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1、瓯海区2010届初中毕业生第二次适应性测试试卷英语笔试部分 2010.5卷 一、单项填空(本题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)( ) 1. -I hear everyone can get_ID card, even the newly-born babies. - Really? Thats news to me.A、 a B、 an C、 the D、 /( ) 2. Please be quick, _ youll be late for school.A、but B、or C、so D、and( ) 3. - Why werent you at the meeting?- I _ f

2、or a phone call from my aunt in America.A、 waited B、is waiting C、was waiting D、had waited ( ) 4. -I feel really _ before the interview.- Take it easy. Sure you are the best.A、patient B、serous C、nervous D、cool( ) 5. -I hear you have to get up early every morning. -Right. Its one of the _ in my family

3、.A、plans B、orders C、rules D、suggestions( ) 6. - Dont _ your coat, it is too cold outside. - I wont.A、turn off B、get off C、take off D、put off( ) 7. -Thank you very much for the nice T-shirt. - _A、Dont be silly! B、Thats right.C、Im glad you like it. D、Its only a little thing.( ) 8. -_ I watch TV, mum?-

4、 Of course you can, but you have to finish your homework first.A、Must B、May C、Shall D、Need( ) 9. - _a week do you watch TV?-TwiceJORDANS SWEATERSHALF PRICEA、How long B、How oftenC、How many times D、How soon( ) 10. Where can you see the poster on the right? A、In a bank B、In a restaurant C、In a cinema D

5、、In a shop 二、完形填空(本题有15小题,每小题1分,共15分)阅读下面短文,掌握大意,从每小题所给A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。When I was growing up,I had an old neighbor, DrGibbsHe didnt look like any doctor Id ever knownHe never invited us to play in 11 yard, but he was a very kind person When DrGibbs wasnt saving lives,he was planting 12 . The good

6、 doctor had some 13 ideas about planting trees. He 14 watered his new trees 15 I asked why, he said that watering plants spoiled* them,and that if you watered them,each baby tree would grow weaker and weaker, 16 you had to make things difficult for them and pick out the weaker trees early on He talk

7、ed about how watering trees made for shallow* roots, and how trees 17 werent watered had to grow deep roots in search of water under the earth by themselves. Deep roots were very important So he never watered his trees. Hed planted an oak* and, instead of watering it every morning,hed beat it 18 a r

8、olled-up newspaperI asked him why he did that,and he said it was to get the trees 19 Dr. Gibbs died several years after I left homeEvery now and then,I walked by his house and 20 the trees that I watched him plant about twenty-five years agoTheyre very big and 21 now I planted some trees a few years

9、 back and carried water to them for a whole 22 After two years of caring too much,whenever a cold wind blows in,they 23 a lot Every night before I go to bed,I check on my two sonsMostly I pray* that their lives will be easyBut lately Ive been thinking that its time to change my prayerI know my child

10、ren often face difficultiesTheres always a 24 wind blowing somewhere,so what we need to do is to pray for roots that reach 25 into the brave heart,so when the rains fall and the winds blow,we could face it strongly and wont be beaten down11. A、her B、yourC、hisD、my 12. A、treesB、flowersC、grassD、bamboos

11、 13. A、relaxingB、politeC、strictD、interesting14. A、neverB、oftenC、usuallyD、always15. A、BeforeB、OnceC、AfterD、Until16. A、forB、or C、butD、so17. A、thatB、whatC、whoD、whose18. A、forB、inC、withD、by19. A、agreementB、careC、attentionD、trust20. A、looked atB、looked afterC、looked forD、looked up 21. A、activeB、weakC、qui

12、etD、strong22. A、dayB、summerC、nightD、winter23. A、burnB、die C、shakeD、fall24. A、coolB、hot C、coldD、warm25. A、fastB、deepC、slowlyD、close三、阅读理解(本题有15小题,每小题2分。共30分)阅读下面短文,从每小题所给A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。ABankMotel 168King StreetParkWelcome to Motel 168Phone Number:4008-207-168Website:http:/www.motel 下面是Mr.Zhang 住宾

13、馆的房卡,阅读以下信息,选出最佳选项。Usage: keep the card close to the response zone* on the door until the green light is on. Then open the door.Notice: Take the card with you. It will be a help if you got lost. If the card is lost during your stay in the hotel, please call our Service Centre. Give the card back to the Service Centre when you check out*. ( )26. Motel 168 is _.A、on King Street near a bank B、next to a museumC、near a train station D、on George Street near a park( ) 27. Mr.Zhang can open the door _.A、when the light is red


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