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1、St. Patricks Day圣帕特里克节 英国的凯特王妃穿上绿色大衣; 美国总统奥巴马系上绿色领带; 澳大利亚的悉尼歌剧院变成绿色 Why Are They All In Green? 爱尔兰的大瀑布也都变成绿色; 连Google Doodle都被设计成绿色 。 Why Are They All In Green? Questions Why are they all in green? What is St. Patricks Day? What story? How Do We Celebrate St. Patricks Day? What are the traditions an

2、d symbols for it? St. Patricks Day St. Patricks Day occurs annually on March 17 in observance of the death of St. Patrick, the patron saint of Ireland. What began as a religious feast day in the 17th century has evolved into a variety of festivals across the globe celebrating Irish culture with para

3、des, special foods, music, dancing, and a whole lot of green. Test Your Shamrock Smarts Ah, its that time of the year again - the time for green milkshakes, 4 leaf clover green costume jewelry, and buckets upon buckets of dyed green beer. Just how knowledgeable are you about St. Patricks Day? Take o

4、ur short quiz - answers below (no cheating!) Question 1 Why is the Shamrock (3 leaf clover) associated with St. Patricks Day? A. Because theyre pretty B. Because the three leaves represent the 3 foundations of the Irish culture C. Because the three leaves represent the Holy Trinity D. Because the th

5、ree leaves represent the three colors of the Irish flag Question 1 Answer (c). The shamrock was originally a teaching tool that St. Patrick is said to have used to explain the what the Holy Trinity (Father, Son, and Holy Spirit) was to the Irish. Question 2 True or False - St. Patrick is from Irelan

6、d. Question 4 True or False - In America, its a tradition to pinch anybody who isnt wearing green on St. Patricks Day. Question 2: Answer (False). A recent study from Cambridge believes that St. Patricks father was a Roman tax official in Wales who wanted out and used a Roman legal clause that allow

7、ed him to join the clergy and pass the job on to his son. However, Patrick did not want the job and, fearing for his life, fled to Ireland. Question 4: Answer (True). Rumor has it that this tradition started because wearing green makes you invisible to leprechauns, who pinch anyone they see. Questio

8、n 3 The three colors of the Irish flag represent different things. Green stands for Catholics, orange for Protestants, and white stands for. A. The ghost of Jesus Christ B. A wish for harmony C. Purity D. Save the Polar Bears Question 3 Answer (b). The white color in the Irish flag actually represen

9、ts the wish for peace and harmony between Catholics and Protestants. Question 5 The first ever St. Patricks Day Parade was in 1762 in which country? A. China B. Ireland C. the UK D. the USA Question 5 Answer (d). The worlds first St. Patricks Day parade was on March 17, 1762, in New York City and fe

10、atured Irish soldiers serving in the English military and became an annual event afterwards. 中文名 St. Patricks day St. Paddys Day 爱尔兰人也被称为Paddy 解 释 圣帕特里克节 时 间 每年的3月17日 性 质 爱尔兰的国庆节 Key words An Irish holiday: 是个爱尔兰的节日 Widely celebrated across Europe and North America: 但在欧洲、北美广泛庆祝 Commemorate Saint Pat

11、rick, the patron saint of Ireland: 节日纪念爱尔兰的守护神圣派特里克 Green is the color of Ireland: 绿色是代表爱尔兰的颜 色 Green everything on St. Patricks Day: green hats, green clothes, etc: 所以圣派特里克日到处都是绿, 绿帽子、绿衣服 St. Patricks Day parades: 圣派特里克日庆祝游行 Green “带绿帽子”的说法 : To cheat on ones husband/boyfriend To go behind their ba

12、ck To have an affair Remember to wear something green, or you will get pinched! Haha Why wear green? -One of Irelands nicknames is “the Emerald Isle“. 爱尔兰的其中一个别称是翡翠之岛。 -Green is one of the 3 colors of the Irish flag. 绿色是爱尔兰国旗的三种顏色之一。 -Shamrocks, a symbol of Ireland, are green. 象徵爱尔兰的三叶酢酱草是绿色的。 St. P

13、atricks Day 的三大符号 Shamrock ,三叶苜蓿草 :Shamrock 是爱尔 兰语“seamrog ”( 小苜蓿草) 的音译。爱尔兰 人崇尚“好事成三”,“三”是他们的吉祥数字 。据说St. Patrick 用三叶草来向爱尔兰人诠 释Trinity : The Father, The Son, and the Holy Spirit ( 圣父、圣子、圣灵) 。Shamrock 还衍 生出了其他意义,譬如Crone, Mother and Virgin ; Love, Valor and Wit ;Faith, Hope and Charity ;还有人开玩笑说是wine, w

14、omen and song 。 Leprechauns 魔域小矮仙 爱尔兰的神话传说中有很多精灵妖怪, Leprechauns 只是其中之一。据说他们是独 群索居的矮小精灵,性格刁钻古怪,靠制 鞋为生,且藏有很多金银财宝,特别是那 罐Pot of Gold, 是他们身份的标志。传说彩 虹rainbow出现的地方总有宝藏,那里也必 然就有Leprechauns 。 节日传说 在很久以前有一个小男孩在晚上的时候出来玩耍,可是 他突然在一片草丛里听见叫声:“help(救命)!”他听 见以后猛的在草丛旁边寻找声音。突然他在草丛里看见 一个留有白胡须和白头发的小矮人。他一把抓住这小人 问:“你是谁?”小

15、矮人(小精灵)说:“你放开我吧。” 小男孩说:“你把你的金子藏在的地方告诉我,我就放了 你。”小矮人说:“好,好,我告诉你,就在那颗树的下 面!”小男孩立刻就放了小矮人,他跑过去,想把土挖 开,可是他没有铲子,所以他就想回家去拿,他又怕忘 记了,就把身上的黄色手帕给绑在树上,并提醒小矮人 不可以把手帕给摘下。可是第二天当他拿着铲子来的时 候,发现整个森林里的树都有黄色的手帕,所以他就丧 气的回家了,而躲在树后的小精灵说:“我可没有把手 帕给摘下。 Green Beer 绿色啤酒 相传St. Patrick 教会了爱尔兰人怎么酿酒从而 帮助他们御寒健体。如今爱尔兰人心头大患之 一就是他们很难摆脱

16、“酒鬼”的形象,St. Patricks Day 本属于天主教的斋期,却给了人 们饮酒寻欢的机会。爱尔兰的名酒牌子还真不 少: Guinness 、 Jamesons 、 Baileys ,然而 绿啤酒却是美国的发明。但是爱尔兰人的饮酒 习俗中有个说法叫 wet/drown the shamrock , 即是在杯子里放几片shamrock ,再倒入Irish Whiskey 饮用。到了美国却是将普通啤酒染成 绿色,畅怀大饮一醉方休。 Our Favorite St. Paddys Day Beverages Fresh Orchard NFC Kiwifruit 320ml 15 RMB Pfanner, Green Apple 1L 24 RMB Beverages Guinness, Foreign Extra Stout Beer 33


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