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1、初中英语写作教学漫谈 初中毕业(5级)要求达到的目标: A. 能根据写作要求,收集、准备素材; B. 能独立起草短文、短信等,并在教师的指导 下进行修改; 新课程标准中关于写的要求 C.能使用常见的连接词表示顺序和逻辑关系 (即文章中用于表示并列,转折,举例,因 果,递进,让步,总结等逻辑关系的固定单 词或词组) ; D.能简单描述人物或事件; E.能根据所给的图示或表格写出简单的段落 或操作说明。 初中英语写作教学现状 写作能力远远落后于阅读能力 很少有专门的写作指导课 很多教师采取简单的方式处理写作: 指定题目,要求在规定的时间内完成后 上交,逐一批阅,给予评价或划分等级。忽 视了在写作过

2、程中技能的培养 有的教师在平时不进行写作训练,让学生在 考试前让背几篇范文来应付考试。 多数学生对老师的评改反馈只看评分 对写作丧失信心,不再重视(草率应付) 恶性循环 宁波陈佩芳(2010) 推广中的 “过程法” 三阶段构成: 写前准备(pre-writing): 小组讨论 Brainstorm for ideas 写作(drafting): 汇总意见,确定提纲 学生定时完成 修改(revising): 同伴互批, 定稿 优点:调动学生,启发思维 缺点:费时,英语课堂时间有限。还忽 略了中学生的苦衷:“想得到,写不出 ” 和 “想的精彩,写的难堪” 。 近几年杭州地区中考英语作文题目 VII

3、I书面表达(共1题,计15分) 假如你叫李华,在英特网上找到了一个叫David的网友,现在请 你根据下列要点给David写个E一mail,介绍你自己的一些情况。 1李华,中学生,家住在上海。 2喜欢集邮和运动。 3对英语很感兴趣,会唱不少英文歌曲。 4班里同学也想找网友,希望得到帮助。 5想去英国看看。 注意: 1.开头部分已写好,只需接着写。 2下面方框中所给的词语可供你选择使用,也可适当增加一些词 语,使所写的短文正确、连贯。 3词数:65个左右。 live in, collect stamps, do some sports, pen friends, visit ones countr

4、y, soon, English songs David, How are you? 近几年杭州地区中考英语作文 没有超过课程标准五级要求 任务简单明了。 篇幅短,写一段就够了(65-80词, 10句话左右) 关键在于语言正确,表达清楚(注意 顺序和逻辑关系)。 写作能力的培养需要进行语 言知识积累和写作技能训练 。 Guided practice and pa 学生作文sentence问题诊断 My home have three people. I want go home. There are some students play football in the playground.

5、搭配不当 Next week, we are going to take part in the final examinations. examination 或 test不能与 take part in搭配使用, 但可以和take, attend, have , sit for, conduct, enter for, get through, pass, fail 搭 配。 搭配不当 We should learn as many knowledge as possible. knowledge 不能与learn 搭配, 只能 与acquire, gain, obtain, absorb

6、, accumulate, develop, broaden, enlarge, deepen, digest 等词搭配使 用。 http:/corpus.byu.edu/bnc Verb + knowledge Acquire + knowledge 全部例句 Adjective + knowledge She felt dangerous. When we go into society, we will (go out into the world; join the society加入协会) 词汇似是而非 由于学生缺乏英语基础知识和技能, 许多句子看起来类似用汉语想好了语 句再用英语逐

7、字死译。(李志雪, 2008) 让我们的广州充满爱。 Lets make love everywhere in our Guangzhou. “对于中国学生最有用的帮助是让他认识 英语和汉语的差别”。(吕叔湘) 要克服英文写作中的“ 汉化” 倾向, 一个 很重要的方法是与母语的特点进行比较, 使学生努力排除母语特点的干扰, 并有意 识地模仿英语的特点, 写出具有英语味的 东西来。 英汉句子结构差异 1)英语句子结构完整(complete),动词变化 多 (transitivity , number, time, aspect) 2)主干成分语序基本一致:SV(O) (不过汉语中有许多SOV句:

8、你书读了吗?英语中有 大量倒装句) 3)英汉语中的定语、状语和补语位置有很大不 同 Summary chart of verb tenses time aspect Present Past Future progressivePerfect Perfect progressive simple Simple present Simple past Simple future Present progressive Past progressive Future progressive Present perfect Past perfect Future perfect Present pe

9、rfect progressive Past perfect progressive Future perfect progressive What do you do everyday? What did you do yesterday? What will you do tomorrow? What are you doing now? What were you doing at this time yesterday? What will you be doing at this time tomorrow? What have you done since you got up t

10、his morning? What had you done before you went to bed yesterday? What will you have done by the time you go to bed tonight? What are you doing? How long have you been doing that? What were you doing before I walked into the classroom today? How long had you been doing that? What will you be doing be

11、fore I walk into the classroom tomorrow? How long will you have been doing that? Answer the following 12 questions in complete sentences. 英汉句子主干成分的语序差异 主语 英语一般严格遵循SV结构要求。每个句 子都要有主语(除祈使句),并且以动词为 中心;主谓之间相互制约。 汉语多用“topic comment” 结构,几乎 什么结构都可以做主题(topic)。主题总 是在前。 Put the following into English 她十岁死了父亲。

12、台上作者一位老者。 (衣服)洗好了。 下雨了。 Her father died when she was ten. An old man is sitting on the platform. I have washed the clothes. It is raining. 主语 e.g. 活到老,学到老。 One is never too old to learn. 很难说谁对谁错。 Its hard to tell who is right and who is wrong. 昨天找到了丢失的钢笔。 The lost pen was found yesterday. 上饭店吃饭很贵。 I

13、ts expensive to eat out. 谓语动词 汉语:无动词或多动词 英语:单动词(除非有连接词) e.g. 我妈妈很漂亮。 My mother is very pretty. 我们又唱又跳。 We sang and danced. 我们邀请他们到上海来玩。 We invited them to come to Shanghai for a visit. 你上课常常缺席所以我想要提醒你。 You are often absent from class so I want to warn you. 宾语 汉语中还有较多SOV,OSV句式 。 他英语不懂,法语也不懂。 工人晚饭没吃。

14、那座山我们已经爬过了。 这本书她没看过。 他把车停街上了。 He knows neither English nor French. The workers didnt have their supper yet. We have climbed the mountain. She didnt read the book. He parked the car on the street. 附加成分的语序差异 定语位置 汉语:通常放中心词前 英语:不然 1. 单词做定语,英汉语序基本相同。但英语中有定 语后置的情况。 something old nothing important the man

15、ager involved students present the baby awake on the way home 2. 多词定语 英语中定语都后置 (目标先于参照点) The apples on the tree are ripe. The way to start the machine The roses in the backyard of the Caos looked great. 曹家后院的玫瑰花好看极了。(参照点先于目标 ) 三到六岁的孩子 Children from 3 to 6 years of age 隔壁的音像店 the music store next doo

16、r 用英语写的信 the letter(s) in English 玩/放松的时间 time to play/relax 当一个音乐家的计划 plans to be a musician 出国学习的机会 the chance to study abroad 城市用水 water used by cities 不乱扔垃圾的习惯 the habit of not throwing away rubbish 我曾经生活的村庄 the village where I stayed/lived 我昨晚吃的某样东西 something I ate last night 到月球去的宇航员 astronauts who traveled to the moon 分词短语、定语从句等作后置定语分词短语、定语从句等作后置定语 状语位置 汉语:一般放中心词前 英语: 位置



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