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1、年C类(A级)初赛试题 作者: 日期:10 Part V Reading Comprehension (25 minutes, 40 points)Section A Multiple Choice (5 points)Directions: There is one passage in this section with 5 questions. For each question, there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. You should decide on the best choice. Then mark the corresp

2、onding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the centre.Questions 51-55 are based on the following passage.I was dirty, smelly, hungry and somewhere beneath all that, suntanned. It was the end of an Inter-Rail holiday. My body couldnt take any more punishment. My mind couldnt deal wi

3、th any more foreign timetables, currencies or languages.注释:1. smelly有使人难受的气味的,臭的。2.suntanned给太阳晒黑的。3. punishment惩罚。4. deal with处理。5.timetables时间表。“Never again,” I said, as I stepped onto home ground. I said exactly the same thing the following year. And the next. All I had to do was buy one train ti

4、cket and, because I was under twenty-five years old, I could spend a whole month going anywhere I wanted in Europe. Ordinary beds are never the same once youve learnt to sleep in the corridor of a train, the rhythm rocking you into a deep sleep.注释:1.home ground2. rhythm节奏,韵律。3. rock摇摆,摇动。Carrying al

5、l your possessions on your back in a rucksack makes you have a very basic approach to travel, and encourages incredible wastefulness that can lead to burning socks that have become too anti-social, and getting rid of books when finished. On the other hand, this way of looking at life is entirely in

6、the spirit of Inter-Rail, for common sense and reasoning can be thrown out of the window along with the paperback book and the socks. All it takes to achieve this carefree attitude is one of those tickets in your hand.注释:1.possessions财产。2.rucksack帆布背包。3.approach方法,步骤,途径。4.incredible难以置信的,不可思议的。5.lea

7、d to导致。6.burning socks7.anti-social不擅社交的,非社交的,反社会的。8.in the spirit of以的精神、态度。mon sense常识。10. reasoning推理。11.carefree attitude无所谓的态度。Any system that enables young people to travel through countries at a rate of more than one a day must be pretty special. On that first trip, my friends and I were at f

8、irst unaware of the possibilities of this type of train ticket, thinking it was just an inexpensive way of getting to and from our chosen camp-site in southern France. But the idea of non-stop travel proved too tempting, for there was always just one more country over the border, always that little

9、bit further to go. And what did the extra miles cost us? Nothing.注释:1.at a rate of以.速度。2. pretty相当地。3.unaware of未觉察,不知道。4.non-stop中途不停的。5.tempting诱惑人的。We were not completely uninterested in culture. But this was a first holiday without parents, as it was for most other Inter-Railers, and in organizi

10、ng our own timetable we left out everything except the most immediately available sights. This was the chance to escape the guided tour, an opportunity to do something different. I took great pride in the fact that, in many places, all I could be bothered to see was the view from the station. We wer

11、e just there to get by, and to have a good time doing so. In this we were no different from most of the other Inter-Railers with whom we shared corridor floors, food and water, money and music.注释:pletely十分,完全地。2.be uninterested in对不感兴趣。3.leave out省去,不考虑。4.available可用到的,可利用的。5.sights情景,奇观,名胜,风景。6. ta

12、ke pride in对感到自豪。 7.be bothered to do费劲,费力做某事。8.get by通过,经过。The excitement of travel comes from the sudden reality of somewhere that was previously just a name. It is as if the city in which you arrive never actually existed until the train pulls in at the station and you are able to see it with you

13、r own tired eyes for the first time.单词注释:1.previously先前,以前。2.actually实际上,事实上。3.pull in车停下,车进站。Questions:51. At the end of his first trip, the writer said “Never again” because _.A. he felt illB. he disliked trainsC .he was tired from the journeyD. he had lost money51.C “Never again”在文中出现在第二段的段首,由第一段

14、dirty, smelly, hungry, somewhere beneath all that,suntanned,punishment可以看出作者已经是十分的疲惫。所以C选项是正确。52. What does the writer mean by “this way of looking at life” in Paragraph 3?A. Worrying about your clothes. B. Throwing unwanted things away.C. Behaving in an anti-social way. D. Looking after your posses

15、sions.52.B 第三段第一句话提到Carrying all your possessions on your back in a rucksack.encourages incredible wastefulness that can.“抛弃一切不必要的东西轻装旅行”。所以B选项正确。53. Why did the writer originally buy an Inter-Rail ticket?A. To get to one place cheaply. B. To meet other young people.C. To see a lot of famous places. D. To go on a tour of Europe.53.A 文章第四段提到On



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