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1、Translation Skill Semantic Extension (翻译技巧状语从句的译法) 在状语从句的翻译中,主要应注意状语从句 的位置、连词的译法和省略以及状语从句的转 译等。 英译汉时状语从句的位置尤其重要。一般来 说,汉语中,状语从句多半在主句前面,有时 放在整个句子当中。此外,汉译英时连词常可 以省略,这在时间、条件状语从句中尤为常见 。 另一个值得注意的是,不要碰到when就译成 “当”、碰到if就译成“如果”、碰到because就译成“ 因为”,而应酌情进行变化或简化。如: The computer will find the route when you send y

2、our signal to it. 把信号输入计算机,它就会找到行 车路线。 If water is could enough, it changes to ice. 水温降到一定程度便会结冰。 有时将时间状语从句转译成条件状语从句,将地 点状语从句转译成条件状语从句。如: These three colors, red, green, and violet, then combined, produce white. 红、绿、紫三色若合在一起,就变成白色。 Where there is nothing in the path of the beam of light, nothing is

3、seen. 如果光轨迹上没有东西,就什么也看不出来 。 时间状语从句的译法 译成条件状语从句 When等引导的状语从句,若从逻辑上判 断具有条件状语的意义,则往往可转译成条 件状语从句。 Turn off the switch when anything goes wrong with the machine. 如果机器发生故障,就把电门关上。 时间状语从句的译法 译成相应的时间状语,放在句首 不论原文中表示时间的从句是前置或后置 ,根据汉语习惯,都要译在其主句的前面。 When I got there, they were having a negotiation. 我到了那里时,他们正在谈

4、判。 When I got you letter, I had shipped the goods. 我收到你的信时,已经将货物装运完毕。 We discussed the shipping date till three oclock, when the customer called on us. 我们对装运期一直讨论到3点钟,这时 客户前来拜访。 I was making the contract, when the manager came. 我正在做合同,这时经理来了。 The liability of the seller is at the same time liability

5、 of the buyer. 卖方的责任同时也是买方的责任。 I was on the point of going abroad, when my customer came. 我正要出国的时候,我的客户来了。 The present price level is changeable, sometimes high, sometimes low. 目前的价格水平变化不定,有时高, 有时低。 Now in spring, now in autumn, the Fair is held in Beijing. 交易会时而在春季,时而在秋季,在 北京举办。 The volume of our e

6、xport has increased in the train of the development of Chinas economy. 随着中国经济的发展,我们的出口量已经增加 。 They were here from March to July inclusive. 他们从3月到7月(包括3月,7月)都在这里 。 They were here from March to July exclusive. 他们从4月到6月(去掉3月和7月)都在这里。 译成并列句 有的连词(如as,while,when等)引 导时间状语从句,在表达主句和从句的谓语 动作同时进行时,英译汉时可省略连词,译

7、成汉语的并列句。 The earth turns round its axis as it travels around the sun. 地球一面绕太阳运行,一面绕地轴回转。 地点状语从句的译法 译成相应的地点状语 一般可将地点状语从句译在句首。 Heat is always being transferred in one way or another, where there is any difference in temperature. 凡有温差的地方,热都会以这样或那样 的方式传输。 地点状语从句的译法 译成条件状语从句或结果状语从句 where或wherever引导的状语从句,

8、若从逻辑 上判断具有条件状语或结果状语的意义,则可转 移为相应的状语从句。 Where water resources are plentiful, hydroelectric power stations are being built in large numbers. 只要是水源充足的地方,就可以修建大批的电站 。 原因状语从句的译法 译成因果偏正复句的主句 这实际是一种省略连词的译法,把从句译成 主句。 Because energy can be changed from one form into another, electricity can be changed into he

9、at energy, mechanical energy, light energy, etc. 能量能从一种形式转换成另一种形式,所以电可 以转变为热能、机械能、光能等。 条件状语从句的译法 译成表示“条件”或“假设”的分句 按照汉语的习惯,不管表示条件还是假设,分句都放 在主句的前部,因此英语的条件从句汉译时绝大多数置 于句首。 He will not increase the quantity, unless requested. 除非有要求,他不会增加数量。 译成补充说明情况的分句 不少条件状语从句汉译时可置于主句后面,做补充说 明情况的分句。 Iron or steel parts

10、will rust, if they are unprotected. 铁件或钢件是会生锈的,如果不加保护的话。 1状语 (1) in case of In case of quality discrepancy, claims shall be filed by the Buyer within 30 days after the arrival of the goods at the port of destination. 若发生质量索赔,买方的索赔必须在 货物到达目的港的30天内提出。 (2) in the event of In the event of graft or serio

11、us dereliction of duty on the part of the general manager and/or deputy general managers, the Board of Directors shall have the power to dismiss them at will. 若总经理和/或副总经理有营私舞弊 或严重失职时,董事会有权随时将其 撤换。 (3) in consideration of 考虑到; 鉴于; 由于 e.g. In consideration of the Licenses and technical assistance prov

12、ided herein, the Joint Venture Company shall pay Party A technical assistance fees in USD. 考虑到许可以及在此提供的技术援助,合 资公司将以美圆的方式支付甲方技术援助 费。 (4) subject to 在条件下;根据规 定;在规定的范围内;以为有效。 e.g. Subject to the terms to this agreement, the producer agrees to be bound by the terms to the following marketing agreement.

13、在本协议的条件下,制造商同意接受下 列销售协议各项条款的约束。 be bound by 受约束;由联系起来 If the Force Majeure event lasts over 60 days, the Buyer shall have the right to cancel the Contract or the undelivered part of the Contract. 若不可抗力事件持续60天以上, 买方有权撤消本合同或合同中未完 成的部分。 (2)In case no settlement can be reached through negotiation, the c

14、ase shall then be submitted to Arbitration Tribunal of the Stockholm Chamber of Commerce in accordance with the Arbitration Rules and Procedure of the said Tribunal. 如通过协商仍不能达成协议时,应提 交斯德哥尔摩商会仲裁院,根据该院 的仲裁规则和程序进行仲裁。 In the event that deficiencies in the Equipment become evident, such deficiencies shal

15、l be corrected by ABC during the two days per week during which the Purchaser will not be testing. 若发现设备有缺陷,应由ABC用每周买方不 进行试验的这两天时间对设备予以校正 (4)Should any of the stipulations to the Contract be altered, amended, supplemented or deleted, the same shall be negotiated between and agreed upon by both parti

16、es and written documents shall be signed by the representatives of both parties. 本合同条款的任何变更、修改或增 删,须经双方协商同意,并由双方代 表签署书面文件为有效。 (5)Neither party shall have the right to represent the other party unless otherwise arranged. 除另有安排者外,任何一方无权代 表 另一方。(unless从句中的主语 和动词be常省去。) (6)We can sell a lot of garments provided that your price is highly competitive.



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