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1、able adj. 能、能够 e.g. Will you be able to come? I didnt feel able to disagree with him. -able (构成形容词的后缀)可的、能 的 e.g. fashionable comfortable changeable about adv.大约、到处 prep.关于、对于 1.大约、左右(approximately) e.g. They waited about one hour. 2.将近、几乎 e.g. I am just about ready. 3.到处、处处(especially BrE) e.g. The

2、 children were rushing about in the garden. IDM thats about all prep. 1.关于,对于 e.g. There is something strange about him. 2. 的是,为了 e.g. Movies are about making money these days. IDM be about to do sth 即将,将要做某事。 above prep. adv. adj. prep. 1.在上面 e.g. The water came above our knees. 2.超过,多于,大于 e.g. Inf

3、lation is above 6%. IDM above all 尤其是 adv. 1.在上面,在较高处 e.g. Put it on the shelf above 2.超过,更大,更多 e.g. children aged 12 and above adj. 1.前文上述的 e.g. Please write to us at the above address. abroad adv. 1.在国外,到国外 e.g. She worked abroad for a year. IDM at home and abroad 国内外 accept verb. 1.收受,接受 e.g. He

4、asked me to marry him and I accepted. 2.同意,认可 e.g. She wont accept advice from anyone. 3.承担,担任 e.g. He accepts full responsibility for what happened. acceptable accident n. 事故,意外遭遇,不测 e.g. He was killed in an accident. IDM by accident 偶然,意外 according to prep. 按照,根据 e.g. Everything went according to

5、plan. ache verb. noun. verb.疼痛;隐痛 e.g. I am aching all over. ache for sb./sth.渴望做某事 noun. 常构成复合词 heartache bellyache achieve v. 1.达到 e.g. He had finally achieved success. 2.完成(accomplish) e.g. I havent achieved very much. achievable across adv. prep. adv. 1.从一边到另一边,横过,宽 e.g. We cant swim across. 2.从

6、的一边向 e.g. He looked across at me. prep. 1.He walked across the field. 2.遍及 e.g. across the country act active actor actress actual act v. 扮演,表演,行为, n. 法案 actual adj. 1.实际的 e.g. What were his actual words? 2.真正的,本身。强调事情最重要的部 分 add address add v. 增加 add A to B address noun. verb. noun. 地址 v. 称呼 addres

7、s sb. (as sth.) admire verb. 1. 钦佩,羡慕 e.g. I really admire your enthusiasm. 2.欣赏 e.g. He stood back to admire his handiwork. admit verb. 1. 承认 She admits to being strict with her children. 2.准许进入,加入 The narrow windows admits little light into room. adult affair age agriculture adult n. 成年人 affair n.

8、 公共事务,事件 age n. 年龄,时代,时期 v.使变老,使苍老 -age 构成名词 breakage baggage Agriculture n. 农业 advance advantage adventure advance v. n. adj. n. 前进,进步,发展 v. 前进,发展,提出想法 adj. 预先的,事先的 advance warning advantage n. 优势,有点,有利 adventure n. 冒险,奇遇 advice advise advice 不可数名词,建议,忠告 a word of advice 一句忠告 advise v. advise sb. d

9、oing sth. aeroplane air aircraft airport aeroplane 英飞机 aircraft 飞机,飞行器 airport 飞机场 air 空气 afford verb. 1. 买得起,负担得起(常与could can be able to 连用) Can we afford a new car? 2.承担后果 3.提供,给予 The plan afford young people a chance. afraid v. 害怕,畏惧,担心 be afraid of doing sth. IDM Im afraid. 恐怕,很遗憾,对不起 专有名词 Afric

10、a African America American Asia Asian after afternoon after prep. conj. adv. adj. prep. 1.在之后 2.一个接一个的,day after day after- 构成形容词after-school, after- dinner after all 毕竟,究竟 conj. adv. adj. 在以后 again against again adv. 再一次,又一次 against prep. 1.违反,反对 2.对不利 The evidence is against him. 3.紧挨,依靠 ago ahead

11、 ago adv.以前,不久前,与一般过去式连用 ahead adv. 1.在前面,向前面 2.提前,预先 The party was planned weeks ahead. agree v. 同意,赞成 agree to differ 同意格子保留不同意见 agreeable 讨人喜欢的,宜人的. aim n. v. n. 目标,瞄准 the aims of the lesson take aim at sb. 把目标对准某人。 v. 力争做到 针对,目标,旨在 be aimed at all allow all det. 限定词 all sth. 全部的,整个的 pron. 所有,全部,

12、全体 all in all 总的来说 in all 总共,总计 adv. 完全,很,非常 She was all excited. allow v. 允许,准许,接受,认同 be allowed to do allow doing The judge allowed my claim. alive almost along alone alive adj. 不用在名词前 1.活着,在世 Is he alive? 2.激动的,有活力的 He is alive with happiness. almost adv. 几乎,差不多 Its most time to go. along prep. a

13、dv. prep. 沿着,顺着 adv. 向前 I walk along singing to myself. alone adj. 1. 独自的 2.用语名词或代词后,唯一,只有 You alone make the decision. aloud already also although altogether always aloud adv.大声的,出声的 read aloud already adv. 已经,都 also adv. 也,不与否定动词连用 although conj. 虽然,尽管,即使 noun. in the all together(一丝不挂 ,赤裸身体)旧语 al

14、ways adv. 总是,每次都是,永远 among ancient and among prep. 在中间 ancient adj. 古代的,古老的 the ancient 古代人 and conj. 和,同,又;加,加上; anger angry anger n. v. n. 怒火,怒气 in anger v. 使发怒 anger sb. angry adj. 发怒的,生气的,愤怒的 (literary)狂风暴雨的,波涛汹涌的 announce another answer anxious announce v. 宣告,宣布 another det. pron. 又一,再一,另一 IDM

15、of one kind or another 各种不同的 answer n. v. 回答,答复 answerable 对某人某事负责 anxious adj. 焦虑,忧虑,担心 be anxious about /for sb. any any- any det. pron. adv. 任何的,任一的 anybody pron. 任何人 anyhow adv. 不管怎样 anyone pron. 任何人 anything pron. 任何事 anyway adv. 不管怎样 anywhere adv. 任何地方 apologize vi. 道歉,致歉 apologize to sb. for sth. appear apple apply appointment appear verb. 显得,看来,似乎(seem) It appear 出现,呈现 apple the apple of sb.s eye apply v. 申请,请求 appointment n. 参观,约定 April April Fools Day January February March April May June July Au



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