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1、 英 文 文 献 翻 译 专 业:工商管理 班 级:1003班 姓 名:严永恒 学 号:100104190318 High-tech enterprise marketing strategy A distinctive feature of the high-tech enterprises is closely integrated with modern science and technology, state-of-the-art technology and equipment level, and through the introduction of technology an

2、d technological innovation, so many new technologies, new processes and new equipment has been employed. It has to occupy a pivotal position in the national economy. Therefore, the marketing strategy of high-tech enterprises also on the agenda. High-tech rapid development of corporate marketing acti

3、vities to new challenges 1. Further shorten product life cycle, highlighting the uncertainty of market supply and demand. Product life cycle is usually after four stages of introduction, growth, maturity and recession, and the relationship between market supply and demand constitute the basic condit

4、ions for the marketing activities of the important content and implementation. In the dawn of the era of knowledge economy, the rapid development of science and technology, so as to continuously promote the upgrading of products, product life cycle showing a growing trend towards shorter, accelerate

5、 the conversion of the marketing strategy, increasingly increased the difficulty of marketing efforts. 2. Sales channels change, to narrow the gap between marketing and marketing space to expand and extend. The era of knowledge economy approaches to promote the channel change, the initial impact fro

6、m the new trade an electronic data interchange (EDI) via computer and communication networks to handle the file. This trade is also known as paperless trading. The Internet has opened up an unprecedented cyberspace in this by the tens of thousands of the host computer and fiber optic telephone line

7、to connect the virtual space, it can be invasive To receive goods, ordering, payment, delivery, advertising, market research, etc. a series of business activities. Highlight the advantages of this new channel in its convenience and transparency. Online sales, after all, is a new thing, inevitably th

8、ere are various difficulties in its development. Including consumer psychological barriers, network congestion, payment security, service, and so on. 3. More advanced research techniques, promotions richer, network marketing emerge.The past, companies conduct market research are often carried by an

9、intermediary, or send researchers to the market access and manual collection of information, statistics, summary. The penetration of information technology has changed the traditional backwardness of research showing science and technology, convenience and accuracy, timeliness. Throughout the resear

10、ch process are conducted online, the survey paperless, save a lot of access time and the cost of the investigation, the efficiency can be greatly improved to meet the requirements of business decision-making time limit, cost. More enterprises to use its own sales network directly to research and ana

11、lysis. The worlds largest retailer the operating income Wal-rtl997, nearly $ 120 billion, ranking the first one hundred of the worlds largest 500 companies list in the application of information technology, it is not only historic, but also experienced. In thousands of stores all over the world thro

12、ugh the use of computer detects goods bar code system, the store can keep abreast of goods in and out of the case, clearly each commodity inventory, prices and profits, selling the extent. The biggest difference between network marketing and traditional marketing is that it is using the network to s

13、tudy the customer requirements in order to establish marketing programs to achieve two-way interactive communication with consumers. 4. Consumers into the production process, and demand personalization fully demonstrated. Advances in information technology for the production of the manufacturer CAD

14、(Computer Aided Design), CAM (computer aided manufacturing), CIM (Computer Integrated Manufacturing System) and DSS (decision support system across product development, manufacturing, decision-making tools. Consumer and production the relationship between traditional compared to a subtle change, the

15、y are not just competing buyers and sellers in the economic relationship, and to some extent even both partners ingredients. 5. Informative, comprehensive high-tech product that emphasizes service, intangible capital plays a vital role in the competition. , Knowledge-based industries in the gross do

16、mestic product (GDP) accounts for a significant proportion of the developed countries in Europe and the United States. Experts estimate that the 2010 Information Science and Technology software, life sciences, technology, new energy and renewable energy, science and technology, new materials science an



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