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1、学校代码:10425 学 号:B0202049 天然高分子钻井液体系研究天然高分子钻井液体系研究 (申请中国石油大学工学博士学位论文) 学科专业: 油气井工程 油气井工程 研究方向: 钻井液完井液化学与工程 钻井液完井液化学与工程 博 士 生 : 郑力会 郑力会 指导教师: 陈 勉(教授) 陈 勉(教授) 鄢捷年(教授) 鄢捷年(教授) 2005年4月 Studies on the Natural Macromolecule Drilling Fluids System Dissertation submitted to Chinese Petroleum University In part

2、ial fulfillment of the requirements For the degree of Doctor of engineering By Zheng, Lihui (Oil and Gas Drilling Engineering) Dissertation Supervisor Chen, Mian (Professor) Yan, Jienian (Professor) 2005.4 独创性声明独创性声明 我呈交的学位论文是在导师指导下个人进行的研究工作及取得的研究成 果。尽我所知,除了文中特别加发标注和致谢的地方外,论文中不包含其他 人已经发表或撰写过的研究成果,也不

3、包含为获得其它学位或证书而使用过 的材料。与我一起工作的同志对本研究所做的任何贡献均已在论文中作了明 确的说明并表示了谢意。 特此声明。 声明人(签名) : 年 月 日 关于论文使用授权的说明关于论文使用授权的说明 本人完全了解石油大学有关保留、使用学位论文的规定,即:学校有权 保留送交学位论文的复印件,允许学位论文被查阅和借阅;学校可以公布学 位论文的全部或部分内容,可以采用影印、缩印或其他复制手段保存学位论 文。 特此说明。 说明人(签名) : 指导教师(签名) : 年 月 日 i 中文摘要中文摘要 钻井过程中的环保问题越来越受到人们的关注,环保型钻井液的研究与 开发正日益显现出其重要性。

4、本论文深入地探讨了环保型钻井液的概念和环 保钻井液发展的五个方向,同时对环保型钻井液体系面临的思想、技术、经 济和社会等四大难题进行了归纳分析,重点对利用纤维素、淀粉等天然高分 子物质合成钻井液处理剂并研制成钻井液体系进行了理论及室内研究,具体 完成的研究工作主要包括以下方面: 研究了钻井液用改性纤维素强包被剂SH的反应机理, 对合成该处理剂原 料的种类和加量及反应条件进行了优化, 并在室内合成了SH样品。 室内实验 表明,SH的加量为 1.0%时,其蒸馏水溶液、4%盐水溶液的表观粘度在 30、10以上。SH具有一定的降滤失能力,对粘土膨胀具有较强 的抑制能力, 其 0.2%加量的抑制性与磺化

5、沥青 2%加量的抑制能力相当。SH 的值大于 30000,达到无毒标准。 mPa s mPa s 50 ECmg/L 研究了钻井液用深度改性淀粉降滤失剂的化学反应机理,优化了合成 该降滤失剂所用原料配方及合成工艺;并合成了的实验室产品。相关室内 实验表明,FI具有提高悬浮液粘度、增加膨润土颗粒水化程度的能力,同时 具有自身补孔、成团及成膜等作用。该处理剂在淡水、4%盐水、饱和盐水及 在钙浓度高达 3000条件下都具有较强的降滤失能力,其抗温能力可达 150。的值在 30000以上,达到无毒标准。 FI FI mg/L FI 50 ECmg/L 尝试了用 “稀点多项式法” 进行数据处理得到回归方

6、程较高的相关系数, 测得的两种处理剂的分子量分别为 7580 万和 2030 万。该新方法克服了 由于SH和均属非直线型有机大分子聚合物,直接使用粘度法测定其分子 量直线方程的相关系数较低问题。 FI 采用钻井液性能优化新方法,提出了三组天然高分子钻井液体系的基本 配方,并从抑制性、抗温性及抗钙能力方面对这三组配方进行了研究。在此 基础上,提出了钻井液配方成本优化新方法。同时也提出了该体系在现场应 用的配方、性能及维护措施等。应用前景较好。 主题词:天然高分子主题词:天然高分子 钻井液钻井液 改性改性 研究研究 ii ABSTRACT Along with the ever-increasin

7、g environmental considerations, the research and development of environmental friendly drilling fluids become more and more important. This dissertation explores the definition and five developing tendencies of environmental friendly drilling fluids. Meanwhile, some obstacles were analyzed in terms

8、of technology, economy, society and idea. The numerous theoretical and experimental investigations mainly focus on the composition of additives from cellulose or starch, as well as the formulation of the environmental friendly drilling fluids. The major research work is as follows: The synthetic mec

9、hanism of high inhibitive additive SH modified from cellulose was studied. On the bases of optimization of the agents, dosage and the reaction conditions, the SH was finally developed in laboratory. Experimental results indicate that SH is capable of reducing filtration when the concentration is 1%.

10、 The apparent viscosity of distilled aqueous phase and 4% NaCl are more than 30mPa.s, 10mPa.s respectively. SH exhibit relatively strong inhibitive character too. The inhibition of 0.2% SH is the same as that of 2% Sulfonated Asphalt. It is also found that the EC50 of SH is above 30000mg/L, which me

11、et the non-toxicity requirement. The synthetic mechanism of filtration control agent FI modified from starch was investigated. On the bases of optimization of the agents, dosage and the reaction conditions, the FI was finally developed in laboratory. Experimental results indicate that SH is capable

12、of raising viscosity, enhancing clay-swelling capacity, self-packing, conglomerating and forming film. FI could exhibits strong ability to reduce filtration when exposed to the fresh water, 4%NaCl, salt saturated aqueous and aqueous of Ca2+ concentration up to 3000mg/L. The temperature resistance co

13、uld be as high as 150. It is also found that the EC50 of FI is above 30000mg/L, which meet the non-toxicity requirement. Considering that the non-linear structure of SH and FI, the traditional viscosimetry is not recommended to measure their molecular weights due to the poor correlation coefficient.

14、 A new method called sparsely points polynomial approximation method was tried to determine the molecular weights of macromolecule polymer with high correlation coefficient. The molecular weights of SH and FI determined by this new approach are falls in 750000800000 and 200000300000 respectively. Th

15、ree formulations were selected by new approach specially designed for drilling fluid properties optimization. Investigations on these formulations were conducted in terms of inhibitive ability, temperature resistance, and anti-calcium capability. As a result, a new method for optimization of overall

16、 cost was developed, and the specific formulation, properties and maintenance methods for field application was presented as well. The drilling fluids system has promised foreground. Keywords: natural macromolecule, drilling fluid, modification, study iii 天然高分子钻井液体系研究 天然高分子钻井液体系研究 创新点摘要创新点摘要 1.尝试对纤维素、淀粉深度改性,合成钻井液包被剂 SH、降滤失剂 FI, 并研制成用于快速钻进的新型环保钻井液体系。首先,从 SH 及 FI 的合成机 理出发,用实验方法对 SH 转化率、FI 性能的影响因素及合成工艺进行了优 化研究,利用优化后的配方及工艺合成了处理剂。然后研究了两处理剂的主 要性能、作用机理及生物毒性。最后以它们为主处



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