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1、-河南中考必备短语(一)come短语1. come across(偶然)遇见(或发现)2. come along(意外地)出现;发生;来到3. come back回来;想起来 4. come down下来;落下5. come from来自 6. come into进入7. come in进来 8. come on快点;加油9. come out出版;发表 10. come over顺便来访11. come true(希望,梦想等)实现 12. come to oneself苏醒;恢复知觉13. come up with 提出;想出(主意、回答等)(二)give短语1. give away赠送;

2、分发 2. give back还给;归还;恢复(健康等)3. give in投降 4. give out分发;发放5. give up放弃 6. give birth to生(孩子);产生7. give sb. a lift捎某人一程 8. give sb. a hand 给予某人帮助(三)look短语1. look after照顾;照看 2. look at看;朝看3. look for寻找;寻求 4. look like看起来好像5. look into 向里面看;调查 6. look out当心7. look over(仔细)检查 8. look through浏览9. look up(

3、在词典、参考书等中)查阅;查找 10. look up to 钦佩;仰慕;尊敬11. look down upon瞧不起 12. look forward to盼望;期待13. look out of.往外面看 14. have a look看一看(四)make短语1. make faces/make a face做鬼脸;做苦脸 2. make money挣钱;赚钱3. make phone calls打电话 4. make progress取得进步5. make sure确保;证实 6. make a decision做决定7. make a difference有影响;起作用 8. mak

4、e a film拍电影9. make a fire生火 10. make a mess弄得一团糟(一塌糊涂)11. make a mistake出差错;犯错误 12. make a noise吵闹13. make an effort作出努力 14. make the bed整理床铺15. make friends with.与交朋友 16. make fun of.拿开玩笑17. make room for.给腾出地方 18. make ones way前往;成功19. make ones own decision某人自己做决定20. make up ones mind某人下决心21. mak

5、e a contribution/contributions to为作贡献22. make sb. feel at home使某人感到宾至如归(五)put短语1. put away把收起来;储存备用 2. put down写下;放下3. put off推迟;拖延 4. put on穿上;上演;增加5. put out扑灭;熄灭(火) 6. put up张贴;搭建7. put sth. to good use好好利用某物(六)take短语1. take after(在外貌、性格等方面)与(父母等)相像2. take away拿走;带走 3. take care当心;小心4. take down取

6、下;拆卸;记录 5. take in吸入;吞入(体内)6. take off起飞;脱下(衣服等) 7. take on呈现;雇佣8. take out 取出 9. take place发生10. take up 占据(时间、空间);开始从事;拿起 11. take breaks(take a break)休息12. take exercise做运动 13. take notes做笔记14. take photos(take a photo)照相 15. take risks(take a risk)冒险16. take turns轮流 17. take.seriously认真对待18. tak

7、e part (in).参加;参与 19. take care of照看;照顾20. take pride in.对感到自豪 21. take a message捎个口信;传话22. take a shower淋浴;洗澡 23. take a trip去旅行24. take a vacation去度假 25. take a walk散步26. take the subway乘地铁 27. take ones order点菜28. take ones temperature量体温 29. take ones time不急;慢慢来30. take ones place代替某人;替换某人 31. t

8、ake an interest in.对感兴趣32. take an active part in积极参加 33. take out the rubbish倒垃圾34. take it easy从容;轻松;不紧张(七)about短语1. care about关心;在意 2. talk about谈论;讨论;议论3. think about考虑 4. throw about乱丢;抛撒5. worry about担心 6. be sure about.确信;对有把握7. be excited about.对感到兴奋(八)after短语1. after all毕竟;终归 2. after class

9、课后3. after school放学后 4. after a while过了一会儿(九)as短语1. as for至于;关于 2. as if 好像3. as usual 像往常一样;平常地 4. as well也;还有5. such as例如 6. as.as像(一样)7. not so.as不像;不如 8. regard.as把看作9. as a result结果 10. as long as只要;既然11. as soon as一就 12. the same as.和相同;与一致13. as far as I know据我所知 14. as soon as possible尽快(十)a

10、t短语1. at a time一次 2. at birth出生时3. at first首先 4. at last最后;终于5. at least至少;最少 6. at times有时;偶尔7. at home在家 8. at midnight在半夜9. at night在晚上;在夜里 10. at one time曾经;一度11. at present 目前;现在 12. at sea在海上13. at work 在工作 14. aim at瞄准;针对;致力于;旨在15. knock at敲 16. laugh at嘲笑;取笑17. point at 指着;指向 18. shout at.冲大

11、声叫嚷19. arrive at到达(小地点) 20. be good at.擅长于21. at the table在桌子旁 22. at the age of.在岁时23. at the back of.在后面 24. at the beginning of.在开始25. at the end of.在结尾 26. at the foot of.在脚下27. at the head of.居首位 28. at the moment此时;现在29. at the same time 同时 30. at once 立即;马上31. be amazed/surprised at.对感到惊讶(十一)

12、away短语1. far away在远处2. get away逃离3. run away逃跑;跑掉 4. throw away扔掉5. right away立刻;马上 6. keep.away from避免接近;远离(十二)back短语1. bring back恢复;使想起来;归还 2. get back回来;恢复3. go back回去 4. pay back偿还(借款等)5. talk back回嘴;顶嘴 6. call(sb.)back(给某人)回电话7. get.back退还;把送回去(十三)by短语 1. by air(bus/train/ship)乘飞机(公共汽车,火车,轮船) 2

13、. by bike骑自行车3. by accident偶然地;意外地 4. by hand 手工;亲手交付 5. by mistake错误地 6. drop by顺便(或偶然)来访 7. go by(时间)过去;消逝8. pass by路过;经过 9. by the end of.到结束时10. by the time到的时候;到之前 11. by the way 顺便一提;附带说说 (十四)down短语1. break down停止运转;出故障 2. cut down砍倒;削减3. die down逐渐变弱;逐渐消失 4. fall down落下;摔倒5. get down下来;落下 6.

14、lie down躺下7. shut down关上;停业 8. sit down坐下9. turn down调低;关小;拒绝 10. write down写下;记下11. keep.down控制;抑制 12. let.down使失望/沮丧13. pull.down拆下;摧毁 14. upside down上下颠倒;倒转15. up and down上下;来回(十五)for短语1. ask for要求;请求 2. care for关心;关怀;照顾3. leave for离开(去另一个地方) 4. pay for.为付款;付的钱5. prepare for.为做准备 6. thanks for. 为而感谢7. wait for等候;等待 8. be bad for对有害9. be known for以闻名 10. be late for迟到11. be/



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