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1、1 Chassis Department of C 使下坡行驶的汽车车速保持稳定; Keep the speed stable when the vehicle is driven on the downhill; 使已停驶的汽车在原地(包括在斜坡上)驻留不动。 Leave the stopped vehicle in original location (including on the slope). 2、制动系的类型: Types of Brake System: 行车制动:通过操纵制动踏板实现 Service brake: it is achieved by operating the

2、 brake pedal 驻车制动:通过操纵驻车制动手柄实现 Parking brake: it is achieved by operating the parking brake handle 应急制动:与驻车制动相结合,通过操纵驻车制动手柄实现 Emergency brake: Combining with the parking brake, it is achieved by operating the parking brake handle 辅助制动:通过操纵驾驶室内辅助制动按钮实现 Supplemental brake: it is achieved by operating

3、the supplemental brake button in the cab 3、制动系的组成: Components of Brake System: 供能装置:如空压机、储气筒等 Supply device: such as air compressor, air reservoir 控制装置:如制动踏板、手阀等 Control device: such as brake pedal, parking brake 传能装置:如各控制阀及管路元件等 Transmission device: such as various control valves and pipe component

4、s 执行装置:如制动器等 Execution device: such as brake 3 一、概述 Chapter 1 Overview 4 驻车手阀+挂车手阀 Parking Brake + Trailer Parking Brake 前盘式制动器+气室 Front Disc Brake + Air Chamber 挂车连接头及管路 Trailer Connector and Pipeline 制动大管束及散管 Big Brake Pipe Bundle and Separate Pipes 后ABS电磁阀 Rear ABS Solenoid Valve 前ABS电磁阀 Front AB

5、S Solenoid Valve 挂车阀 Trailer Valve 空压机 Air Compressor 制动踏板+脚阀 Brake Pedal + Service Brake 制动硬管 Brake Hard Pipe 限压阀 Relief Valve 四回路 Four- circuit 干燥器 Dryer 差动阀 Differential Valve 继动阀 Relay Valve 后桥盘式制动器及制动气室 Rear Axle Disc Brake and Brake Chamber 储气筒模块 Air Reservoir Module 排气制动蝶阀 Exhaust Brake Butte

6、rfly Valve 二、制动系统构造 Chapter 2 Brake System Construction 多通接头 Multi-way Connector 前继动阀 Front Relay Valve 储气筒 Air Reservoir 适配阀 Adaptation Valve 挂车ABS电磁阀 ABS For Trailer 变速箱+缓速 器 Transmission and Retarder储气筒 Air Reservoir 联合卡车制动系统整车布置简图 Complete Vehicle Layout of C 控制元件即踏板、脚阀、手阀、继动阀、差动阀,及连接各控制阀之间的若干管路

7、; Control components contain the pedal, service brake, parking brake, relay valve, differential valve and the several pipes between the control valves; 执行元件即气路终端制动器及相关执行气路。 Executive components are the brakes at the end of the air circuits and the relevant executive air circuits. 5 执行元件部分 Executive

8、Component Part 供能元件部分 Supply Component Part 控制元件部分 Control Component Part 1.联合卡车制动系统工作原理详见下图(以42牵引车为例) 1. See the following drawing for the operating principle of C during the whole process, the engine services as an air compressor to absorb the energy. 12 Intake 进气 Compression 压缩 Release 释放 Expansi

9、on 膨胀 Exhaust 排气 泄气制动: Bleeder Brake: 泄气制动是在发动机四个工作冲程中排气门均打开,在压缩冲程中,压缩气体经微小打开的排气门排出,在膨胀冲 程中无能量返回活塞;同时在排气冲程中,安装在排气管上的排气蝶阀关闭,形成排气背压,为排气冲程提供阻力 ,使发动机降速,从而实现整车缓速。 Bleeder brake opens the exhaust valve during the four engine strokes. The compressed air is discharged from the exhaust valve that is opened s

10、lightly during the compression stroke, no energy returns to the piston during the expansion stroke; while, the exhaust butterfly valve installed on the exhaust pipe is closed in the exhaust stroke to form the exhaust back pressure and provide the resistance to the exhaust stroke, then the engine spe

11、ed is reduced, achieving the goal of slowing down the complete vehicles speed. 13 Intake 进气 Compression 压缩 Expansion 膨胀 Exhaust 排气 排气制动: Exhaust Brake: 排气制动是通过关闭安装在排气管上的蝶形阀门,阻止发动机排气冲程中的气流流出,增加排气背压,在发动机排 气冲程提供阻力,使发动机降速,实现制动。 The exhaust brake prevents the air flow generated in the engine exhaust stro

12、ke from being discharged by closing the butterfly valve installed on the exhaust pipe, increases the exhaust back pressure, provides the resistance during the engine exhaust stroke, reduces the engine speed, and achieves the braking. 14 d.应急制动: d.Emergency Brake: 应急制动用于主制动供能装置出现压力过低等故障时,通过应急制动装置实现汽车

13、制动。联合卡车应急制动与驻车 制动相结合,控制及执行装置同驻车制动。 When the main brake supply device has problems such as low pressure, the emergency brake uses the emergency brake device to operate the vehicle braking. The C when the piston is moving upward, the air in the cylinder is compressed, the pressure is boosted, and the

14、exhaust valve is opened by the jacking force used to overcome the exhaust valve spring, then the compressed air flows to the dryer and the following brake air circuits through the outlet to supply air for the brake air circuits. 17 2. 干燥器 2. Dryer a.功用:对来自空压机的压缩空气进行吸附干燥,防止管路及系统内其他金属件 锈蚀、橡胶件龟裂、润滑脂分解、

15、管路堵塞等故障,增加制动系统的可靠性。集 成的调压阀能自动调节系统压力,集成的安全阀可防止气路过压,集成的加热装 置能避免总成冬季冻结失效。 a. Functions: Absorb and dry the compressed air from the air compressor, prevent the pipeline and other metal parts in the system from corrosion, prevent the cracked rubber parts, dissociation of the grease, the blocked pipeline

16、and other troubles, enhance the reliability of the brake system. The integrated pressure regulating valve can adjust the system pressure automatically, the integrated safety valve can prevent the overpressure in the air circuits, the integrated heating unit can prevent the assembly from the failure of frozen in winter. b.管路连接要求:1口为进气口,接制动硬管;21口接四回路进气口;22口接再 生储气筒。对于带切断阀的干燥器还需从4口引一根管子接到空压机。 b. Pipeline connection requirements: Port 1 is the air inlet, connected t



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