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1、marketing strict internal cost control, business and innovation performance. -Increasing electricity access, price increase, electricity supply is guaranteed. In 2012, the company with coal inventory, get rewards of Jiangsu provincial government power to 266 million kWh. Through the small and bilate

2、ral trade, access to electricity 1.695 billion kWh, seeking removal compensation when the power 50 million-kilowatt, 116% market share in Jiangsu Province ranked first in the same capacity, the same type units. Company closely tracked coal linkage policies on July 1 and August 20 respectively increa

3、se prices 2.08 minutes and 2.5 points, profitability increased significantly. 公 . Job grading, remuneration of labour agreements into long-term contract workers compensation system, stimulating the enthusiasm of the staff. -Further strengthening of human resources management. Full implementation of

4、the performance appraisal regulations, incentive effect. Complete the reserve cadre evaluation and selection, produced 10 primary reserve cadres and 11 secondary reserve cadres. Implementation of operation staff induction gang system, 14 staff posts be promoted. Strengthening the cultivation of prof

5、essional technical leaders, selected coverage 9 13 factory-level professional and technical leaders. To enhance staff skills training, 8 staff technicians. Labor contract law compliance, contracts of up to 100%. -Star team-building to advance further. Establish a holding system implementation, and p

6、romoting the whole team-building goals, strengthen group management. Team building into a performance review, promoting the construction of the star team depth. This year, respectively, 1 track, 4 team four star rated five-star by Datang and the team. Four, insists on six cultural construction of ha

7、rmonious development, really good job of party construction and the independent Commission against corruption, strengthening the humanistic care and psychological counseling, the enterprise culture construction to a new level. -Building of enterprise culture is fruitful. Companies adhere to the Shen

8、hua lead of corporate culture, culture of responsibility at the core, to safety culture, a culture of learning, ethical culture, cost culture culture system-assisted, through various cultural integration, has boosted business centre, this year has won the Chinese cultural management advanced unit, N

9、ational Advanced Unit in the building of enterprise culture of reform and opening up 30 and other honorary titles. The liability of the company culture: solving management problems of corporate culture project was awarded the CEC national electric power enterprise culture achievement award of excell

10、ence. The accident early warning and prevention system was rated as Chinas power of innovation management, innovation management of electric power enterprise in Jiangsu Province. -Party and the independent Commission against corruption continues to strengthen. Was carried out to maintain 20142015年七年

11、级期中考试试卷一单项选择题:(每题2分)1.含羞草的叶子被碰后会合拢,这说明生物具有A.呼吸 B.生长现象 C.繁殖能力 D.对外界刺激作出反应的能力 2.下列生物不是按生活环境划分的一组是A.鱼和鲸 B.猫头鹰和蝙蝠 C.狗和水草 D.鱼和水草3.以下哪项不是仙人掌生存需要的基本条件A.阳光 B.水分 C.空气 D.有机物4.下列能构成生物圈的是A.地球及生物 B.湖泊中的所有生物 C.地球上的所有的人类 D. 森林中的所有的树木5.下列哪项不是生活在河中的鲫鱼的生态因素A.河中的水 B.河岸上吃草的羊 C.同种的鱼 D.不同种的鱼6.为确保实验组、对照组实验结果的合理性,对影响实验的其他相

12、关因素应设置A.相同的条件 B.不同的条件 C.相对的条件 D.相似的条件7.每年的6月5日是“世界环境日”,环保是我国的一项基本国策。下列做法中不利于环境保护的是A.植树造林 B.宣传环境保护的法规法纪C.大量使用农药、化肥 D.对工业废水、废气进行处理8.竹节虫的身体与竹枝极为相似,这属于A.生物对环境的影响 B.生物对环境的适应C.环境对生物的制约 D.环境对生物的适应9.生态平衡是指生态系统中的各种生物A.数量不改变 B.比例不改变 C.数量和所占比例相对平衡 D.数量暂时平衡10.生态系统中的生产者主要是指A.进行生产创造的人类 B.能分解动植物遗体,在物质循环中起作用的细菌、真菌等

13、C.以捕捉其他生物为食的动物 D.能利用光能,制造有机物的植物D.能分解动植物遗体,在物质循环中起作用的细菌、真菌等11.下列哪一生态系统被誉为“地球之肾”A.湿地生态系统 B.草原生态系统 C.森林生态系统 D.湖泊生态系统12.小明在显微镜的视野中看到一个“d”字,请问透明纸上写的是A.d B.b C.q D.p13.小红同学在用显微镜观察洋葱鳞片表皮细胞,显微镜的目镜有5和10两种,物镜有10和40两种,下列组合中观察到细胞数目最少的是A.目镜5,物镜10 B.目镜10,物镜10C. 目镜5,物镜40 D.目镜10,物镜4014.对光时,应选择A.最小光圈 B.最大光圈 C.高倍物镜 D

14、.最小焦距15.在观察临时装片时,如在视野中看到中央发亮、周边黑暗的圆圈,该圆圈可能是A.污物 B.细胞 C.气泡 D.墨水16.细胞中含量最多的是A.水 B.糖类 C.无机盐 D.蛋白质17.下列说法正确的是A.所有的物质都能穿过细胞膜 B.细胞是物质、能量和信息的统一体C.细胞中的物质都是自己制造的 D.细胞中的物质分有机物和无机盐两大类18.一棵榕树的树叶、根的细胞遗传物质含量A.一样多 B.不一样多 C.叶比根多 D.根比叶多19.克隆羊多莉长得非常像A.供细胞核的母羊 B.供无核卵的母羊 C.代孕的母羊 D.A、B、C三种羊的一部分20.下列不属于器官的一组结构是A.肝脏和胃 B.脾和肌肉 C.一段骨和一块肌肉 D.血液 21.植物的根从土壤中吸收水分后,由图1中哪种组织把水运输到叶片?图122.绿色开花植物的结构层次是A.细胞组织器官植物体 B.细胞组织系统植物体C.细胞器官系统植物体 D.细胞器官组织植物体23.下列生物中属于单细胞生物的是A.蚂蚁 B.大豆 C.变形虫 D.蚯蚓24.用显微镜观察草履虫时,经常在临时装片的培养液中放一些棉丝,其作用是A.增加温度 B.增加营养 C.便于计数 D.限制草履虫的运动25.病毒这一类生物



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