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1、Lesson 67 the weekend 周末一、单词与短语greengrocer: n.蔬菜水果零售商;absent:adj.缺席的,重要短语:be absent from:缺席、He was absent from school last week.上周他没上学。 keep: v.(身体健康)处于(状况),保持、keep doing sth:一直做、或者是不停地做、;keep knocking the door:一直敲门;spend:v.度过;spend a weekend:度周末;weekend:v.周末;country:n.国家;乡村;lucky: adj.幸运的;luck:n.幸运

2、,机遇。Monday:n,星期一;Tuesday:n.星期二;Wednesday:n.星期三;Thursday:n.星期四;Friday: n.星期五;Saturday: n.星期六;Sunday: n.星期日;在星期几前边一般加介词on,如:on Monday:在周一;On Sunday:在周日;二、短语、句型与语法1、Were you at the butchers?刚才您在肉店里吗?Yes, I was. 是的,我在。在本句中,需要注意的一个知识点:在英文表示某一种商店的短语中,shop这个词往往可以省略,如文中的the butchers 其实就是the butchers shop的省略

3、,另外像文中的the greengrocers 其实就是 the greengrocers shop 的省略,另外的例子还有the hairdressers (shop )等等,shop 的省略不影响句义,就是一种表达的习惯。2、how is jimmy today?吉米今天怎么样?在本句中我们继续复习关于询问人或事物状况的几个重要的句型:How is/are+主语、怎么样?例:How are you today?你今天可好?How is Tom today?汤姆今天可好?另外What is the matter with、?经常用来询问人和事物的状况,常作“是否有问题”“是否有麻烦讲”例如:

4、What is the matter with Tom?汤姆怎么了啊?What is the matter with this bike?这辆自行车怎么了啊?What is the matter with the book?这本书怎么了?3、Was he absent from school last week?上周他没上学吧?在本句中需要掌握一个重点短语的用法:be absent from:缺席、例:He is absent from the meeting since he is ill.他今天缺席会议是因为他病了。He is absent from school last week.上周

5、他没有去学校。be absent from这个短语在考试中经常出现,需要重点掌握。4、we are going to spend three days in the country.我们打算去乡下住三天。在本句中需要掌握两个知识点:be going to及其与spend 的用法。be going to do sth:计划将要干某事,例:He is going to go swimming tomorrow afternoon.明天你下午他准备去游泳。He is going to have a party next week.下周他准备举办个聚会。Spend的用法:spend是英语中非常重要的一

6、个单词,关于spend的用法需要掌握以下三点:spend的主语只能是表示人的名词或代词,主语不能是物。例:Tom spent a lot of time in finishing his homework. 汤姆花了很长时间做作业。Tom spend a lot of money on books. 汤姆买书花了很多钱。表示在.上花费(时间、金钱等),常用句型spend some money/ some time on sth.,介词on后接名词或代词。例:Tom spend a lot of money on books.汤姆买书花了很多钱。He spends two hours on hi

7、s homework every day.他每天都花费两个小时做作业。表示花费(时间、金钱等)做某事,则常用句型spend some money/some time (in) doing sth,此时第二个动词要用动词-ing形式,介词in可以省略。例:Mother spent all her energy (in ) educating the children.妈妈花全部的精力来教育孩子。He spent his life (in) writing this book.他用了一辈子的时间来写这本书。5、课文中短语集锦:at the butchers:在肉店。How is Jimmy tod

8、ay?吉米今天怎样?be absent from:缺席、;没有参加、last week:上周; on Monday/Tuesday:在星期一/星期二;in the country:在乡下;Arent you lucky:你们真幸运。6、本课重要语法:一般过去式。一般过去时指在过去某个时间里发生的动作或状态以及过去经常性的动作及行为。基本结构:主语+动词过去式+其他,例:I forgot to open the door.我忘记开门了。I enjoyed myself at the party.我在聚会上玩得很高兴。基本用法:一般过去时主要表示在某一个过去时间发生的动作或状况,其中包括习惯性的动

9、作,通常与表示过去的时间状语连用:I got up at7:00yesterday morning.昨天早晨我五点就起床了。She went to the cinema last week.上周他去看电影了。叙述一个发生在过去的故事或者时间的时候,叙述的内容一般用一般过去时。例:Tom read an interesting novel yesterday. 汤姆昨天读了一本非常有趣的小说。Tom and I went swimming last week.上周我跟汤姆去游泳了。动词过去式的变化规则:动词过去式变化形式分规则变化与不规则变化,不规则变化需要单纯记忆,规则变化如下:一般情况下直接

10、加ed:work worked looklooked playplayed, waitwaited;以e结尾的单词,直接加即可:live lived hopehoped useused, movemoved.以辅音字母+y结尾的单词,变y为i再加ed:study studied carrycarried worryworried, 以元音字母+y结尾的,直接加ed:enjoy enjoyed 以重读闭音节结尾的,双写最后的辅音字母+ed: stop stopped planplanned patpatted句型转换:在一般过去时中把肯定句转换成疑问句,需要遵循以下规律:句中若有was/were

11、,直接把was/were提到主语前即可。例:I was at the library yesterday morning.昨天早晨我在图书馆了。Were you at the library yesterday morning?你昨天早晨在图书馆吗?Yes, I was/No, I was not.句中没有was/were,需要借助于did, did放在主语前,后边动词用动词原形。I got up at 7:00 yesterday morning.昨天早晨我七点起床。Did you get up at 7:00 yesterday morning?你昨天早晨是起点起床的吗?Yes, I di

12、d/No, I did not.在一般过去时中把肯定句转换成否定句,需要遵循以下规律:句中有was/were,直接在was/were后边加not 即可。例:I was at the library yesterday morning.变成否定句:昨天早晨我在图书馆了。I was not at the library yesterday morning. 昨天早晨我没在图书馆。句中没有was/were,需要借助于did not,同时把相应的动词变成动词原形。如:He went to the cinema last week.变成否定句上周他去看电影了。He did not go to the c

13、inema last week.上周他没有去看电影。一般过去时标志词,最常见的有以下几个:ago短语,一段时间+ago, two hours ago等; yesterday,yesterday短语,yesterday morning/afternoon/evening; last短语last year/night/ month/week等等。Lesson68 what is the time?几点钟?一、单词及短语church:n.教堂;go to church:去教堂;dairy:n.乳品店;baker: n.面包师傅;grocer:n.食品杂货商。二、短语句型及语法What is the time? 几点钟?主要问的是时间,注意时间的表达方式,几点过几分用“past”(小于半点), 差几分几点用“to”(多余半点),半点用half,一刻钟用a quarter。where were you on、?、你在什么地方?On 后边一般加具体的时间,如:Where were you on Friday? 周五的时候你在哪?when were you at、?你什么时候在、at后边一般跟具体的地点,例:when were you at school?你什么时候在学校?when were you at home?你什么时候在家?


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