物流英语unit 1教材

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1、物流英语 Logistics professinal English Why? 重庆地区的近20家国有企事业单位、民营 企业和合资企业进行了“专业英语社会需求 ”问卷调查,近60%的单位希望大学毕业生在 需要时能够用英语与客户进行面对面的交 流。有50.45%的单位希望毕业生能用英语 参加技术或学术交流。 调查的结果还表明,约55%的调查单位将写 和说的能力放在第二位的要求上。 Why? 课堂调查:物流专业英语重要吗? 问卷调查结果:已毕业的学长认为重要和 比较重要的占72% 在校学生认为重要和比较重要的占85.9% 认为不重要的占14.1% How? Good good study,day

2、day up. Study well/hard and make progress everyday. 切忌犯中文逻辑错误 认真学,努力学 记单词 专业英语课程的内容 词汇(细胞) 单证(骨架) 信函和函电(肌肉) 文章(整体) 物流专业词汇的总体特征 词汇量大,且具有一定的专业性。也具有相似的特 点。总体来说可以分为三类: 普通词汇 半专业词汇 专业术语 普通词汇就是在日常生活中使用的词汇,如报纸、 杂志、新闻媒体等。物流英语词汇大部分是由普 通词汇构成的,比如cash,cargo,certify。半专业 词汇也是普通词汇,但是它在物流英语中具有特殊 的含义。 举例 Customer con

3、trol 翻译成海关监管,不能翻译成顾客控制 Bill of lading 提单,而非提货单,“提单” 和“提货单”是两种完全不同的。 遇到某些词一时无法确定词义,如: Average ,常用的词义是“平均的”,但是 在海洋运输中它有海损的意思,如general average 共同海损,average clause 海损条 款。 物流专业英语词汇的特点 一、特定含义词汇 Lean business:不是小生意而要译成精益 企业 Lead time:前置期而非引导期 Shelf life :货架期而非架子的寿命 Collect:在货到后付款 物流专业英语词汇的特点 二、多词一意 物流科技文章为

4、了精确地表达相近的概念 和意义之间的细微差别,有时候也为了避 免用词上的单调,普遍使用同义词或近义 词。比如: Acquisition,procurement,sourcing,purc hasing都可以表示购买、采购。 Inventory,stroage,stock,warehouse均可 以表示仓储、库存、存货。 物流专业英语词汇的特点 三、一词多义 Shipping space:发货区,shipping 表示 发货 Shipping by chartering(租船运输)中, shipping 指运输; Shipping agency(船务代理)中, shipping指船务; Adva

5、nced notice of shipping delay(送货 延迟通知),shipping 指送货; 物流专业英语词汇的特点 四、广泛使用名词短语。 包括中心词和修饰语。中心名词往往是最后一个名词,修 饰语是由形容词或名词组成。如:carrying capacity=capacity for carrying,承载能力 Rationed sorting scales= scale used for sorting sth. by ration.定量分选 Delivery truck=truck used for delivery(运货车) convertible container shi

6、p=the container ship is convertible(集装箱两用船) Container number list= list of container number集装 箱号码单 物流专业英语词汇的特点 五、广用缩略词 每个领域、行业、学科都有自己的一套特定的缩 写词,甚至在同一个行业中同样的缩写词也会代 表不同的含义,物流专业英语也不例外。 CRP:continuous replenishment program,连续 库存补充计划 CAO:computer asisted ordering,计算机辅助 订货 FCL:full container load;整箱货 VMI:

7、vendor management inventory;供应商 管理库存 物流专业英语词汇的特点 六、合成词与派生词 合成词从过去的双词组合发展到多词组合 ;派生词趋向于任意构词,这种构词具有 灵活性和任意性。 Airfreight 空运; outsoucing 外购 Fiberboard 纤维板;door-to-door 门到门 Subcontractor 分包商,转包商 课堂小练习 Container Marks Clean on board bill of lading Packing list Bonded goods 我们学过哪些专业基础课程? List of Professiona

8、l Basic Course Logistics Overview物流学概论 Operations Research 运筹学 Warehouse and Stock Management 仓储与库存 管理 production and operation management Commodity science 商品学 Marketing Management 市场营销管理 Market Research and Prediction市场调查与预测 物流英语 Unit 1 Introduction to Logistics Unit 2 Customer Service Unit 3 Ware

9、housing Unit 4 Transportation and Distribution Unit 5 Packaging Unit 6 International Logistics Unit 7 Purchasing 物流英语 Unit 8 the Third Party Logistics Unit 9 Supply Chain Management Unit 10 Logistics Information Management Unit 1 Introduction to Logistics Text 1 What is Logistics Dialogue 1 Introduc

10、tion to Logistics Company Text 2 Activities in Logistics System Dialogue 2 Visiting a Logistics Company Learning Objectives Knowledge learning Objective To understand the definition of logistics To know the importance of logistics To learn the activeities of logitics Skill developing objective Commu

11、nication skill in introducing the logistics company Writiing skill in introducing the logistics company Text 1 What is Logistics Exercises Pair work:talking face to face, and think it over, discuss the following questions. 1What is logistics? 2Why is logistics so important? 3Is logistics something n

12、ew? Why? 4What is the logistics main function? 5How do you understand the development of logistics management? New Words and Phrases 2.构词法:a.名词后缀-tion,-sion b.动词后缀-ize:表示使成为;表示使化 Realize,organize,popularize,finalize,econo mize,industrialize,centrlize,modernize,reco lutionize,mechanize,cognize,capita

13、lize.civil ize,criticize,advertize and so. 1.new words Logistics ; evolve ; integrate ; Text 1 What is Logistics 【Para 1】The Definition of Logistics(物 流的概念) 1. There are various definitions of different edition. But in general, there are mainly two types of definition in practice. Text 1 What is Log

14、istics 2. In Chinese Logistics Terms, logistics means the pgysical movement of goods from the supplier point to the receive point. Based on practical need, integrated organically the variety of the basic functional activities including transportation, storage, loading and unloading, handling, packag

15、e, distribution and information management, etc. Text 1 What is Logistics 1.Logistics is that part of the supply chain management 物流是供应链管理的一部分,意味着物流会影响到单 个企业以及它相关的供应链会多好或多糟糕的实现其 目标。 About the definition adopted by CLM Means logistics can affect how well or how poorly an individual firm and its assoc

16、iated supply chain can achieve goals and objectives. 2.Plans, implements, and controls 计划、实施和控制意味着物流包括这三项活动, 而不是其中的一项或两项。 About the definition adopted by CLM Means logistics involved the all three activities but not just one or two. 3.The efficient, effective forward and reverse flow and storage About the


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