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1、This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc, and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. Acer Group 投影机检测流程和标准 以acer投影机P7290为例 This document is the intellectual p

2、roperty of Acer Inc, and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 目录 检测设备 进入工厂模式 测试条件 测试时间的设置 投影机坏点标准 测试检测步骤 其他 典型故障排除 投影机除尘 Acer Group This document is the intellectual prop

3、erty of Acer Inc, and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 检测设备 l 个人电脑(能输出XVGA信号) l DVD播放器多制式(NTSC / PAL / SECAM制式), ”必须带“S-Video”、”混合 端口”和“HDMI”端口。 l HDTV片源(720P,1080i)。

4、 l 测试软件Eizo-test l Minolta CL-100亮度测量仪 l 投影机测试信号源Eizo-test(可以通过PC 运行输出测试图像) Acer Group This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc, and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission

5、of the rightful owner. 清洁投影机 服务站收到客户的投影机,首先拆机清洁灰尘,再复现故障 This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc, and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 工厂模式(维修模式) Acer G

6、roup 开机 按方向键 维修模式 按确认键 退出 1 投影仪加电 2 按“POWER左左菜单” 3 维修模式中选择选项 4 确认模式,按“EXIT”退出。 This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc, and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful o

7、wner. 测试准备 恢复投影机的出厂设置 亮度:黑暗的房间小于5.0 流明 检测距离:1.82.5M。 屏幕大小:60英寸对角线 在修理完每台投影机,必须拷机测试 Acer Group This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc, and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of

8、 the rightful owner. 维修检测时间 故障状况拷机时间(小时) 正常维修2 故障未显4 自动断电6 Lamp时间(分) Lamp On50 Lamp Off10 灯泡启动时间设置(灯泡开关时间间隔) Acer Group This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc, and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or re-utilized in any way without the exp

9、ress written permission of the rightful owner. 序号故障现象条件标准说明 1亮点黑色背景A+B=0 2暗点白色背景A+B5 3亮斑灰色10A+B10直径1/2英寸 4暗斑蓝色60A+B10直径1/2英寸 5不稳定的像素白色和黑色背景A+B1 6临近的暗点白色和黑色背景A+B=0 投影机坏点标准(P7290为例,不同机型有差异) 投影机屏幕A、B区域划分 Acer Group 不同机型的坏点标 准,见维修手册 This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc, and was created

10、 for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 更换部件 主板 Firmware 色轮灯泡 EDID 灯泡驱动(高压板) 版本升级VV 色轮索引V V 重新设置灯泡时间 V OSD重新设置VV EDIDV 重新写灯泡使用时间VV 设置默认语言V V WAVEFORM DOWNLOAD V 更换部件后需测试检测项目 “V”为对应测试检测

11、项目 Acer Group This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc, and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 1.图像清晰 输出1024 x 76860Hz如右侧图 检测:1,按“Resync”“ Frequency”or“Tr

12、acking” 键,消除图像噪音干扰 2,检查屏幕上是否有干扰图像 3,检查横向、纵向的图像能否调节到屏幕中间 标准:1,如果图像中有干扰图像,可以确定 这台机器是 不合格产品 2,如果有干扰图像,请用自动、手动的方式, 按 “Frequency”“Tracking”键调整。 Acer Group This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc, and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or re-utili

13、zed in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 2,亮点 输出1024 x 76860Hz全黑图像,如右侧图 检查:是否有亮点 标准:无亮点 Acer Group This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc, and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or re-utilized in any way

14、without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 3,暗点 输出1024 x 76860Hz全白图像,如右侧图 检查:是否有暗点 标准:A+B 5 Acer Group This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc, and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or re-utilized in any way without the e

15、xpress written permission of the rightful owner. 4,亮斑 输出1024 x 76860Hz 灰色10图像,如右侧图 检查:是否有亮点 标准:A+B 10 Acer Group This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc, and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or re-utilized in any way without the express wr

16、itten permission of the rightful owner. 5,暗斑 输出1024 x 76860Hz 蓝色10图像,如右侧图 检查:是否有暗点 标准:A+B 10 Acer Group This document is the intellectual property of Acer Inc, and was created for demonstration purposes only. It may not be modified, organized or re-utilized in any way without the express written permission of the rightful owner. 6,聚焦测试 输出1024 x 76860Hz 测试软件:Eizo-test 如右侧图 标准:距离屏幕1.9M,检查聚焦,检查全屏幕,图 像清晰,图像边缘锐利(通过调节,在角上的的字 体,能够辨别。 Acer Group



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