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1、 Gastrointestinal tract Gastrointestinal tract 胃肠道胃肠道 Accessory organsAccessory organs 辅助器官 (Para. 1) The organization ofThe organization of the gastrointestinalthe gastrointestinal tracttract What are the four layers?What are the four layers? (Concentric layers)(Concentric layers) SublayersSublayer

2、s Intrinsic nerves (Intrinsic nerves (内神经内神经) ) The gastrointestinal tract 胃肠道 The submucosal plexus (Meissner plexus) 黏膜下层神经丛 (即迈斯纳神经丛) The myenteric plexus (Auerbach plexus) 肠肌神经丛 (即奥尔巴赫神经丛) The subserosal plexus 浆膜下神经网丛 What are the three nerve plexuses? 唾液 salivasaliva 味蕾 taste budstaste buds 嗅神

3、经 olfactory nervesolfactory nerves 胃液的分泌 the secretion of gastric juicethe secretion of gastric juice 恒牙 permanent teethpermanent teeth 咀嚼 masticationmastication 食管 esophagusesophagus 蠕动 peristalsisperistalsis 外层纵向肌 outer longitudinal layers of musclesouter longitudinal layers of muscles 内层环形肌 inner

4、 circular layers of musclesinner circular layers of muscles Mouth and Esophagus 口腔和食道 1.Three pairs of salivary glands1.Three pairs of salivary glands 1 liter of saliva per day1 liter of saliva per day salivation 唾液分泌 1.Three pairs of salivary glands1.Three pairs of salivary glands 1 liter of saliva

5、 per day1 liter of saliva per day 2. Autonomic nervous system 2. Autonomic nervous system ( (自主神经系统自主神经系统) )controls salivation.controls salivation. (sympathetic and parasympathetic)(sympathetic and parasympathetic) (But not regulated by hormones)(But not regulated by hormones) salivation 唾液分泌 食糜 ch

6、ymechyme 十二指肠 duodenum duodenum The stomachs major anatomic The stomachs major anatomic boundaries:boundaries: 食管括约肌食管括约肌 贲门贲门 胃大弯和胃小胃大弯和胃小 弯弯 幽门括约肌幽门括约肌 十二指肠十二指肠 What are the functional areas of the What are the functional areas of the stomach?stomach? fundus, body, antrumfundus, body, antrum Stoma

7、ch 胃 胃壁 stomach wallstomach wall 斜肌层 a layer of oblique musclea layer of oblique muscle 中环层和外纵层在胃底最薄 The circular The circular andand longitudinal layers of longitudinal layers of muscle muscle are thinnest in theare thinnest in the fundus fundus. 胃体和胃窦逐渐变厚 The layers become progressively The layers

8、 become progressively thicker in the body andthicker in the body and antrumantrum. . 胃粘膜 the mucosa of the stomachthe mucosa of the stomach Stomach 胃 1. 血液通过腹腔一支动脉输入胃中 Blood is supplied to the stomach byBlood is supplied to the stomach by a a branch of the celiac artery.branch of the celiac artery.

9、2. 主动脉沿胃大弯和胃小弯分布 Major arteries lie alongMajor arteries lie along the greater and the greater and lesser curvatures.lesser curvatures. 3. 分叉深入浆膜和肌层 branch and penetratebranch and penetrate the serosathe serosa and and muscle layersmuscle layers 4. 形成丰富的侧支循环 form a richform a rich collateral circulat

10、ion collateral circulation Stomach 胃 Cardiovascular System: Major Vessels 1. renal artery 肾动脉 2.vertebral artery 脊椎动脉 3. subclavian artery 锁骨下动脉 4. aorta 主动脉 5. coronary artery 冠状动脉 6. celiac artery 腹腔动脉 7. superior mesenteric artery 肠系膜上动脉 8. lumbar artery 腰动脉 9. inferior mesenteric artery 肠系膜下动脉 1

11、0. gonadal artery 生殖腺动脉 1. renal artery 肾动脉 2. vertebral artery 脊椎动脉 3. subclavian artery 锁骨下动脉 4. aorta 主动脉 5. coronary artery 冠状动脉 6. celiac artery 腹腔动脉 7. superior mesenteric artery 肠系膜上动 8. lumbar artery 腰动脉 9. inferior mesenteric artery 肠系膜下动 10. gonadal artery 生殖腺动脉 A rich circulation stomach

12、liver Gastric Vein Splenic Vein 静止状态下没有壁张力 In resting state, no In resting state, no wall tensionwall tension. . 吞咽动作致使底部松弛 Swallowing causes Swallowing causes the fundusthe fundus to relax. to relax. 食物存储在垂直层或斜纤层 Food is stored in Food is stored in vertical or oblique layersvertical or oblique laye

13、rs 液体相对快速地流入胃窦 Fluids flow relatively quickly down to Fluids flow relatively quickly down to the antrumthe antrum. . 蠕动波使胃动力开始增强 Gastric motility increases with Gastric motility increases with peristaltic wavesperistaltic waves (蠕动收缩频率)同时受神经和激素活动影响。 Influenced by Influenced by neural and hormonal ac

14、tivityneural and hormonal activity. . Gastric Motility 胃运动 1. 胃液或胃分泌物 gastric juices gastric juices oror gastric secretion gastric secretion 2. 粘液、酸、酶、激素和内因子 Mucus, acid, enzymes, hormones, Mucus, acid, enzymes, hormones, and intrinsic factorintrinsic factor 3.激素被分泌到血液里 The hormones The hormones are

15、 secreted into the blood.are secreted into the blood. 4. 其他胃分泌物直接进入胃腔。 The other gastric secretions into The other gastric secretions into the stomach the stomach lumenlumen Gastric Secretion 胃分泌 粘液粘液形成一道防护屏障来抵御形成一道防护屏障来抵御酸酸 和和蛋白水解酶蛋白水解酶。 Mucus Mucus forms a protective barrier forms a protective bar

16、rier againstagainst acid acid and and proteolytic proteolytic enzymesenzymes. . Gastric Secretion 胃分泌 1. 1. 胃液的成分取决于其胃液的成分取决于其体积体积和和流动速度流动速度 The composition of gastric juice depends onThe composition of gastric juice depends on volume and and flow rate 2. 氢和氯, 钠, 钾 的浓度变化 The change of the concentrations ofThe change of the concentrations of hydrogen and chloride, sodium , and potassium 3. 3. 分泌的速度和体积在早上为最小值,在分泌的速度和体积在早上为最小值,在 下午和晚上达到最大值。下午和晚上达到最


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