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1、<p>&lt;p&gt;&amp;lt;p&amp;gt;&amp;amp;lt;p&amp;amp;gt;&amp;amp;amp;lt;p&amp;amp;amp;gt;Unit 13 Traditional Chinese Medicine Jessica . Text -Traditional Chinese Medicine ? A. Background information ? Introduction to TCM ? Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) has a

2、recorded history dating back over 2,000 years. The Classics of Internal Medicine or (Huang Di Nei Jing) is the oldest medical book in China, and contains the framework upon which TCM is based. This art has been continuously refined through the clinical experiences of some 200 generations of practiti

3、oners. The four main disciplines are: ? Acupuncture and Moxibustion ? Herbology,Tui Na (massage and manipulation ? Diet Therapy ? Therapeutic exercises like Tai Ji and Qi Gong B. Warming-up ? Qs before reading: ? Q1: How did our ancestors find that some foods can cure certain diseases? ? Q2: May yin

4、 and yang transform into each other? ? Q3: How to correct an yin-yang imbalance? ? Q4: Why does a traditional doctor seek to nourish the spleen before curing illness in the lung? ? Q5: What is the fundamental theory of traditional Chinese medicine? C. Words and expressions 1. Antiquity n.古代, 古老, 古代的

5、遗物 ? the heroes of antiquity 古代英雄 ? in remote/high antiquity 在远古时代 ? the records left by antiquity 古人遗留下来 的纪录 2. Symptom n.医植症状, 征兆 ? The doctor made his diagnosis after studying the patients symptoms. 医生研究 病人的症状后, 作出诊断。 ? Synonym ? Implication /indication /mark /omen /sign /token 3. Doctrine n.教条,

6、学说 ? the doctrine of evolution 进化论 ? the doctrines of Freud 弗洛伊德的学说 ? religious doctrines 宗教训导 ? Synonym ? Belief /creed 4. Interior adj.内部的, 内的n.内部 ? interior decoration 室内装饰 ? an interior city 内地城市 ? the interior meaning of a poem 一首诗的深 意 ? Exterior adj.外部的;外面的 ? a murderous heart under a smiling

7、exterior 笑里藏刀 5. Harmony n.协调, 融洽 ? be in harmony with 与.协调一致 ? be out of harmony with 与.不协调一致 ? harmony of scale 比例上的协调 ? Antonym ? disharmony 6. Phenomenon n.现象 ? (pl. -na -nE) ? a social phenomenon 社会现象 ? the phenomenon of nature 自然现象 ? a phenomenon among musicians 音乐界 的奇才 7. Kidney n.肾, (动物可食用的)

8、腰子, 个性, 性格 ? kidney bean 菜豆,四季豆 ? kidney stone【医】肾结石 ? a man of the right kidney 脾气好的人 ? of the right kidney 合适的, 相宜的, 气质对 头的 ? of the same kidney 气质相同的; 同一类型 的 8. Essence n.基本, 哲本质, 香精 ? the essence of morality 道德的精髓 ? essence of roses 玫瑰精 ? in essence 本质上 ? of the essence 必不可少的,非常重要的 ? Synonym ? F

9、ragrance /meaning /odor /perfume /scent significance /smell /substance D. Explanation ? 1. Huangdi Neijing also known as The Inner Canon of Huangdi or Inner Canon of the Yellow Emperor, is the seminal medical text of ancient China. The theoretical foundations for Chinese Medicine are systematically

10、covered. ? 2. Four Laws of Yin-yang ? Yin-yang are Opposing ? Yin-yang are Mutually Rooted ? Yin-yang Mutually Transform ? Yin-yang Mutually Wax and Wane ? 3. Wu Xing ? In traditional Chinese philosophy, natural phenomena can be classified into the Wu Xing or the Five Phases, usually translated as f

11、ive elements, five movements or five steps. ? The elements are: Metal, wood, water, fire, and earth. ? Wood parts Earth; ? Earth absorbs Water; ? Water quenches Fire; ? Fire melts Metal; ? Metal chops Wood. ? This cycle might also be called “controls“, “restrains“ or “fathers“. . Listening and Speak

12、ing ? A. Warming-up ? Listening ? Step 1 Listen to the tape for the first time to get a main idea ? Step 2 Listen to the tape for the second time and fill in the missing words ? Step 3 Listen to the tape for the third time and check the answers ? Speaking ? Step 4 Make a dialogue based on the cues a

13、nd then change roles B. Dialogue ? 1. acute adj.敏锐的, 医急性的, 剧烈 ? an acute angle 锐角 ? acute sense 敏锐的感觉 ? acute pain 剧痛 ? acute disease 急性病 ? 2. chronic adj.慢性的, 延续很长的 ? a chronic disease 慢性病, 痼疾 ? a chronic liar 说谎成癖的人 ? 3. bark n.树皮, 吠声v.吠, 咆哮, 剥树皮 ? Barking dogs do not bite.(谚) 吠犬不咬人。 ? 4. adverse

14、adj.不利的, 敌对的, 相反的 ? adverse wind 逆风 ? adverse fortune 恶运 ? 5. all at once adv.突然 ? 6. Numb adj.麻木的, 失去感觉的; 冻僵了的 (with); 钝的 ? numb with cold 冻僵 ? a numb hand 俚蠢物 ? 7. distention n.膨胀, 延伸 ? 8. sensitivity n.敏感, 灵敏(度), 灵敏性 . Writing - The Differences Between Chinese Medicine and Western Medicine ? West

15、ern and Chinese Medicine both have a long history. They have their own advantage and disadvantage. But their aim is the same, is to save peoples lives, to keep people healthy. Diagnosing the same patient with tremors in her hands, the Western doctor might perform tests to determine if there is a pro

16、blem in the brain-giving rise to Parkinson&amp;amp;amp;amp;#39;s disease. ? However, a practitioner of Chinese medicine would quickly know that the problem is that there is wind blowing around in the acupuncture channels. Then they would seek to determine the cause of the internal wind which cou

17、ld be a deficiency of Blood, body fluids, Qi energy or perhaps a high fever. . Homework: ? ? 1. 1. Read the useful languages fluently and try to recite them. ? 2. Ex on P 137, write an article of how to introduce the differences between Chinese medicine and western medicine ? 3. Ask Ss to learn the new words and phras&amp;amp;amp;lt;/p&amp;amp;amp;gt;&amp;amp;lt;/p&amp;amp;gt;&amp;lt;/p&amp;gt;&lt;/p&gt;</p>


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