2016春五年级英语下册 unit 4 did you have a nice trip lesson 19《liming comes home》课件1 冀教版(三起)

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2016春五年级英语下册 unit 4 did you have a nice trip lesson 19《liming comes home》课件1 冀教版(三起)_第1页
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2016春五年级英语下册 unit 4 did you have a nice trip lesson 19《liming comes home》课件1 冀教版(三起)_第2页
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2016春五年级英语下册 unit 4 did you have a nice trip lesson 19《liming comes home》课件1 冀教版(三起)_第3页
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《2016春五年级英语下册 unit 4 did you have a nice trip lesson 19《liming comes home》课件1 冀教版(三起)》由会员分享,可在线阅读,更多相关《2016春五年级英语下册 unit 4 did you have a nice trip lesson 19《liming comes home》课件1 冀教版(三起)(15页珍藏版)》请在金锄头文库上搜索。

1、Lesson 19 Li Ming comes home Think about it : 1 When you go on a trip,who misses you ? 2 When you go home,who do you bring gifts for? 3 What did Li Ming buy for his father? why? Listen and answer: 1 Did Li Ming have a good trip? 2 What did Li Ming buy for his father? Yes , he did. He had a great tri

2、p, A T-shirt. T- shirt Li Ming bought a T-shirt for his father. buyfor 给某人买某物 buy sth. for sb. buy sb. sth. I want to buy _ for _. Read and fill: A:Hello, Li Ming . I missed you. B: _. A:Did you have a nice trip? B:Yes. _.I wanted to _ a gift _ you . B: What did you buy? A:I bought a T-shirt for you

3、 and a T-shirt for _. I missed you, too I had a great tripbuy for myself Can you find the rules: miss missed walk walked want wanted talk talked look looked They all end in “ed” do did have had buy bought is was Look! They are special: 一般过去时: 表示过去某一时间所发生的动作或存在的状态。谓语 动词要用一般过去式。经常与yesterday(昨天), last

4、week(上周), last month(上个月), last year(去年 ), two months ago(两个月前), the day before yesterday(前天),in 1990 (在1990年), in those days (在那些日子里)等表示过去的时间状语连用。 过去式的变化规则: 1. 直接加-ed 2. 以不发音的字母e 结尾的,直接加-d , 3. 以辅音字母加y 结尾的, 变 y 为i 加-ed 4. 以一个元音字母加一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节单 词, 双写词尾再加-ed . 有些动词过去式的变化是不规则的,例如: do/does did am/is

5、was are were have/has had buy bought 给出下列动词的过去式: 1.look _ want _ turn _ 2.arrive _ live _ 3.stop _ shop _ 4.carry _ worry _ 5.go _ have _ is _buy_ lookedwantedturned arrivedlived shoppedstopped carriedworried wenthadwas bought 将下列一般现在时的句子变为一般过去时 1. I miss you. I _ you. 2 . A:Do you have a nice trip? _ you _ a nice trip? B:Yes! I have a nice trip. Yes! I _ a nice trip. 3. What do you do? What _ you _ ? missed Did have had did do Homework A good trip You can write: Where did you go ? Who did you go with ? What did you do ?



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