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1、英文常见口语句型 英文常见句型按照主谓(宾)、主系表 等基本句型为基准,各种属词各就其位 ,以时态和语态为支点,由单句向复合 句展开。 时态 n证人声称看到有个男的在屋外。 nThe witness claimed to have seen a man outside the house. n提着购物袋的那个女还在扶手电梯的下面,看上去坐了一整天。 nThe shopping bag lady is still at the foot of the escalator, and seems to have been sitting there all day. n我得知她把头发给剪了。 nI

2、was informed that she had had her hair cut. n十年了,我还没有这么畅快地喝过。 nIt was at least ten years since I had enjoyed a good drink. n要是你看到她,请代我致歉,我没给她写信。 nIf you see her, please give my apologies for not having written to him n参加训练课前没有什么英语基础。 nHe had not had any English before he took the training course. n到

3、月底能修好吗? nThe repair will certainly have been finished by the end of the month? 时态比较 n出生后孩子就开始学着说话。 nA child has begun to learn to speak ever since he was born. nA child began to learn to speak immediately after he was born. n和我们一起吃中饭,怎么样? nWill you join us for lunch? n三年前我参加了一家杂技俱乐部。 nI joined an ae

4、robics club three years ago. nI have been a member of an aerobics club for three years. n到年底那个人将积累一笔巨额财富。 nIn this way the man will amass a large fortune at the end of the year. nIn this way the man will have amassed a large fortune by the end of the year. n当着老师同学的面说这种话你会感到羞耻的。 nYou will feel ashame

5、d to say such a word in the presence of your teachers and classmates.(还没说) nAnd afterwards you will feel ashamed to have said such a word in the presence of your teachers and classmates.(已说) 数 n地球表面的四分之三是海洋。 nThree-fourths of the surface of the earth is sea. n小车的数量与日俱增。 nThe number of cars is increa

6、sing. nA number of cars are increasing. nBaker先生是我们的常客。他喜欢给裤子上浆。 nMr. Baker is the only one of our regular customers who likes his trousers starched. nBaker先生是我们的常客。他喜欢给裤子上浆。 nMr. Baker is one of our regular customers who like their trousers starched. n早餐是面包牛奶。 nBread and milk is my breakfast. n好多学生

7、家庭很有钱。 nMany a student is from rich families. n除了有一个没来,其他的都在这儿。 nAll but one are here just now. 语态(被动) n本大厦闲人莫入。 nNo permission has been given for anybody to enter the building. n这本书在邮局检查过了。 nThe book got checked at the post-office. n孩子们在保育院受到了很好的照顾,家长无须担心。 nParents do not need to worry about their

8、children because the children are being/are well taken care of in the nurseries. n有人瞧见他进了裁缝店。 nHe was seen to enter a tailors shop. 代词 n男孩有男孩的特点,女孩有女孩的特点 nBoys have their traits, girls theirs. n他们这两支队伍都很棒,都有机会赢。 nThey are two good teams, and both have a good chance of wining. n每个人都喜欢用电脑写信,因为电脑能为大家自动

9、做好多事。 nEverybody likes to use the computer to type a letter because the computer will automatically do many things for them. n我们通常先清理教师的椅子,再我们自己的,然后离开教室。 nBefore leaving the classroom, we usually clean the teachers desk first and ours later. n这些习惯本身是无害的,但可能引发其他恶习。 nThese habits, which are harmless i

10、n themselves, are likely to lead to others that are decidedly harmful. n这次考试又没有通过,很明显他没有用功学习。 nAgain he failed in the test, which proved he had not worked hard enough. n尽管这些建议是对的,但我一个也不赞成。 nAlthough these opinions are correct, I will agree with none of them. nAlthough both opinions are correct, I wi

11、ll agree with neither of them. n有些人参加剧烈的练习,而另一些人参加温和的锻炼。 nSome people take part in strenuous exercises while other people go in for the moderate ones. n我会公平地判断这三个不同的观点,不会偏向任何一个。 nI would be fair in judging the three opposing views, without favoring one and playing down another. n我会公平地判断这二个不同的观点,不会偏向

12、任何一个。 nI would be fair in judging the two opposing views, without favoring one and playing down the other. 关系代词 n我会找到那棵频频回应的树,婆裟起舞翩然可见。 nI am to find the willing tree that dances to be seen. n考虑了好久,才尽我可能想出这个最为简练的回答。 nA certain amount of meditation has brought me to this as the npithiest reply which

13、I myself can give. n有求必应。 nGive all that is asked. n这是言论自由最好的说法。 nThis is the best that can be said for liberty of opinion. n我只是过来谢谢你,并把你借给我的书还你。 nI only came to thank you and return the book (that) you lent me. n我们应该遵守社会规章制度,不过妨碍人类进步的那些应废除。 nWe should observe social rules, but those rules which hin

14、der human progress should be done away with. n我希望有更多的图画书,孩子们能兴趣盎然地阅读。 nI hope there will be more illustrated books that our children find it interesting to read. n我永远不会忘记去年夏天一起度过的日子。 nIll never forget the day which we spent together last summer. n街道漆黑,没有人可求助。 关系代词 nIn the dark street, there wasnt a

15、single person to whom she could turn for help. n我们刚装了中央空调,明年冬天房子就大不同。 nWeve just installed central heating, which should make a tremendous difference to the house next winter. n我买了一打鸡蛋,在门口时我没拿好盒子打碎了六个。 nI bought a dozen eggs, six of which broke when I dropped the box at my door. n没有护照就可以旅行的日子一去不返。 n

16、The days in which you could travel without a passport are a thing of the past. nWe are supposed to be serious where there are many people involved. n在地球薄弱的地方可发现它们。 nThey are found where the earths crust is weak. n你说的人人平等是他们不同意的地方。 nYoure saying that everyone should be equal, and this is where they disagree. n谁最后离开,谁关灯。 nWhoever leaves the room last ought to turn off the lights. n只要都能敲钟报时,都算作钟。 nWhatever can be properly called a clock always strikes the hours on a bell. 主语从句 n学还是不学全由你定夺。 n


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