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1、第十八讲 九年级 Units 56 类别新课标要求 重 点 词词 汇汇 拓 展 1.finaladv.最后;最终终地 finally 2worried(同义词义词 )adj.焦虑虑的 anxiousv.使烦恼烦恼 ;使焦虑虑 worry 3interviewn.面试试者;采访访者 interviewer 4noiseadj.吵闹闹的;嘈杂杂的 noisyadv.吵闹闹地 noisily 5mysteryadj.神秘的;不可思议议的 mysterious 6dishonest(反义词义词 )adj.诚实诚实 的 honest 7photographyn.照片 photographn.摄摄影者;摄

2、摄 影师师 photographer 8tasteadj.味道好的;味美可口的 tasty 9mainadv.主要地;首要地 mainly 重 点 短 语语 记记 忆忆 1.belong to属于 2make up 形成;组组成;构成 3use up 用完;用光;耗尽 4be worried about 为为而担心 5be careful of 当心;注意 6turn off 关掉 7prefer.to. 与相比,更喜欢欢 8remind of 提醒;使记记起 9on display 展览览;陈陈列 10suit sb. (fine) (口语语)(很)合某人的意;对对某人(很)合适 11ove

3、r the years 多年来 12to be honest (作插入语语)老实说实说 ;说实说实 在的 13be bad for 对对有害 14stay away from 与保持距离 15be in agreement 意见见一致 类别新课标要求 重 点 句 型 整 理 1.The hair band must belong to Linda. 2It cant be Johns. Its much too small for him. 3Its crucial that I study for it because it makes up 30% of the final exam. 4

4、There must be something visiting the homes in our neighborhood. 5I like music that I can dance to. 6I love singers who write their own music. 7It does have a few good features,though. 1The hair band must belong_to Linda. 这个发带一定属于琳达。(Unit 5) belong to 意为“属于”,to是介词,后加名词或代词宾格作宾语。 Which club does he bel

5、ong to?他属于哪个俱乐部? belong to 不用于进行时态,也无被动语态; belong to 后不能接形容词性物主代词或名词所有格,但可以转化 。 This car belongs to me. This is my car. This car is mine.这辆车属于我。 2It cant be Johns.Its_much_too small for him. 它不可能是约翰的。它对他来说太小了。(Unit 5) much too 意为“很;太;十分”,只能用作副词,后接形容词或副 词。 Learning English well is much too difficult.

6、 把英语学好太难了。 【辨析】 too much,much too与too many too much意为“太多”,可以修饰不可数名词,作定语;也可单独 使用,作主语、宾语或表语;还可作副词,作状语,表示“太多”。 much too只能作副词,修饰形容词或副词,表示“十分;非常”。 too many意为“太多”,后接可数名词复数,作定语。 He has too much trouble in his life. 他生活中的麻烦太多了。 Im much too tired to go out. 我实在累得不能出去了。 There are too many people on the square

7、. 广场上有太多人。 3Its_crucial_that I study for it because it makes up 30% of the final exam.这次考试对我来说很重要,因为它要按30%被 计入期末考试。(Unit 5) 此句中it是形式主语,真正主语是“that I study for it ”。句式特点 为:It is/wasadj.that从句。that引导主语从句,只起到连接句子的 作用,本身无意义。 It was strange that she didnt come to the party. 奇怪的是她没来参加晚会。 【拓展】 it作形式主语,还可代替动

8、词不定式结构。 Its really wonderful for us to listen to music. 我们听音乐感觉真棒。 4There_must_be_something visiting the homes in our neighborhood. 必定有什么东西光顾了我们邻里的每一家(Unit 5) 此句是“There be主语doing sth.”句型,在主语后面加动词 ing形式,表明该动作目前或现阶段正在进行。 There is a dog lying under the tree. 有一只狗躺在树下。 There must be something worrying y

9、ou. 肯定有什么事让你担心。 【拓展】 There be sth. to do有事要做 There is no time to think.没有时间考虑了。 5I prefer music that has great lyrics. 我比较喜欢有抒情词句的音乐。(Unit 6) prefer作动词,意为“更喜欢;宁可;宁愿(选择)”,相当于 like.better,后面可跟名词、动名词或不定式。其过去式、过去分词均 为preferred,现在分词为preferring。 prefer的常见搭配形式有: prefer sth.to sth.比起更喜欢 prefer to do sth.宁愿做

10、某事 prefer sb.to do sth.希望某人做某事 I prefer bananas to apples. 与苹果相比,我更喜欢香蕉。 【拓展】 prefer doing sth.to doing sth.或prefer to do sth.rather than do sth.,其同义句式为would rather do sth.than do sth. He preferred to die rather than steal. He preferred dying to stealing. He would rather die than steal. 他宁可死也不愿去盗窃。

11、6It does_have a few good features,though. 然而它的确有些优点。(Unit 6) (1)does在句中表示强调,意为“真的;实在;的确”。如果省略, 原句可写成:It has a few good features,though. 英语中常在实义动词前加上助动词do/does/did来加强语气,表示强 调。(意为“真的;实在;确实”等) She does speak English well.她英语的确说得好。 I do like staying with my friends. 我真的喜欢和我的朋友们待在一起。 (2)though的用法: 副词,用于口

12、语中,相当于however,意为“尽管如此;然而”, 放在句末。 She promised to phone. I heard nothing,though. 她答应要打电话来,但我没听到回信儿。 连词,同although,意为“虽然;尽管”,放在句首或句中,不与 but连用。 She won the first prize,though none of us had expected it. 她得了一等奖,虽然这件事我们都没想到。 九年级(56单元) (训练时间:60分钟 分值:100分) 基础知识过关 一、用所给单词的适当形式填空(8分) 1Dont you know the house

13、is made up of bricks and _ (stone)? 2Could you _ (possible) lend me 10 dollars? 3The fruit _(drop) down from the tree a moment ago. 4Could you please tell me who is the _ (own) of the house? 5I want to buy the _ (late) issue of the “English Language Learning” stones possibly dropped owner latest 6Th

14、e baby hurt _ (it) when it fell out of its cot. 7There were once two poor old _ (fisherman) living here. 8I like to see the sun _ (sink)at dusk. 二、根据汉语提示完成句子(16分) 1我因为生病没出去看电影。 I did not go to the cinema _ my illness. 2医疗队由十二名医生组成。 The medical team was _ of twelve doctors. 3不要把肥皂用尽,留一些给我洗。 itself fi

15、shermen sink because of made up Dont _ all the soap. Leave me some to wash with. 4那本词典是图书馆的。 That dictionary _ the library. 5店中有一种新车展出。 A new kind of car was _ in the shop. 6叫他离我妹妹远点儿! Tell him to _ my sister! 7在床上看书对你眼睛有害。 Reading in bed is _ your eyes. 8比起数学来,我更喜欢物理。 use up belongs to on display stay away from bad for I _ physics _ maths. 综合能力提高 一、单项选择(10分) 1(2011聊城)As everyone knows,rubbish _ everywhere. Aneed be thrown Bmustnt be thrown Ccant throw Dmay throw 【解析】考查动词语态。垃圾rubbish和throw为被动关系,应用被动 语态,排除C和D。句意为“每个人都知道禁止到处扔垃圾”。mustnt表禁



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