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1、中南民族大学 硕士学位论文 民族地区微型金融机构发展问题研究 姓名:肖肖 申请学位级别:硕士 专业:中国少数民族经济 指导教师:张英 2011-04-06 中南民族大学硕士学位论文 I 摘 要 支持并且加快民族地区经济的发展, 对于我国老少边地区的经济开发及持续 发展具有深远的意义。 本文对民族地区微型金融机构发展问题做出初步的研究和 建议。金融业的发展,对于一个地区,尤其是我国广大民族地区,更加具有举足 轻重的作用。民族地区的经济发展总体水平并不高,低收入人口比重较大。而微 型金融机构正是以扶贫为主要目的、 以低收入人群为主要目标客户的一种新型小 额金融服务机构。 微型金融在国外许多发展中国

2、家已经在扶贫和经济发展发面作 出了许多发展和创新。 我们要在研究和总结各发展中国家微型金融机构成功运作 的基础上,提高和完善民族地区微型金融机构的运作和创新机制,大力支持民族 地区微型金融机构的可持续发展。 本文首先简单介绍了选题的目的和研究意义, 然后再对已有的国内外的有关 微型金融理论进行了相关综述, 并且接下来在介绍国内外成功的微型金融机构运 作模式的基础上, 分析并提出民族地区的微型金融机构的发展模式以及可持续发 展的概念。 对将要面临的各种风险进行了分析, 并提出了相应的一些可行性对策。 具体结构如下:第一章导论部分首先介绍了本文选题的研究目的和意义。第 二章则是本文的重点理论部分,

3、就国内外有关微型金融的理论,尤其是近几年集 中在福利主义和制度主义的相互融合,做了相关综述。第三章首先介绍了微型金 融的概念, 然后引出了对微型金融机构的阐述, 以及微型金融机构的特点和作用, 并总结了国内外成功的微型金融机构运作模式, 然后提出微型金融机构可持续运 营的概念,最后结合相关理论和实际,分析我国民族地区当前微型金融机构的现 状,从整体上把握发展动向。第四章在前面两章的理论基础之上,结合现实探讨 我国民族地区微型金融机构发展现状, 最后具体从六个方面探讨了民族地区微型 金融机构发展所面临的问题。 第五章及最后一章在结合并分析第四章提出的各种 问题之上,提出一些具有可行性的对策和建议

4、,并从宏观角度对民族地区微型金 融机构发展的做出一些总结。 关键词:微型金融机构;民族地区;低收入者; 民族地区微型金融机构发展问题研究 II Abstract Supporting and accelerating economic development in minority areas has profound significance for economic development and sustainable development in early-liberated, minority nationalities, frontier and poor areas of ou

5、r country. This article preliminary study the development of micro-finance institutions in minority areas and to give some recommendations. The developing of financial industry is not only important for a small area, and also significant for regions. The general economic development level of the min

6、ority areas is not high. There is a large proportion of low-income population in minority areas. The micro-financial institutions are supposed to reduce poverty. Low-income people are the main target customers of these new services. Micro-finance has made a lot of improvements and innovations in pov

7、erty alleviation and economic development in many foreign countries. We need to study and summarize the successful operation of micro-finance institutions in developing countries. Based on the full role of micro-finance services to enhance and improve the operation and innovative mechanisms for micr

8、o-financial institutions in minority areas, and fully support the sustainable development of minority areas . Firstly, this article briefly describes the purpose and significance of topics. Then it reviews the existing theory on the relevant micro-finance institutions. And then, it introduces some s

9、uccessful mode of operation used by domestic and international micro-financial institutions. Base on those existing instances, it analyzes and proposes a developmental pattern and a new concept of sustainable development for the micro-finance institutions in minority areas. Finally, various risk ana

10、lysis of the proposed specific development mode is illustrated, and some feasible countermeasures are put forwarded. The structure of this article is as follows: The first chapter introduces the purpose and significance of the research topic. The second chapter is the most important theory part of t

11、he combine about the welfarism and intitutionalism in recent years, 中南民族大学硕士学位论文 III then put forward a framework of the research of the related theory. The third chapter firstly discusses about the concept of micro-finance, and then draws forth the concept of the micro-financial institutions and th

12、e characteristic and function of the micro-financial institutions. And then introduces several successful operations of domestic and international micro-finance institutions. And it proposes the concept of sustainable operations of micro-financial institutions. Then according to relevant theories an

13、d facts, the current status and overall develop trend of micro-finance institutions in the ethnic region is analyzed. Based on the previous two chapters, the forth chapter discussed the real development status of microfinance institutions in micro-finance institutions, and discusses the problems whi

14、ch face by Micro-financial institutions in micro-finance institutions from six aspects finally. Chapter five as the last chapter analyses the problems described in previous chapter and comes up with some feasible countermeasures and suggestions, and then summarizes the development of micro-financial

15、 institutions in minority areas from macro perspective. Key Words: Micro-financial institutions (MFIs); Minority areas; Low-income people 中南民族大学中南民族大学 学位论文原创性声明学位论文原创性声明 本人郑重声明:所呈交的论文是本人在导师的指导下独立进行研究所 取得的研究成果。除了文中特别加以标注引用的内容外,本论文不包含任 何其他个人或集体已经发表或撰写的成果作品。对本文的研究做出重要贡 献的个人和集体,均已在文中以明确方式标明。本人完全意识到本声明的

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