most durable type of joint. These joints of steel can move without breaking. Also, to prevent property damage, architects now design buildings so that the buildings columns and horizontal beam

11、s are of equal strength, and vertical support columns are inserted deep into solid soil. joint n.接头,接缝,结合处; 关节; 公共场所(尤指廉价的饮食 、娱乐场所) a.连接的,共有的,联合的 Check that if the joints of the pipes are sealed properly. 检查一下管子的接合部位是否封严了。 architect n.建筑师,设计师; 创造者,缔造者 The architect laid out the interior of the new c

12、lassroom building. 设计师设计了新教学楼的内部格局。 column. n. 柱,支柱; 一队或一列(人、车等),纵行; 列,栏(报纸的)专栏(文章) Tomorrows papers will have half a column on the event. 明天的报纸会用半栏篇幅报道这件事。 Para. 2c In addition, many new houses have relatively light roofs and strong walls. Concrete pillars for highway bridges that previously only h

13、ad steel rods inside are now enclosed in steel. Pillar n.柱子,柱状物; 顶梁柱,骨干 Today , we are the tender trees , but tomorrow , we will be the pillars of the State. 今天,我们是小树,将来会成为祖国的栋梁。 Para. 3 Besides working to improve building structures, people in areas where earthquakes are common need to prepare for

14、the possibility of a great earthquake. They should regularly check and reinforce their homes, place heavy objects in low positions, attach cupboards and cabinets to walls, and fasten doors so that they will not open accidentally during an earthquake. cabinet n.储藏柜,陈列柜; 内阁 器具组织 board 会议台委员会 cabinet 文

15、件柜内阁 board(委员会)和cabinet(内阁)作主语时,若看成整体,谓语用单数 ;若看成个体成员,则谓语用复数。 fasten vt.锁好,拴好; 使牢固,使固定 fastento 把固定(粘、拴、系)到上 fasten on / upon 把(目光、注意力、思想)集中于 Someone had fastened a notice to my door. 有人将一张通知贴在我的门上。 accidental a.偶然的,意外的 n. accident 意外的事 adj. accidental 意外的,附属的 adv. accidentally 意外地 n. incident (附带的)事

16、件 adj. incidental 附带的,伴随的 adv. incidentally 附带地 The scientific discovery was accidental. 这项科学发现纯属偶然。 Para. 4a In addition to preparing their houses, people in these regions need to prepare themselves. They should have supplies of water and food at home and at work. It is best to store several gallons of water per person. It is also important to have something that can clean water


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