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1、成都理工大学 硕士学位论文 网络游戏环境下的人际交往及其社会影响研究以角色扮演 类网络游戏为例 姓名:蒋黎 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:传播学 指导教师:江昀 20100501 摘 要 I 网络游戏环境下的人际交往网络游戏环境下的人际交往网络游戏环境下的人际交往网络游戏环境下的人际交往及其及其及其及其社会社会社会社会影响影响影响影响研究研究研究研究 以以以以角色扮演类网络游角色扮演类网络游角色扮演类网络游角色扮演类网络游戏为例戏为例戏为例戏为例 作者简介:蒋黎,男,1983 年 5 月生,师从成都理工大学江昀教授,2010 年 6 月毕业于 成都理工大学传播学专业,获得文学硕士学位。 摘摘摘摘

2、要要要要 随着互联网的不断发展与普及,网络开始在政治、经济、文化等领域发挥着重大的社会 影响力,其与生俱来的不确定性及多元化特征所带来的巨大冲击,已逐渐渗透到人类社会的 各个角落,成为人们日常生活中不可或缺的一个重要组成部分。网络已由单纯的信息技术平 台转化为人类进行社会交往的重要工具和手段,借助网络,人们可以不受地理环境、学历、 身份地位等外在条件的限制,进行信息的传递、情感的沟通以及思想的交流。网络使人类的 交往形式进入了一个全新的时代,深刻地改变着人与人以及人与社会的关系,形成诸如博客、 论坛、qq 空间、聊天室、网络游戏等丰富多彩的虚拟社区。其中,网络游戏使得非面对面的 游戏交往即“身

3、体不在场”的游戏交往成为一种普遍的社会现象。 网络游戏结合声光、三维立体、动作等仿真技术,为人们建构了一个更加拟现实化的虚 拟天堂,游戏者在充满惊奇、幻想、刺激、趣味中成长,彼此在虚拟的王国中流连忘返。随 着参与者的日益增多,网络游戏在各种网络媒体中所处的重要地位不断显现出来,人们通过 网络游戏形塑了一种全新的人际交往互动模式,这种特殊的文化新象对人们的日常交往活动 产生了重大影响,逐渐引起社会各界的关注。然而,在给人们带来心灵放松同时,网络游戏 人际交往所引发的道德沉溺及危机等负面影响又使得社会对它褒贬不一,那么对于在网络游 戏环境下,如何正确认识和理解这一新的交往方式就显得尤为必要和紧迫。

4、 从这一问题出发,本研究选取了当前比较流行的角色扮演类网络游戏作为网络人际交往 环境的研究背景,具体采用文献研究法,结合问卷调查法、参与观察法以及比较研究等研究 方法,对于人们为何参与网络游戏人际交往?这种游戏交往的真实面貌所呈现的特征是怎样 的?会给人们现实生活带来什么社会影响?等等问题,进行深入和细致的分析与揭示,并得 出如下主要结论: 一、网络游戏中,人们参与人际交往的主要动机是:成就与满足;社会交往;权力与领 导;逃避与发泄;游戏体验与探索;休闲娱乐。 二、网络游戏人际交往的特征具有:交往对象的广泛性与偶然性;交往主体的隐匿性与 平等性;交往环境的拟现实性与沉浸性;交往手段的电子化与融

5、合性;交往风格的游戏化与 娱乐化等。 摘 要 II 三、网络游戏的社会影响有:1、积极影响:满足个体精神需求、锻炼个体实际交际能力、 有利于个体智力开发与思政教育;2、消极影响:逃避现实生活、导致自我认知失调、丧失现 实社会规范、引发伦理与道德危机。 关键词:网络游戏 人际交往 角色扮演 动机 社会影响 Abstract III A Study on Interpersonal Communication and Social Impacts from Online Game Environment setting Role-Playing Games as an example Abstra

6、ct With the continuous development and popularization of the Internet, the network not only began to exert a significant social impact on the political, economic and cultural fields, but also the inherent uncertainties and the diversified characteristics of which bring the huge impact to penetrate g

7、radually to every corner of human society, and it becomes an indispensable part in peoples daily life. The network has changed a simple information technology platform for social interaction into an important human tools and instruments. With the help of network, people could do the transmission of

8、information, communication and emotional exchange of ideas not subject to external conditions such as geography, education, status and so on. Because of Network, the form of human interaction entered into a new era, it changed profoundly the relationship between people and people, people and society

9、, and took shape many colorful virtual community such as blog, forum, qq space, chat rooms ,online games and others. Among them, the online games made non-face to face contact which called the “ Absence of Body Contacts “ as an universal social phenomenon. Online games combined all kinds of simulati

10、on technique such as sound and light, three-dimensional, motion, for people to build a more virtual paradise, people grow up in the game which be filled of surprises, fantasy, excitement and fun ,so each other lingers in the virtual realm. With the increasing number of participants, online games con

11、tinues to show the important role in various network medias. Through the online game it shapes a brand new interactive model of interpersonal communication, this particular culture of New Aspect has taken a significant effect on peoples daily contacts, and gradually caused the concern of social publ

12、ic. The online games bring people the relaxes in spiritual. However, the negative effects be caused by the game addiction and moral crisis of interpersonal communication in online games make people always mixed, then how to recognize and understand the new communication modes is particularly necessa

13、ry and urgent in the environment of online game. So starting from this issue, this study takes the current popular role-playing game as the research background of interpersonal networks, put to use concretely many research methods such as literature study, combined with questionnaires, participant o

14、bservation and comparative. To make analysis and revelation in depth, for why people participate in online games Interpersonal Communication? What Abstract IV this features presented by true face of the communication in the game is? What social impact will bring people in real life? And so on, and r

15、eached the following major conclusions: 1.In online games, the main motivations which people involved in interpersonal communication are: Achievement and Satisfaction; Social Interaction; Power and Leadership; Escape and vent; Gaming Experience and Exploration; Entertainment. 2. The characteristics

16、of interpersonal communication in online games have: Universality and Contingency between communicating objects; Stealthiness and Equality between communication bodies; Virtual Reality and Immersion between communication environments; Electronization and Integration between communication means; Recreation and Entertainment between communication styles and so on. 3. The social impacts of online games has: 1.Positive Effects: to meet the spiritual n



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