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1、Introduction (介绍)1、There are many elements constituting European Culture. 2、There are two major elements: Greco-Roman element and Judeo-Christian element. The richness of European Culture was created by Greco-Roman element and Judeo-Christian element. Divison OneGreek Culture and Roman Culture1、The

2、5th century closed with civil war between Athens Sparta. 2、The economy of Athens rested on an immense amount of slave labour. 3、Ancient Greeces epics was created by Homer. 4、The Homers epics consisted of Iliad and Odyssey. 5、Drama in Ancient Greece was floured in the 5th century B.C.6、Three masters

3、in tragedy三大悲剧大师 Aeschylus Prometheus BoundShelly Prometheus Unbound Sophocles(之首) Oedipus the King Freuds “the Oedipus complex” (恋母情结) David Herbert Lawrences Sons and lovers Euripides ATrojan Women BHe is the first writer of “problem plays”(社会问题剧) CElizabeth Browning called him “Euripides human”(一

4、个纯粹的人) DRealism can be traced back to the Ancient Greece. To be specific, Euripides. 7、 The only representative of Greek comedy is Aristophanes. Aristophanes writes about nature.Swift says of him “As for comic Aristophanes, The dog too witty and too profane is.”8、History (Historical writing) “Father

5、 of History” Herodotus war(between Greeks and Persians) This war is called Peleponicion wars. “The greatest historian that ever lived.” Thucydides war (Sparta, Athens and Syracuse) 9、 Euclids Elements解析几何 It was in use in English schools until the early years of the 20th century. Archimedes His work

6、 not only in geometry几何学,but also in arithmetic算术, machanics机械, and hydrostatics.流体静力学 Give me a place to stand, and I will move the world.(Archimedes) 10、The melting between Roman Culture and Greek Culture. (罗马征服希腊的标志) From 146 B.C., Latin was the language of the western half of the Roman Empire. G

7、reek that of the eastern half. Both Latin and Greek belong to Indo-European language. 11、The dividing range in the Roman history refers to 27 B.C. 12、The year 27 B.C. Divided the Roman history into two periods: republic and empire. 13、The idea of Republic can be traced back to Platos republic. 14、In

8、 the Roman history ,there came two hundred years of peaceful time, which was guaranteed by the Roman legions(罗马军团) 15、In the Roman history, there came two hundred years of peaceful time, which was known as Pax Romana.(神圣罗马帝国) 16、In the Roman history ,there came two hundred years of peaceful time, wh

9、ich was guaranteed by the Roman legions, it was known as Pax Romana 17、The Roman Law protected the rights of plebeians (平民). 18、The important contribution made by the Romans to the European culture was the Roman Law. 19、After 395,the empire was divided into East (the Byzantine Empire) and West. 20、C

10、icero西赛罗 his legal and political speeches are models of Latin diction拉丁语用词 described as Ciceronian.西赛罗式的 an enormous influence(巨大影响) on the development of European prose. 21、Virgil: Aeneid 阿尼德 22、The pantheon was built in 27 B.C. The worlds first vast interior space.世界上第一所最大的室内场所 23、The representati

11、on form of Greek Democracy is citizen-assembly.古希腊民主的表现形式 24、The embodiment of Greek democracy is citizen-assembly. 古希腊民主的具体形式 25. Many of Platos ideas were later absorbed into Christian thought.How did the Ancient Greek philosophy develop? (1)、Three founders 1、Pythagoras All things were numbers. Sc

12、ientific mathematics. Theory of proportion.比例的理论 2、Heracleitue Fire is the primary elements of the universe.火是万物之源 The theory of the mingling of opposites produced harmony.矛盾的对立统一 3、Democritus the atomic theory.第一个原子理论开拓者 materialism.唯物主义 (2)、Three thinkers 1、Socrates He hadnt works. We can know him

13、 from Platos dialogues. The dialectical method was established by Socrates. 2、Plato The Academy is the first school in the world, it was established by Plato. He has four works. Dialogues, Apology, Symposium and Republic. 3、Aristotle The Lyceum is the second school in the world, it was established b

14、y Aristotle. Aristotle is a humanist. (2)、Five contending schools 1、The Sophists诡辩派 Under the leadership of Protagoras. The representative of work is On the God.诸神论 His doctrine is “man is the measure of all things”. 2、The Cynics犬儒派 Under the leadership of Diogenes. The word “cynic” means “dog” in E

15、nglish. He proclaimed his brotherhood. And he had no patience with the rich and powerful. 3、The Sceptics置疑学派 Under the leadership of Pyrrhon. His thought is not all knowledge was attainable, and doubting the truth of what others accepted as true. 4、The Epicureans享乐派 Under the leadership of Epicurus. Pleasure to be the highest good in life but not sensual enjoyment. Pleasure could be attained by the practice of virtue. Epicurus was a materialist. He


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