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1、The Basic principles of Polymers and Environment 聚合物与环境基础II Lesson 1 (1) Pyrolysis (2) Hydrocarbon (3) Biodegradable (4) Thermal penetration threshold (5) Dilute solution (6) Thermal degradation (7) Greenhouse effect Words 热解;高温分解 碳氢化合物 生物降解的 热渗透阈值 稀溶液 热降解 温室效应 Words (08) Specific surface area 比表面积

2、单位质量或体积物体的总表面积:单位cm2g-1或cm2cm-3 (09) Electrostatic precipitator 静电除尘器 (10) Crystallinity 结晶度 Degree of crystallization 表示聚合物中结晶区域所占的比例,范围一般从30-80%。 测定方法: 1.密度法:结晶度=(Va-V)/(Va-Vc)*100% Va-完全无定形聚合物的比容(specific volume);Vc-完全结晶聚合物的比容; V-试样的比容(密度的倒数) 2.热分析法:Differential scanning calorimentry(DSC) 3.X射线检测

3、、核磁共振等,X-ray Diffraction(XRD),Wide-angle x-ray diffraction (WAXD); single-angle x-ray diffraction (SAXD); Words (11) Melting point 熔点 The temperature below which a liquid turns into a solid. (12) Hydrophobic 疏水的;Hydrophilic亲水的 i.水是极性分子,所以亲水的几乎都是极性分子。 ii.十二烷基苯磺酸钠(肥皂) 肥皂去污原理示意图 Words (13) Curing shrin

4、kage rate 固化收缩率 (14) Dielectric constant 介电常数;Insulation Stealth Words (15) Microorganism 微生物 (16) Rectification 精馏 The process of refinement or purification of a substance by distillation. Distillation:The process of purifying a liquid by evaporating it and condensing its vapors. A thermodynamics s

5、eparation technique, in view of different boiling point. Words (17) Catalyst 催化剂 (18) Stress relaxation 应力松弛 回弹应力随时间逐渐降低的现象: 打包带变松、橡皮筋变松 (19) Flocculant 絮凝剂 (20) Volatile organic compound 挥发性有机化合物 (21) Raw material ratio 原材料配比 (22) Reaction yield 反应产率 Words (23) Engineering plastics 工程塑料 Polyformald

6、ehyde, POM Polyphenyl ether, PPO Polyamide, PA Polycarbonate, PC Polyethylene glycol terephthalate, PET Words General plastics 通用塑料 Polyethylene, PE Polypropylene, PP Polystyrene, PSPolrvinyl chloride, PVC Acrylonitrile butadiene-styrene resin, ABS ABS(Anti-locked Braking System)-防抱死刹车系统. Words (24)

7、 Synthetic rubber合成橡胶 (25) Chemical purification化学纯化 (26) Flame retardant阻燃剂 (27) Synergy 协同 (28) Photochemical oxidants光化学氧化剂 (29) Vacuum drying 真空干燥(低于常压) Words Vacuum drying oven 1、放气阀; 2、铭牌 3、真空表; 4、门拉手 5、温度控制器;6、真空阀 7、抽气孔; 8、电源开关 9、电源指示灯;10、搁板 11、观察窗 i.将箱门关上并将门拉手旋紧到位,关闭放气阀,开启真空阀(逆时针旋转90o) ii.接通

8、真空泵电源,开始抽气,当真空表指示值达到-0.1Mpa时,先关闭真空阀后 关闭真空泵电源,以防止真空泵机油倒流到干燥箱内,此时箱内处于真空状态。 Words (30) Rotary evaporator 旋转蒸发 (31) Centrifugal separation 离心分离 (32) Dehydrator 脱水剂 (33) Thermostability 热稳定性 (34) Water-soluble 水溶性的 (35) By-products 副产品 (36) Relative molecular weight 相对分子量 (37) Quantitative analysis 定量分析

9、(38) Polar molecule 极性分子 (39) Exhaust gas 尾气 Words (40) Thermoset resin 热固性树脂 Synthetic resin, which can undergo a chemical reaction, cross-linked cure to be the not dissolved or melted materials, under heating number of molecules of a substance in a given volume (expressed as moles/cubic meter) (2)

10、 Concentration Substance that initiates or accelerates a chemical reaction (3) Catalyst (4) Precipitator Removes dust particles from gases by electrostatic precipitation Answer the following questions in English (1) Please write out 3-4 kinds of polymerization methods Suspension polymerization; Prec

11、ipitation polymerization; Emulsion polymerization; Seed emulsion polymerization; Atom transfer radical polymerization(ATRP); Reversible addition-fracture chain transfer polymerization(RAFT) Renewable resources: Solar energy; Geothermal energy; Hydroenergy; Wind energy; Biomass energy Potentially ren

12、ewable resources: Trees; Grasses; Wildlife animals; Fresh lake Groundwater; Fresh air; Fertile soil Unrenewable resources: Peat; Coal; Petroleum; Natural gas; Metallic mineral; Unmetallic mineral (2) How many types can resources be divided into? What are? Give three examples of each type resource An

13、swer the following questions in English (3) Please provide 3-5 kinds methods to analyze and characterize surface modification effects of materials. X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy, XPS, X光电子能谱仪 Fourier transform infrared spectrometer. FTIR, 傅立叶红外 Thermo-gravimetric analyzer, TGA, 热失重分析 Zeta potenti

14、al, Zeta电位 Contact Angles, 接触角 Scanning electron microscopy, SEM, 扫描电子显微镜 Atomic force microscope, AFM, 原子力显微镜 X-ray diffraction. XRD, X衍射仪 Answer the following questions in English (4) Give four periodicals related to chemistry, polymer and environment Polymer, Carbon, Journal of Applied Polymer Sc

15、ience Chemical Journal of Chinese University, ACTA Polymerica Sinica ACTA Chimica Sinica, ACTA Scientiae Circumstantiae Materials Review, Journal of Materials Science and Engineering Chinese Journal of Material Research Acta Materiae Compositae Sinaca Chinese Journal of Analytical Chemistry Journal

16、of Functional Materials Polymer Materials Science Separation membrane Thermal conductivity Polymers; Photosensitive polymers Polymer catalyst; Super absorbent polymers Medical polymers; Liquid crystal polymer (7) Describe the types of inorganic constituents in wastewater Chlorides and Sulphates; Nitrogen and phosphorous Carbonates and bicarbonates; Toxic substances (8) Give all the



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