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1、西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文 干热干冷地区民居建筑热环境研究 专 业:建筑技术科学 硕 士 生:杜晓磊 指导老师:杨柳 教授 摘 要 目前国内大部分的热工规范和标准都是针对城市建筑制定的,研究民居尤其 是偏远地区民居室内热环境的课题相对较少。干热干冷气候区的农村居民整体生 活水平偏低,而且该地区多民族聚居。因此,干热干冷气候条件下的民居的研究 对推动全国的新农村进程有着非常重要的作用。本课题研究通过对吐鲁番地区农 村住宅的现场热环境调研,得到典型的干热干冷气候区实测数据的分析,探讨该 地区民居的节能潜力。依据热舒适理论,分析干热干冷气

2、候作用下农村居民的热 舒适状况,得到了该地区人群的人体热适应模型,对该地区建筑设计策略的选择 具有一定的指导意义。 通过本文研究,得出以下成果: 1)干热干冷地区半室外空间夏季白天最高温度低于室外最高温度 5-10左右, 而晚上则接近室外空气温度,阴天与降雨天气对室外与半室外温度的影响大于室 内,围护结构的封闭性和蓄热吸湿能力在这种天气时起到了负作用。冬季采暖房 间多数时间段内温度分布在 10-20之间,温度波动取决于人员的作息习惯和烧炕 频率。未采暖房间温度维持在-10-0左右,有一定的周期性波动作用,但变化趋 势平缓; 2)干热干冷地区夏季相对湿度的与环境的隔热、蓄热、人员活动、通风作用

3、均相关。温度越高,蒸发作用就会越显著,空气湿度就会越低。环境的隔热、蓄 热作用有助于保湿和缓和湿度变化。人员活动的调节对相对湿度较之空气温度的 影响更为明显。通风作用能够缩小室内外间的湿度差距。冬季室外空气相对湿度 的变化与温度密切相关,温度越高,相对湿度越低,无人为调节的未采暖房间, 温度是决定相对室内湿度大小的主要因素; 2)干热干冷气候区的农村居民对室内热环境具有一定得适应力。以吐鲁番为 例,夏季中性温度 Tn为 28.3,舒适温度上限为 31.8,远远高于现有适应性模 型的预测结果;冬季 Tn为 19.1,舒适温度下限为 10.3,与现有适应性模型的 预测结果接近。 西安建筑科技大学硕

4、士学位论文 最后,本文借鉴了干热干冷地区传统民居优秀的设计理念,分别从基地规划 设计、建筑单体设计和自然资源利用三个层面对改善该地区民居热环境的设计策 略进行了归纳总结,并通过对优化方案的模拟比较,验证各种策略的应用潜力。 关键词:关键词:民居热环境;干热干冷气候区;热舒适;设计策略 本研究得到国家自然科学基金创新团体研究基金二期项目(51221865) 、陕西省 重点科技创新团队项目(2012 KCT-11)的资助。 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文 Research on Thermal Environment of Traditional Dwelling under the Dry-hot

5、 and Dry-cold Zone Specialty: Architectural Technology and Science Name: Du Xiaolei Instructor: Prof. Yang Liu Abstract Most of the thermal norms and standards are developed for urban buildings presently. There is little research on indoor thermal environment of residential buildings, less about the

6、 remote. The overall living standards are lower for the rural population living in dry-hot and dry-cold areas,who are always living with many other nations. Therefore,the studies about these areas have very important significance for new rural construction in our country. According to the research o

7、f the thermal environment where the Turpan live,the study obtains the measured data analysis about such areas,in order to investigate energy-saving potential for the housing of the region. Based on the thermal comfort theory, The paper analyzes are the thermal comfort situation of the rural resident

8、s under this type of climate,then get the temperature model that the body can adapt to in this area, and meanwhile make suggestions about building climate design principles . Through the paper research, draw the following results: 1) In dry-hot and dry-cold areas, half outdoor space summer daytime h

9、ighest temperature is lower than the highest temperature outdoor 5-10 or so, and night is close to outdoor air temperature, cloudy and rainy weather for outdoor and half outside temperature influence is greater than the interior of the retaining structure, sealing and heat storage moisture absorptio

10、n ability in this weather plays a negative role. Winter heating room temperature distribution in most time between 10 and 20, temperature fluctuation depends on personnels work and rest habits and the frequency of using fire-Kang frequency. Not heating room temperature was kept -10-0 or so, have cer

11、tain cyclical fluctuation effect, but changing trend gently; 2) In summer of dry-hot and dry-cold areas, Relative humidity and the environment insulation, heat storage, personnel activities, ventilation effect are related. The higher 西安建筑科技大学硕士学位论文 the temperature, evaporation effect will be more si

12、gnificant, the air humidity will be lower. Environment of heat insulation, heat storage function helps moisturizing and moderate humidity change. The adjustment of personnel activities of relative humidity than the influence of the temperature of air is more obvious. Ventilation effect can reduce in

13、door outside humidity gap. Winter outdoor air relative humidity and temperature change is closely related to the higher the temperature, relative humidity is lower, no artificial regulation not heating room, the temperature is relative to the size of the indoor humidity main factors; 3) The rural po

14、pulation living in dry-hot and dry-cold areas have strong ability to the hot environment, and relatively weak. In summer, when wind speed is smaller, and neutral temperature is Tn 28.3,the comfortable temperature limit is Tmax 31.8, which are far more higher than the existing model predicted results

15、. In winter, the neutral temperature is Tn 19.1,the comfortable temperature limit is Tmin 10.3, which are approached to the existing model predicted results. Finally, the paper draws on the outstanding design concept of traditional houses in dry-hot and dry-cold climate zones. The design strategies

16、are summarized respective from the base planning and design, architectural design and natural resource to improve the regions residential thermal environment design strategies, and the varies strategies application potential are verified by comparing simulation of different optimization programs. Key words: residential thermal environment;dry-hot and dry-cold climate zones; thermal comfort;design strategy This research was financially supported by National Natural Science F



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