(水滴系列)九年级英语全册 Unit 1 How can we become good learners(第4课时)

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1、Unit 1 How can we become good learner?The fourth period: Section B 1a-1eTeaching and learning Goals:一、语言知识1. 能正确使用以下词汇及常用表达(Curriculum words and useful expressions)pronounce, increase, speed, partner, make mistakes, talk to, 2.巩固Section A所学“How” questions;How do you study for a test? 以及动词+by+动词-ing形

2、式表方式、方法二、语言功能 能谈论在学习中遇到的问题和困难并能积极探索解决方案,给他人提出建议(Talk and write students their own problems and how they solve them.)三、学习策略 引导学生关注优秀学生的学习方式,借鉴并用于自身。四、情感教育 鼓励学生直面学习困难,积极探索解决方案,不断改进自身学习方法,提高学习效率。Pre-listening activitiesStep 1 ReviewMake conversations using the sentences “how do you study, do sth. by do

3、ing, do you learnby , how often”Step 2 PreviewAsk the Ss to translate the following words and phrases into English orally, then let them write their English down.(1) 英语口语_ (2)足够的词汇去写作_ (3) 使发音正确_ (4) 练习写作 _ (5) 犯错误 _ 设计意图:通过翻译重点词组,帮助学生预习,并检测学生的预习效果,教师更有针对性地教,学生也更有针对性的学。Step 3 Lead inT: Its fun to le

4、arn English. But sometimes learning English can be difficult. Boys and girls, have you ever got any trouble learning English?Ss: Yes.T: What things are difficult for you? Which gives you a headache: memorizing words, learning grammar, listening, speaking, reading or writing?S1: I cant S2: I cant T:

5、Since we really have some problems learning English, wed better find some ways to solve them. I have a friend named Wang Li, shes having trouble learning English .What things are they? OK, lets look a chart. Im Wang Li , Im having trouble learning English I cant pronounce some of the words.I cant al

6、ways understand spoken English.I dont know how to increase my reading speed I cant spell some English words I often make mistakes in grammar. 1. Can you help her? What should she do? Do you have these problems? Now lets come to 1a. Check the statements that are true for you. Then write down other di

7、fficult things for you in 1b. 2. Find some students talk about their problems, the teacher try to give the solutions.T: Do you think English is difficult?S1: Yes. I cant pronounce some of the words.T: Well, some English words can be really difficult to read .You could ask your classmates or me for h

8、elp. Another good way is by listening to a tape at home and often repeating the difficult words and sentences.(教师所给建议尽量使用随后听力录音文稿中的教师话语,这样可以让学生预先对听力中的部分语言有所了解,降低听力难度)3. Let the students make a new dialogue like this.设计意图:利用创设学生易于理解的语用情景导入完成1a和1b的内容,然后通过对话的形式练习。While-listening activitiesStep 4 Listen

9、ing1. Listen for the general idea听取大意 (1) The general idea of the conversation is about_ A. Paul has trouble learning English.B. Paul needs to join an English club. C. Pauls challenges and solutions in learning English.(2) Check the Ss answers 设计意图:让学生通过听录音整体感知,并找出谈论的主旨大意。听听力之前要对学生进行相关听力策略的指导。这样能提高学

10、生整体理解听力内容的能力,并能提高学生的听力效能。)2.Listen for the specific ideas听取细节Task1. Students try their best to guess the words in the blanks. The teacher can give some words on the blackboard. pronunciationspellinggrammarsentenceword forgetmisspellmisunderstand hearunderstandconcentratefollow listeningspeakingreadi

11、ngwritingListen to the conversation more carefully and complete the learning challenges Paul talks about.(1) He cant get the right. (2) He a lot of new words.(3) He cant always when people talk to me.(4) He doesnt get much practice.Check the Ss answersTask2. Listen to the conversation again and comp

12、lete the solutions.(1) can help.(2) He can always in his notebook and study them at home. (3) He can to practice speaking .(4) He should find a to practice writing.Check the Ss answers. 设计意图:进行听前预估,引起学生兴趣,形成听力期待;学生事先熟悉部分词汇,降低听力难度;对词汇的巩固和扩充起到很大作用Post-listening activitiesStep 5 Listen and fill in the

13、blanks. Play the tape one more time and ask the Ss to fill in the blanks in the conversation. First give the Ss time to practice it by themselves. Then the Ss do it with the teacher.T: You look 1 , Paul.B: I am, Ms Manson. Im having trouble 2 English. T: You said you liked English. Whats the problem

14、?B: I cant get the 3 right.T: Well, 4 can help. Why dont you listen to English songs on the radio and 5 the difficult words?B: Thats a good idea. But what about the new words? I forget a lot of new words.T: You can always write the new words in your notebook and study them at home. You can even study on the 6 on the way to school.B: That might really help! Thanks.T: Can you 7 when people talk to you?B: Well, not always. 8 I just dont understand what people are saying.T: Why dont you join an English 9 club to practice speaking English? The English


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