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1、毕业设计(论文)题 目 基于B/S的人事管理系统的分析与设计专 业 信息管理与信息系统 班 级 信管2班 高科学院 人事管理系统Personnel Management System 摘要人力资源管理是企业管理中的一个重要内容,随着时代的进步,企业也逐渐变得庞大起来。如何管理好企业内部员工的信息,成为企业管理中的一个大问题。在这种情况下,开发一个人力资源管理系统就显得非常必要。尤其迫切要求人事管理工作加快计算机应用的步伐。人事管理信息系统是企业管理系统的重要组成部分,它集企业全体员工的基本信息管理、招聘、培训、工资、考核等管理工作于一体,是一项时间性强、工作量大、信息庞杂、质量要求高且影响全局


3、al Basic 6.0作为系统前台应用程序开发工具,然后将两者结合起来在B/S模式下实现系统的运行。总之,本文概述了人事管理系统的功能、结构及分析方法,对延安市烟草公司人事管理系统进行了详细的分析,在此基础上研究并实现人事管理系统的设计和开发。【关键字】 UML Visual Basic 6.0 人事管理系统 B/S模式 SQLSERVERAbstractHuman resources management is the management of an important progress with the times, companies have gradually become a

4、huge up. How to manage the enterprise internal staff information, to become the enterprise management of a big problem .In this case, the development of a human resource management system it is very necessary. Especially is it personnel management accelerate paces that computer use to demand urgentl

5、y. The management information system of the personnel is important components of enterprises administrative system, it incorporates managements , such as basic information management , recruiting , training , salary , examining of enterprise staff ,etc. into an organic whole, one timeliness strong,

6、work load heavy, information numerous and jumbled, quality expect much and influence work of the overall situation. The basic goal of enterprises personnel management lies in carrying on the effective organization of the personnel information of the staff of enterprises, thus the operation making th

7、e production operation of enterprises normal. This finishes every task of enterprises and main assurance of improving enterprises benefit. This text is because of the management information system theory, and combine the current situation of Yan an tobacco company ,develop making a detailed analysis

8、 and design to the administrative system of the personnel. The article has done the detailed introduction to basic framework and modeling mechanism of UML of the administrative system of the personnel at first. Have used the flow chart of the business , module picture of the function , function to a

9、nalysis about the system with the example picture ,etc. mainly partly in systematic analysis; The design in the system uses with the example design, design of storehouse of data, inputs designing and outputting the overall design which designed the implementation system partly. This system is applic

10、ation database (SQLSERVER) and ASP to the companys personnel information data unified management and storage, this system mainly is the use of Visual Basic 6.0 as a system foreground application development tools, and then will both together on B/S mode realize the operation of the system.All in all

11、, this paper summarizes the personnel management system function, structure and analysis method of Yan An tobacco company personnel management system are analyzed in detail, and based on this research and implementation personnel management system design and development.【keywords】UML,Visual Basic 6.

12、0,personnel management system,B/S mode,SQLSERVER目录1导论41.1延安烟草公司的现状及问题41.2选题的目的和意义51.3论文主要内容框架52相关理论62.1人事管理系统的基本架构62.2人事管理系统的功能结构72.3人事管理在现代企业中的地位72.4UML介绍72.5开发软件Visual Basic 6.0的介绍83人事管理系统分析83.1可行性分析83.2系统需求93.3需求分析93.3.1业务流程图93.3.2功能模块图143.3.3功能用例图153.3.4概念类分析194人事管理系统设计194.1用例设计194.2数据库设计204. 2.

13、1 E-R图204.2.2数据库表的设计224.3输入设计234.3.1输入设计的目标234.3.2输入设计的原则244.3.2输入界面的设计244.4输出设计254.4.1输出设计的原则254.4.2输出界面的设计265主要功能模块设计275.1系统架构设计275.2控件准备和引用设置275.2.1控件准备285.2.2引用设置285.3主窗体的设计285.3.1系统主窗体的功能295.3.2系统主窗体的主要代码设计295.3.3员工信息模块的功能305.3.4假条信息模块功能325.3.5工资信息模块功能345.3.6系统用户管理模块366人事管理系统的实现386.1系统运行环境386.1

14、.1运行的硬环境386.1.2运行的软环境396.2主要功能实现的源代码407.系统测试417.1软件测试的目标417.2测试举例418人事管理系统采用的技术428.1SQL-SERVER428.2动态网页制作(ASP)428.3SQL-SERVER与ASP的结合438.4 Visual Basic 6.0的应用439结论4310致谢4411参考文献4412 参考文献451导论1.1延安烟草公司的现状及问题200712中外企业文化57延安市烟草公司是政企合一的烟草专卖和经营机构。面对经济全球化的挑战和烟草行业新的发展机遇,延安烟草恪守“国家利益至上,消费者利益至上”的行业价值观,立足科学发展,



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